Showing posts with label — A Paradise for Parents (@HalCranmer) November 21. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — A Paradise for Parents (@HalCranmer) November 21. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Our populations need high levels of vitamins . . . because we're consuming so many carbs we can't handle the amount of sugar in our body. And as soon as you eat more meat and less processed food . . . vitamin deficiencies recover.

Ruminant meat is the only food that people can actually survive on as a single food without supplementing with anything else which is the perfect elemental diet for a sick person.

If you use meat as the first food for a baby, their head circumference is actually larger than babies fed without meat.  The ketogenic diet, which is the type of diet I'm on minus the plant food, has been shown to treat epilepsy since the 1920s and was kind of put out of fashion by anti-epileptics.  In the first study on the carnivore diet, released by Harvard this November, adults consuming a carnivore diet experienced few adverse effects and instead reported health benefits and high satisfaction.  The surprise came because an average of 90% of people saw improvements across all diseases on the diet.  One in four people over 64 have type 2 diabetes in America.   All respondents with diabetes discontinued non-insulin injection agents;  84% discontinued oral medication, and 92% of participants on the carnivore diet with type 2 diabetes discontinued insulin altogether.  Over 2,000 people were studied who were on the diet for over 6 months, and there was a 90% reduction in all diseases.  The demonization of red meat was based off of a few hypotheses based on observational studies that have been proven to be false.  Saturated fat has slowly been disappearing as the cause [for] heart disease in scientific literature because it's not the cause [for] heart disease.  The studies on colorectal cancer were done on people who also ate more sugar and processed foods, [like] McDonald's.  The need for fiber is a myth when you don't consume plants.  Our populations need high levels of vitamins, and it turns out that's only necessary because we're consuming so many carbs we can't handle the amount of sugar in our body.  And as soon as you eat more meat and less processed food, that need goes away and vitamin deficiencies recover.