Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The language of medicine is the language of the gulag

It is amazing how young couples when first starting out in their respective careers, that one of the perks they love to brag about is the benefit package from their company.  "Oh, we've got 100% coverage.  No deductibles."  I mean this is more important than the salaries in a lot of cases.  And I get it.  Most young people go without insurance with the exception maybe of emergency care, and they're so glad that they finally get to be tested for that minor but aching and nagging problem they had in their foot.  So they go to the doctor, they get tested, the doctor recommends procedures, and the young person doesn't know how to negotiate their own healthcare.  They learn of course, but at what cost?  

What people do learn is that the industry does not have your best health in mind.  Ever.  Hospitals are like abattoirs, where the very young and very old go to die.  Yet, parents will take their very young and their very old parents to the hospital . . . to die.  As an industry, we've not come very far from the 19th and 18th century gruesome experiments.  Part of that has to do with censorship.  One example is the germ versus the terrain theory.  All of modern medicine operates on the germ theory, that viruses are contagious.  

But what about vaccination history, from flu shots to polio shots to tetanus shots.  How could it be that we view remnants of a dead virus as some kind of mystical miracle of healing?  Easy, treat all of medicine as mystical and incomprehensible.  What we get in our benefits package is an invitation to a witch doctor, oh, witch doctors with tons of confidence because of the low liability on their part that comes with the monetary rewards from the same companies, the insurance companies.  We are living under a 3rd Reich of medicine.

Doctors rely on what scientists play with or discover or don't discover and then cover it with some kind of crazy theory.  And doctors follow whatever scientists advance.  In 1911, scientists tried proving the contagion theory of viruses by injecting the blood of a diseased monkey into healthy monkeys.  But the monkey would not develop the same disease.  Yes, they'd develop a fever and inflammation, which is an immune response to a foreign protein, but they would not develop the disease.  Yet we've been made to believe for decades if not centuries that if we're around someone with a cold we too will get that cold.  But immune systems are different, some are stronger than others.  This is why a medical card should be shown to people important to you.

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