Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Mellow Kat & Jeffrey Prather Interview by MellowKat

Prather Point!

Read on Substack

Mellow Kat arrives at the 18:30 mark.

Cloud seeders, not the chemtrailers. Chris Roche.

The Great Take is upon us from the solar radiation management, stealing our sun, and prohibiting crop growth to all the salts that they're spraying into the atmosphere.  As you know, salt was used in the past to kill crops.  And the Net Zero and the crisper engineering of seeds, I have so many things that I've been looking into for years.  The cloud seeding aspect, the weather modification aspect, is just one of many interests that I've held dear.  So what have I been doing with regard to watching weather modification pilots . . . I started raising my own chickens, and the timing couldn't have been better because I knew that there was going to be another pandemic on the horizon I knew that bird flu was a possibility for something that they would pull.  

I noticed Chemtrails about 10 years ago but I never really pursued it or invested in trying to expose it because I was raising a child.  It was just my initial observations that lead to me trying to identify who is leaving the trails.  So on my own, I was self-taught, I just did a search looking up tail number, "How do you look up flights?" I stumbled upon FlightRadar24.  That was where for the first time I was able to zoom in on the map and my son loved it because he was really into airplanes military jets and helicopters and so together we were exploring FlightRadar24.  And some of the things I learned about simply by tapping on an aircraft and investigating their tail numbers and their call signs was that there were multiple things happening over our heads that we were oblivious to.  At one point, I'm watching an old Navy surveillance blimp cross over us and land I believe, at the old castle Air Force Base.  I said to my husband, I said, "There's a Navy surveillance blimp out there."  I said "They're surveiling us."  He said, "They can't do that; it's against the law," but under a private company they could; hence the global public-private partnerships, where there's all sorts of surveillance and tracking and projects happening unbeknownst to us.  

21:15.  So I was very outspoken during the 2020 years.  I was fighting the tyrannical mandates.  I started to really then wake up to what is happening.  That was my greatest wake-up call

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