Saturday, June 25, 2022

"The Fed is not fighting inflation but Davos, it is decoupling and re-establishing control over the dollar transmission system,"

13:25  "The Russians are not communists now.  As a matter of fact, Putin made it abundantly clear that Communism is a western idea, a western-European idea that was imported into Russia to destroy it 100 years ago.  He said this very explicitly in his comments at Valdai earlier in the year [I think Tom is referring to the October 22, 2021 forum from late last year].  If anybody is worried about this, go watch his speech at the Valdai International  Discussion forum.  Predates the war in Ukraine, that conceptually, Russia is not interested in returning to any of these Western European ideas about oligarch control.  Notice why the sanctions didn't work.  The sanctions didn't work because they were designed to affect and overthrow western governments.  And notice how they never work to overthrow eastern governments.  They haven't overthrown Iran.  They tried sanctions to overthrow Iran, but it didn't work.  Why?  Iran is bigger than the oligarchs.  The system is bigger than the oligarchs as opposed to the oligarchs controlling the system.  Here in the west, we all know the oligarchs control the system.  And we're all not comfortable with it.  All of this is our imprinting so we think everybody is like this, and that's a very dangerous thing to do.  And the Russians will use whatever is available to them, whatever weapon they have to get to where they need to go.  That's the way I look it.  And the same thing with the Chinese.  I bet you 20 years from now, when my career is over . . . doing this, I'll be you dollars to donuts that . . . China's governmental system will look completely different than it does today.  But China will still be China.  15:10  

15:50  In 2016, Mr. John Mearsheimer was asked what was the biggest disaster in foreign policy?  One of the panelists sitting next to him said, Iraq.  Here's his answer.  He really seems to have a crystal ball.  Answer: provoking a country with nuclear weapons.  It's one thing for a country to attack a country that has no nuclear weapons to speak of.  It's another to attack a nuclear superpower.  17:30  

18:05  Uberto Guadal, he's from Spain, wants to know one thing where Davos tried and failed miserably on.  I think they have failed but they won't accept failure; they'll turn failure into a success.  Davos is old European money that feels entitled to exercise power and to rule the world.  Ad we're talking about old European money and ya'll know the effects of European money and the attitude of it far better than I do.  I mean I'm an upstart American.  My grandparents all left the old European system to come to America to start anew.  My parents, my grandparents refused to allow Italian to be spoken at the dinner table even though they themselves were born in Italy and they came over on the boat.  No, you're Americans, that we'll speak English, and we'll catch up.  That was their attitude.  That is you here in the United States, that's very deeply ingrained, so I'm not Italian, I'm an American.  I happen to be of Italian extraction.  And we Americans are an ugly and disagreeable lot.  19:35 

20:00  Davos has made a tremendous miscalculation because they believe that the kinds of unitarian governmental structures that they have in Europe which give them easy access to dictatorial powers, relatively speaking, have failed to take over the decentralized, disagreeable United States.  So they went for a coup here in the United States and Biden is not going to last the term.  If they're not careful, they're going to push things here in the U.S. to the point of being ugly.  And there are fears that the midterms are going to be very telling as to what comes next.  Between now and then, they will not accept failure.  You'll notice that they're constantly trying to push forward their existing policies over and over again even though those policies are meeting with tremendous pushback from around the world.  20:55  They can't overtake Russia.  They can't take China.  They haven't been able to destroy Iran.  They haven't been able to convince India to join them.  The Saudis are gone.  They're going to lose Turkey.  I saw something unconfirmed this morning, that Turkey is thinking about leaving NATO.  If Turkey were to leave NATO and everything I've said about Odessa previously would come to pass . . . the Black Sea is a Russian lake, and the North-South Transport Corridor, you know, does away with so much value of the Mediterranean to everybody east of the Dnieper River, or east of the Danube.  So, I think Davos has miscalculated, and they're always to take whatever wins they can get.  I think they're going to consolidate power over northern Europe, keep as much of southern Europe as they can, meaning Spain and Italy and the non-Germanic, the northern vs. southern, the Romantic language belt, and the Greeks vs. the Germanic northern tribes, the Barbarians in Tom's mind.  They won't give up power until it's taken from them.  Everybody has to get comfortable with that idea.  Elections aren't going to work; they've destroyed the electoral process.  They're going to leave people with no other option than violent overthrow.  

22:59  They still have New Zealand and commonwealth countries.  And they're part of that as well, and there's going to have to be a violent overthrow of those governments; whether or not those people will be willing to do it or not . . . that'll only happen if we see a violent overthrow of the British government.  And I'll be honest with you, I spoke with Alexander Mercouris of The Duran, and Alex was talking extensively about how people have a misconception about British passivity.  You know, like every couple hundred years, we throw a big old hot time in the old town and we violently overthrow our government and we rewrite the constitution.  It's coming.  I don't think that you're going to rouse the Brits to that any time soon, it may take another generation, but it's definitely on the horizon.  I see what's happening in areas of Spain, and I think and I am in many ways encouraged by this.  

24:11  I have two more non-Russia, non-Ukraine questions.  One is Larry Summers just said that we need 5 years of unemployment, about 5% to contain inflation, which are numbers that are remarkably discouraging, relative to the fiat? Fed view.  And you know, Larry Summers, who spent years saying there was no problem with spending or deficit, that the U.S. should keep up its spending pace, is today telling Biden that they went too far and that inflation is coning like never before.  Biden these days called him to ask for advice.  I don't know if this is comedy or tragedy, but what do you think when you read this?  

25:00. At this point, you always know they're desperate when they have to trot out Larry Summers, the architect of negative interest rates in the European Union. Larry Summers will say whatever he needs to say in order to keep his standing, his credentials.  When Summers speaks, he's speaking on behalf of the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party.  He's always been a Clinton ally in that respect.  Yeah, if you're hearing that, you're hearing that the Clinton wing of the DNC wants control of the DNC again and is openly criticizing the Obama wing of the DNC whose currently in power.  They're both going to be out of power in such a way after the midterms that they're never going to be in power again unless Davis cheats to the point where it's obvious and we all have to take up rifles, storm DC, and have a real insurrection.  And if they try to pull off in 2022 what they pulled off in 2020, we will not stand for it here in the United Stares.  But again, is that part of their plan or not?  Is that what they want?  Like they wanted Russia to invade Ukraine.  They goaded the Russians into attacking first so they could grab the moral high ground.  Then send Zellensky out, one of the most depraved men in the world, send him out to be the leader of the free world, are you kidding me?  I don't know about you, but I haven't been all that impressed with the writing in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series that Disney has put out, but I'll tell ya that that script as bad as it is is better than the one that Davos has been trying to sell us about Ukraine.  Davos needs better script writers, and I am dead serious when I say this.  It's very obvious that they don't know what they're doing.  They're just bad at this.  They've gotten so lazy in their narrative construction because they've been in power for so long that we can just see the obvious nonsense (I'm trying to keep it clean here).  

27:20. Ray Dalios of Bridgewater, which is the largest hedge fund in the world just disclosed a new $10 billion short position in 26 Euro-based stocks.  The biggest short position is the ASML, the semiconductor fabrics of fabrics . . . are part of the Euro-Stocks 50, which are part of the . . . .  What does Dalio know?  Tom's been telling everybody that Europe is going to be the first/worst victim in all of this.  What do you see with this massive short? 

28:00. Yeah, when I see a normie like Ray Dalio go short $10 billion on the EuroZone, I go, wow, thank you.  That's like the best validation of my arguments that I've seen in a while.  It doesn't hurt that the ECB held an FMOC meeting on the morning of to hear them go, "Oh, don't worry, we have everything under control, don't panic."  Then 75 basis points.  Tom laughed for an hour when he saw that.  I couldn't go to sleep.  It was like 4am and I saw the headline and I was bug-eyed.  I was literally doing the Kermit flap.  I was literally cackling.  Like I'd won the lottery.  The most hilarious thing I'd ever seen, because I was just confirmatory of everything I'd been saying, that the ECB is completely trapped.  The Fed is not fighting inflation; it's fighting Davos for control over the dollar transmission system in such a way as to break the overseas dollar markets, as a way to break LIBOR, to break Euro dollar market, and to break the European Union's control over all of, the BIS, all of it.  No, we're in control of all of it.  This goes back to May of last year to a major of central bankers, early May 2021.

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