Monday, June 27, 2022

Biden will be gone between the midterms and Christmas

6:50. Biden will be gone between the midterm elections and Christmas.  They absolutely have to get rid of him because once Kamala takes over she has to have a VP.  And she gas to get that VP confirmed by the House and the Senate before the Republicans take over in January.  So that's not a really big window.  

7:20. Because they're not particularly impressed with Harris, Biden and her can get caught up in the same scandal.  She has to resign first, then Biden appoints whom he wants to be president, and they never go through the Congress, the Senate on this one.  She has to resign first, then Biden has to resign, or is impeached, and then, who ever they want, which in my mind is Janet Yellen, could then ascend without ever having gone through a Senate confirmation.  The sane thing they did with Spiro Agnew and Nelson Rockefeller [1974] right?

7:55. Stage III requires someone who can be a virtuous killer.  Kamala fits that model way better than Janet Yellen.  Janet Yellen is just like somebody's grandmother.  She's not going to order the deaths of anybody.  Now, Kamala Harris would.  You've git to look at it as Barrack Obama's third term, and Kamala Harris is just there as a proxy for Barrack.  So she's got to stay there.  If they don't have a Vice Presidential candidate in place before the Republicans take over the House or the Senate, or both, you know that Kamala is going to screw up, and her odds of getting impeached are what, 80 or 90%?  Even more so if she doesn't get a vice president.  

9:00. The political turmoil comes down to how big a majority the Republicans come up with and the color and flavor of that majority in the House.  If it's a whole bunch of mouth-breathing, MAGA-tard revolutionaries, putting a leash on the GOP establishment types like Mitch McConnell and whatnot, if it's a hundred seats and it's 5 seats in the Senate, the political situation coming into 2024, everybody and their brother will vote for impeachment if that's what the politically popular move is.  That's been my calculus. But if it's only 40 seats, the Democrats may actually be able to hold some legitimacy together.  

9:40. The question is will we be able to get through an election.  I even question whether they'll be able to engineer an election in 2024.  If they do, what are the odds of everyone accepting it?  Ine of the triggers in Stage III is when things go to hell.  Usually, the trigger for that are the food riots. That's when the City goes out to the suburbs chasing down crimes of convenience.  When those crimes start becoming crimes of necessity . . . .  The cities are the place where shortages hit first.  When they start going out into the hinterland, they start killing people.  When you start killing people, then people want to kill back.  When those animal spirits are let out of the har, you don't put them back in.  We've seen that in Iraq.  We've seen that in Syria.  We've seen it in Ukraine.  That's how it works.  When you get into that, someone is going to pull the trigger, and Kamala is very much that model person that would be the virtuous killer who says, "Well, I'm sorry I had to kill these people but it had to be done for the greater good."  

11:20. Personally, I see Janet Yellen in that same boat and I think that she's a lot less politically divisive.  I think central bankers, or former central bankers, who are in what I call the pay of Davos, are some of the most ruthless people on the planet and they're very good at hiding their ruthlessness, and I think Janet Yellen is one of the most ruthless people, having reviewed her career with the Fed and how she personally bamboozled Greenspan and Bernanke for years . . . .  if anybody underestimates the ruthlessness of central bankers, go look at what Mario Draghi is doing right now in Italy.  

12:10.  I agree.  I'm not quite sure it'll be Janet Yellen, but time will tell.  A revolution is different if your country is surrounded by water.  Very few people died in the English Revolution (is the 20th c. term Marxists assigned to the civil wars in England between 1642-1651; it is not a reference to the Glorious Revolution of 1688), like 4%.  But if you were in Ireland, 60% of the people died during the English Revolution.  At the same time, what they call the Thirty Years War, 1618-1648, a war within the Holy Roman Empire, which is really a continuation of an 80-year war across Europe, 40-60% of the people died in the 30-year span from 1618 to 1648.  I looked up Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America kind of in that same scheme.  And the situation was very much as it was worldwide as it was in the 1600s.  That's what I think you're going to see a lot of deaths coming out of this revolution.  But the United States, we're surrounded by water, so we have more time, it's not as intense.  Well, we do have people coming across in the border war in the South.  

13:45  Now we're inviting them as opposed to invading them.  We're invading the world and inviting the world at the same time.  This is really interesting.  The precursor to the Revolution was actually the Ron Paul Revolution of 2008 and 2012 which actually set the stage for populists on the Left and the Right, Bernie and Trump to take center stage in 2016.  What would you use as the historical precedence for the model that you've overlaid on the United States?  When you talk about Strauss and Howe about the 4th Turning, they have their historical precedents for the previous "turning," as just an example.  So what do we have going on here?  You just brought up the Thirty Years' War as a precedent to the British Revolution.  

14:48  After Phase IV, I think it is, I go through every western revolution from 1600 up through Hitler, and show how within this 4 stage pattern.  Yeah, one of the interesting things that happen early in a revolution, in Stage I, is the big sex scandals.  You had it with Respighi?] . . . in the Russian Revolution.  And you had it with Rasputin.  In our American Revolution, you had it with the sex scandal was in Europe, and that was the Hellfire Club.  in France, you the Marquis de Sade.  In Hitler's Germany, you had Hitler himself with his cousin, who probably died of suicide pregnant with his child.  In American Civil War, you had the grandson, er son, of Francis Scott Key who got his brains blown out by Sickels in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House.  Daniel Webster was found to have two to three out-of-wedlock children.  Senator Harrison from South Carolina was caught up in all kinds of dalliances.  A lot of things . . . the thing about revolutions, because they're bankruptcies, you only have two choices: which is liquidation or reorganization.  Liquidation is killing people; reorganization is reorganizing your government.  And that's the peaceful way, and that's what I've been talking about this for the last dozen years.  the only way we can do this peacefully is that we have to reorganize.  Relatively peacefully.  Yeah, in Chapters 5 and 6, I lay out how that reorganization occurs and what has to be done.  I was actually surprised when I was at some gun shows, Convention of States was just starting out, and they were talking about the same thing.  If you look at their Preamble, it's term limits into centralizing the federal government.  They didn't go into the specifics.  I do.  Because they really don't understand the situation [that well].  

17:28  It's a theme that I've been on for years.  When I built my house back in 2003, I needed a defensible position, friends with post-revolutionary skills, and the whole 9 yards.  And I thought, 2008, Lehman Brothers, the balloon was going up then.  Now what really happened then was the beginning of bankruptcy.  The global monetary system broke in 2008.  They patched it together for 13, 14 years since then.  We've had coordinated central bank policy, now that's nearing its end with the Fed declaring independence and Russia declaring independence from the global financial system. That's what's clearly happening now, and traditional commercial banking interests here in the United States are saying, "No, that's enough.  You've gone too far."  And the Russians are saying "We need a commodity-backed standard and get rid of the colonial impulses of Europe, and so my question to you is, and this is where it's interesting, and I think that you and I see all of this similarly and glad to see you go into details about all of this, now I am interested in this and need to get a copy of your book and learn history that I didn't know much about.  My theory of Davos is that we're being pushed into a civil war, now, during Stage III by a group of people that sees the opportunity to grab their colonies and power back and they;re making the big move for the boob on prom night, and it's an agenda that they always wanted to implement by 2030, or say, 2050, but they had to pull it forward by 10 years because of the revolutionary spirit within the United States and other places, Brexit, Hungary, Italy, that the populism against their rule, transnational, oligarchic rule is rising too rapidly for which they have to put the kibosh on.  And though we are surrounded by water and have a little more time, we have globalist, internationalist powers actively subverting and destroying from within and have been for years as far as I'm concerned. 

19:55. It's the English system versus the American system.  It's the American Constitution versus the French Constitution.  I trace it back to the Venetians in 1204.  They took over Constantinople.  They took over England.  They all moved with their money into England in the 1500s, and they established themselves.  And you see the same names.  You see names from the old Crusader days still showing up in positions of power and government today.  There's a lot of continuity there.  Money has continuity.  And obviously the same families, and I know it sounds conspiratorial, but I'm supposed to be one of America's biggest conspiracy heros according to Media Matters

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