Wednesday, June 8, 2022


Personally, I am not a fan of the xylitol gums or breath mints, because I don't do well with hardly any sugar forms except for sugar.  But since I don't want sugar either, I prefer the natural anti-biofilms that he lists:  Rosemary, Clove, Thyme, Garlic, Curcumin, Oregano, Cinnamon, and NAC.  In fact, over the years, many folks used baking soda as an abrasive to scrub the teeth of plaque and biofilms.  But the abrasive that I like is cinnamon, for not only does it clean the surface of the teeth, it also has lots of antibiotic properties that seep into the tiny cracks in your teeth and into the narrow fissures of your gums, and jaw and has a wonderful effect on the tiny blood vessels in your mouth.  For me, it has an invigorating effect.  Check out the benefits of brushing with cinnamon.    

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