Sunday, August 18, 2013


Coconut Butter: Heart Energy
Everybody finds their own path to 5 or 10% more health, more vim and vigor and vitality. Vigorous, competitive exercise achieves this goal pretty quickly.  Beyond vigorous exercise, there are some foods that help you reach this goal. Generally, it is functional foods that do this best.  We all pay attention to the effects of foods.  For me, raw milk has an excellent effect on boosting my immune system after a particularly stressful week.  Eggs sunny-side up also have a fortifying effect.  When it comes to heart strength, I reach for raw coconut butter.  I take 2 tablespoons on the recommendation of Dr. Donald Miller.

Not only is the food functional in that the energy is directed straight to my heart but the butter, which is more like a lightly sweetened paste, also tastes delicious.

1 comment:

  1. A nurse friend writes, "Myelin sheaths wrap around nerves. Coconut is a fantastic anti-viral, anti-biotic, and immune booster. It is the MOST saturated fat out there, more than beef, more than pork, more than duck or goose. Exactly what the body needs. The affects on Alzheimer patients is unbelievable." Good to know.
