Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Yes, Socrates was projecting this would be a wave of inflation coming from SHORTAGES of food. We are already witnessing rising food prices. It was picking up all the subtle shifts in the world economy and I could see that something strange was in the development by last August 2019. Obviously, like war, it cannot forecast the precise person but it does reveal their actions. This is the same forecast ability. It was showing a shortage of food for this cycle, but it could not tell me it would be instigated by Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum trying to push their Great Reset.
Nevertheless, there are serious shortages of food on the horizon. Those who are attempting to destroy the economy so they can recreate it in their image are clueless about how the world economy functions. All they have looked at is their stupid models on CO2 when CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere. They have wiped out crops by destroying the food chain and either they are totally ignorant of their actions, or they have deliberately also tried to invoke starvation to reduce the population. Nobody will investigate either and I am sure they would claim to be ignorant of the impact on the food supply by pushing for lockdowns. There is ample evidence that this excuse is BS and they must know what they are doing which would bring up the question of crimes against humanity. They will then probably blame global cooling
 Thank you to Lew Rockwell

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