Thursday, September 7, 2023

Lincoln and his Republican thugs had 30K NORTHERN civilians arrested and imprisoned

Mail was searched and confiscated. Newspapers were shut down. Elections were rigged and voters intimidated by U.S. soldiers with Lincoln's knowledge. Southern POWs were purposely starved and tortured (Camp Douglas in IL, Ft. Delaware in DE, etc.) with Lincoln's knowledge--and Chicago citizens thrown in the dungeon at Camp Douglas, including women.

And that's just in the North. This does not include Lincoln's wanton disregard for human life, both black and white, in the South.
Lincoln appointed generals who knowingly violated the Lieber Code. Lincoln knew it, too, which violated his own public policies. Even former SCOTUS Justice B. R. Curtis called Lincoln's use of executive power tyrannical, the same B.R. Curtis who offered a dissenting opinion on Dred Scott.

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