Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Scottish Doctor, Dr. William Rowley, MD., Was the World's First Anti-Vaxxer, Pointing Out the Demeaning Practices of Vaccinators

The following quote is from William Rowley's 1805 Small Pox Innoculation: No Security Against Small Pox Infection.

Besides diluting parents, threaten them unmercifully if they dare to disclose vaccination errors, and they remain silent under their sorrows.  Others, through respect to their medical practitioners, will neither admit their own nor [their] doctors' names to be published for fear of giving offense.  Others are cajoled and forced to say or do anything vaccination fallacy chooses to dictate.  Thus, the most sacred truths are for a Time perverted by artifice and low stratagem.  Those who assert one thing today which they contradict tomorrow are never, however, believed.  Vaccination cunning would be the most superlative refined and imposing that ever existed if vaccinators had sufficient mental powers to hide their cunning, but mankind [has] been so repeatedly deceived that if vaccinators even spoke truth it would not be believed by anyone who has the least potential to discernment, reflection, and judgment. 

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