Tuesday, July 30, 2013


There are lots of good foods, vegetables, fats, meats, herbs, and spices out there to keep us healthy and to treat conditions, most conditions, and restore us back to a vibrant state of health more or less.  I encourage everybody to use food to medicate yourself but use it judiciously.  Above all do not use pharmaceuticals to treat conditions.  I was a school teacher for a few years and I used to hear how teachers were using this or that signature pharmaceutical to tinker with energy, headaches, stress, and whatnot.  Teachers took full advantage of their health benefits.  In fact, for some, their health benefits were more valuable than their salary and more important than their work.  I know how cynical that last statement sounds, but there was a weird psychological dependence develop with some individuals and their psychiatrist.  It seemed reckless and over zealous to treat psychiatrist as their personal and on-demand pharmacy.  Still, I was amazed at how teachers were using their bodies almost as laboratories.  And anybody who has tried this diet or that diet has done the same thing, but I think doing so with food carries far fewer long-term adverse effects.  If someone goes on an all-protein diet, for example, and they begin to lose the energy and strength they felt after the first week of such an onslaught of protein, then incorporating green leafy vegetables into their diets restores a balanced hormonal response and they begin to feel better.  But be on a drug regime for several weeks or months or years and then come off of it spells some serious, long-term consequences to organ and nerve tissue and blood.

Last night I was reading an article about anti-depressants and learned that the Eli Lily drug, Prozac, is made of fluoxetine hydrochloride.  That's right, fluoride, that toxic and notorious nerve destroyer.  Prozac is bad, though the pharmaceutical companies and their shills will celebrate its virtuous and harmless effects.  This stuff is not harmless.  Read the article just above that I linked.  If you're not feeling yourself and you want a quick fix, reach for food.  But never, never, never surrender self-ownership and stewardship of your condition over to doctors who are essentially drug dealers for the pharmaceuticals, like DOW, Pfizer, GKSmith, Monsanto, and others.  It's not worth it.  In fact, you will come to regret as that gentleman has in the article.  If you want to feel better, reach for pineapple.  If you want to feel better reach for a piece of cheese.  Get some good fats into your system, even bad fats which are certainly less harmful than Prozac, which is essentially a chemically-induced blunt trauma.  Don't do these things to yourself.  To your body, your good, strong body, be gentle.  If you are looking to rebuild or repair or restore nerve impairment, there may be no better medicine to achieve that result than a little light exercise.

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