Friday, August 23, 2024

NICOLE SHANAHAN: "The hesitation we have right now in joining forces with Trump is that he has not apologized or publicly come out and said Operation Warp Speed was his fault.

JUST NOW: SHANAHAN SAYS THEY ARE "HESITANT" ABOUT JOINING FORCES WITH TRUMP "The hesitation we have right now in joining forces with Trump is that he has not apologized or publicly come out and said Operation Warp Speed was his fault. The vaccinations, the lockdowns letting Fauci and Francis Collins run the show, the firing of the other folks at the NIH and individuals at the CDC who were censored... There was a lot that happened under Donald Trump's watch that should not have happened and cannot happen again.

And if we are going to put our bet with him - and we haven't - we have not confirmed anything - but we need absolute assurance." 

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