Wednesday, June 15, 2022

"What are your credentials!!" Apparently, reading, knowledge, thinking, & learning amount to nothing for old Shane "Rover Morning Glory" French

Here is Shane French's on-air hit job on Brandy Vaughn, who created the organization,

Perhaps the most bizarre feature of Shane "The Illiterate" French's attack on Vaugn is launched by the billboards she and her organization was paying to have put up.  Check out the billboard.  It's asking people to research vaccines before they decide to get a vaccine.  Being cautious is prudent for anyone considering a health decision.  But not for Shane "Pharma Pimp" French.  It literally says, "Did you research VACCINES?"  

And because she doesn't have the credentials you want, Shane "I operate on Big Pharma blind faith" French, you use that to go after a message that asks people to learn, to research, instead of going on blind faith?  Apparently having a conflicting opinion is too much to stand for Shane "First Amendment, Free Speech Defender" French.

Strange how he begs her for her credentials, but is just fine without having the credentials, or any credentials whatsoever, of his own, or for being a radio jockey, other than a foul mouth and black heart.  In answer to his high standards, I wrote, 

To sell any product or service, one must have knowledge of the product. The interviewer seems to think you need a Ph.D. and refuses to accept anything less or an answer that doesn't reach his standards. You give a whole new depth to the meaning of shallow. Nice hit job. Who's paying your salary, Frenchi.

Brandy Vaughn's organization did pay for other billboards with excellent facts and questions.

Check out Shane's Facebook page comments.  It's a consensus.  

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