Friday, September 20, 2024

Chase Hughes on Methylene Blue

Chase Hughes on Methylene Blue.  

Dr. John Lieurance was talking about mitochondria.  Took Chase 2 days to find the video by Dr. John Lieurance on Methylene Blue.  His book, It's All in Your Head: Endo Nasal Cranial Therapy, Dr. John Lieurance, 2022.

7:14  I've had 9 deployments, explosions, all that kind of stuff.  I don't have any front teeth on the top left.  These are all fake.  

7:23  Is the bridge straight across the midline?

I think so. 

7:28  Broken nose?  I can see that your nose is still a little . . . 

7:30  A few times.

7:31  How's your breathing through the nose, that feels restricted? 

7:35  I can only breathe out of one nostril. 

7:36  Which one? 

7:38  This one.  The right side.  

7:41  This is what's really interesting and I get into depth in my Endo Nasal book about like what happens because your parasympathetic is going to be run more by the right brain, right?  So the left nostril is going to be more parasympathetic.  So if you're not breathing, and that air isn't going through there, you're not activating different systems that are going to keep your autonomic nervous system running, which is going to be, like, you know, profusing the brain because so . . . what concerns me is that so this is supposed to move.  You never cross the midline, so literally we may see some really positive changes with you even with this apparatus in here but then you might not hold on to it.  It might not be until we get this split so that it can move.

8:46. So all this stuff I would have scoffed at was actually proven science and they don't teach the stuff in medical school I learn more about my brain health then I thought was even possible and I got really seriously introduced of red light therapy and how red light gets absorbed and then used by methylene blue in our body's bodies and it's proven to help with everything from pain and inflammation to dementia and brain issues in even hair loss and I'm actually embarrassed to say that I thought all this was friends I really thought that and I didn't think I'd fine of studies in a mountain a very serious research here.

9:31. It's day three I just finished my second full day with Dr John and yesterday obviously as you saw there is some amazing stuff I just got a notification on my screen my Uber's going to be here in 2 minutes so I'll see you there.

9:46.  Let me give you a tiny sample of what I heard about methylene blue.  It supercharges our brain, energy, our memory, our focus, our cognitive performance and it doesn't just sharpen short-term and long-term memory it also balances out your neurotransmitters.  It can reduce depression and anxiety which makes it a hugely powerful mood stabilizer and it shields ourselves from something called oxidative stress, which is the cause of disease and it promotes overall health and life longevity while it also boosts mitochondrial efficiency to increase our energy levels but it didn't stop there.  Methylene Blue crosses the blood-brain barrier to give massive support to your neurons it's like nothing I've ever seen before protect against neurodegenerative conditions like mesial temporal sclerosis.  And I always thought that if something could save my life I would hear about it from a doctor or it would be extremely popular methylene blue isn't sexy it's not expensive a long time ago so it's easy to make and it's able to make money for the factory that makes it but the big companies not so much and I realize the doctors that I've been talking to aren't lying they just don't get education on this stuff which is seriously well reviewed and well documented for over 100 years it was all too good to be true.  And then it went crazy.  I listened to Dr John talk about melatonin in doses of 200 mg I genuinely thought melatonin was a 2 mg little pill for sleeping.  Man, was I wrong.  I had no idea.  it's a sleep aid.  It regulates sleep sleep-wake cycle.  It's an insanely powerful antioxidant.  It's a huge immune system booster that makes us fight infections, but it even helps battle chronic diseases.  It reduces inflammation all over the body, which is the root of almost all disease and it can boost your mood and reduce anxiety and it can help with managing serious pain, even helping with brain repair, repairing a human brain.  And on top of all of this, taking high doses of melatonin doesn't change how your body makes its own melatonin.  There's no crash there's no rebound and what I just described about melatonin is like 3% of what it's capable of doing.  I tried the Melatonin.  It was a suppository because taking it orally means the liver is going to destroy almost all of it in something that we call the first-pass effect.  The next day I woke up feeling better than when I was in my twenties and my mind and memory were perfect and I thought it was a fluke until about 3 weeks went by and I went from nine seizures a day to zero.  My kids were going to have a father.  And I shared this with people with severe brain disease and dementia, fibromyalgia, and amyloidosis.  I'm not a doctor but it seems to be radically helping people and everybody that I've talked to about this has come back and told me doctors have never seen recoveries like this before and the brain absolutely can rewire itself which is exactly what I needed and I did my first therapeutic psychedelic experience in California where it's legal.  I ingested about 4 grams of psilocybin mushrooms and I have the most spiritual experience of my entire life and within 45 minutes I swear to you I could feel the neurons were wiring themselves back together or the damage was.  And the other most important thing I learned about was something called beetroot powder it improves blood flow it's high in stuff called nitrites which are body converts down into nitric oxide it helps our blood flow all over our body including the brain and beets are packed with antioxidants and one of them is called betalins and these help protect brain cells from oxidative stress that we talked about so all throughout this journey through thousands of research papers and scientific data and I found one thing all the time that seriously shook me up: the further a creature is removed from their natural environment the more they suffer disease.  And this isn't just humans it's all creatures.  As a behavioral expert, I started to understand this in a profound way that shook me to my core our ancestors passed down a lot to us fears and instincts, behavioral patterns, wisdom, and lots of neurological wiring to keep us alive.  And I realize that the lower part of our brain is like an ancestor living inside of us and when we spend time in nature that part of the brain starts thriving like crazy it's like an ancestor is there in your head and showing them a bunch of shopping malls and freeways is really confusing to them; they don't know what that is.  This is the way that I look at it anyway. We don't thrive in nature.  We are nature.  We are not meant to be away from it for long if ever, and this is why disease is so prevalent.  And for people who don't spend a lot of time in nature, disease thrives in artificial environments, whether you are a whale living in captivity or a human living in a city this will be a whole different video coming soon but let me sum it up for you.  


Distance from descendants is disease.  When we become disconnected from Our Roots our heritage in the natural ways of life that are ancestors would recognize it leads to various forms of illness, physical and psychological.  So I was all in and Michelle was all in too.  We wanted our kids have not stop exposure to Nature.  We sold our house immediately, and we moved into this.  No more faking it.  No more brain disease, at least so far.  It's been 9 months.  If you want a few details about what I'm doing, I'm going to add a ton of research for you in the description and a link to Doctor John's YouTube videos that seriously changed my life.  And if you can get your fingers ready I'm going to put my phone neurology protocol on the screen right here so you can screenshot the whole thing in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1, now.

16:40. It's been 9 months and so far things look very promising and I think I found a way to actually save my brain if I had taken that first prescription, not a single neuron would have been healed.  No damage would have been repaired and there was no way to tell if my brain would continue to just fail and fall apart none of this is medical advice I'm not a doctor but I hope this might enable you to possibly change someone's life I might go right back to seizures any day it's possible I imagine and I might forget who I am and who my family is but for the meantime, this is what I'm calling it.  It is a miracle, and this means we can all be a miracle for somebody in some way.  The universe isn't out there.  You are part of it.  The molecules that make up your body have been here for millions of years our lives are insanely short and nobody really knows the meaning of life or why we're even here for sure.  

And I've been on 9 deployments.  I've seen the worst that the world has to offer, and with my tiny peephole of life, I can tell you that there's no benefit to pessimism you can think of.  But let me leave you with one of the most important lessons I've ever learned in my life and this is to choose to live with compassion and relentless curiosity.

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