Monday, June 6, 2022


From reading Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula, and seeing a few Bella Lugosi versions of it, I've heard of the undead.  Hell, I've worked with a few.  I've also worked with the unloved, people who have never felt love or appreciation for their efforts or understanding from those they like or admire.  It's a tough world out there.  But too many of these undead, unloved souls reach, God knows how, official and unofficial seats of power with the sole desire to quench their envy on your name, your work, or your soul.  These are above-ground troglodytes who seek destruction for its own sake, who don't really operate on any other code.  Not quite nihilistic since your demise is front and center of their destructive machinations.  And it is to their pure delight that you, by way of bills, house payment, personal responsibility, and work ethic that you show up everyday and give them an opportunity to endure their crap. Oh, no.  These ghouls are goal-oriented: your destruction.  So don't give in.  Take back that spiritual territory and send them back into the depths of Hell.

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