Saturday, September 23, 2023

Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

Thank you to Greg Reese

Favis has found that the CCP has much more power for lasers and deployed already .  He's calculated that the CCP has up to 70 gigawatt lasers in earth's orbit right now.  That's at least 100 times more powerful than he factored into these calculations.

Favis found the following: 

The Olinda fire was ignited at approximately 10:47 p.m on August 7th. At this exact time, the CCP satellite labeled NORAD 53299 was directly over the location.

The Lahaina fire was ignited at approximately 6:37 a.m. on August 8th.  At this exact time, CCP satellite labeled NORAD 55836 was directly over the location. 

The Kula fire was ignited at approximately 11:30 a.m. August 8th.  At this exact time, CCP satellite labeled NORAD 53299 was directly over the location.

My question is why do CCP satellites have the name of NORAD on them?

It's not like this stuff is new.  They put it on the in the television shows for predictive programming, not to alert you but to demoralize you once you know, once you learn of their schemes.  The PP demoralizes you because you realize after the fact that, wow, they were telling us with some specificity but we did nothing about it.  It builds in apathy.  They dangle the stuff in front of us.  It creates helplessness, like when Che Guevara would murder individuals publicly and televise it so that their families would watch the execution of their father from home.

Thanks to Jerri Lynn Ward for the Rockwell article

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