Monday, July 13, 2020


Here is Peggy Hall’s latest, “Walmart & Discrimination, Part 1”

Writes a friend:
Yes, all the eternal satanic enemy has had to do is legalize every evil and mindless Christians fall for it.
Before I discovered Peggy’s videos, I used her same tactic to fend off discrimination against me for not wearing a mask in public. Recently, one day at my physical therapy clinic, after weeks of compliance, I announced to my therapist that I would no longer be wearing their “mandatory” paper mask while visiting their facility for my therapy. My young therapist was dumbfounded and tried to find a solution between my pronouncement and her employer’s policies (yes, policies). She offered to secret me away in a windowless, small consultation room where I could attempt a limited regimen instead of using their gym and open floor space. I thanked her but told her that sounded like discrimination (from her employer) against me. After all, she was well aware of my brain injury and breathing problems, which I knew I did not have to explain for any justification. Happily, for the remainder of my therapy over the next several weeks, I have had no one mention the word “mask” to me as I now arrive “maskless” for therapy.
I invite all to put on the armor of Our Lord and join Peggy Hall to fight the venomous snake, the state, and stand up for our God-given rights!
Dear Lew,
In all my years of fending off the state through reading their law and using it against them, I have seen no one better than Peggy Hall. She is right, This is a spiritual battle, in addition to a legal battle. For those without a spiritual perspective, they are easily caught up in the net of man’s law … “Well, it’s legal ….”
Hall's site is Her husband has a YouTube channel, called True Hope with David Hall.  
Call law enforcement for 3 reasons: 
1.  To alert law enforcement that you are being harassed. It's a very important demonstration for those managers and those patrons to know that you stand your ground, that you mean business. 
2.  The other reason to call law enforcement is that law enforcement agencies are going to know how ridiculous this enforcing of a mask is, that they have to send out their police and deputies to break up mask fights.  
3.  David was in Walmart, and the manager came over to stop his purchase because he wasn't wearing a mask.  David calmly tells the manager that "You are breaking California Civil Code 51, and you are discriminating against me because I am not wearing a mask."  

Here is what California Civil Code 51 states
3) California Civil Code section 51(b) establishes: “All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship, primary language, or immigration status are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever. [emphasis added].
Peggy reminds us at the end that large companies publish on their websites their policies on discrimination.  Use these.  Search online for their incorporating documents, which are usually at the SCC. 

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