Saturday, June 1, 2024

SHANNON JOY: Trump's been a uniparty plant from the beginning. He's been a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, and in the Reform party. He's run for president 4 times, nearly 5”

DAN WUORI: [Tummy Time] helps to decrease the incidence of flat spots on the back of your baby’s head.

Tummy time has many benefits.
It strengthens the back, neck and arm muscles that help with holding up the head, rolling over, sitting and crawling. It helps to decrease the incidence of flat spots on the back of your baby’s head.

And it can help relieve gas and constipation, just to name a few. --Dan Wuori

Tummy time matters, now more than ever.

Why now? In the early 1990s pediatric health authorities began recommending that babies sleep exclusively on their backs as part of an aligned effort to reduce the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The campaign has been a big success, cutting the SIDS rate by more than half, but has also limited the amount of time most modern infants spend on their stomachs - making wakeful, supervised tummy time all the more important. Tummy time has many benefits. It strengthens the back, neck and arm muscles that help with holding up the head, rolling over, sitting and crawling. It helps to decrease the incidence of flat spots on the back of your baby’s head. And it can help relieve gas and constipation, just to name a few. You can begin short, supervised periods of tummy time as soon as your child is born. These earliest sessions often begin on mom’s chest - but can be done on other safe surfaces as well. Begin with 2-3 minutes at a time and work your way up. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends increasing the frequency and duration of these sessions to the point your baby spends a total of 20-30 minutes a day by the time your baby is 7 weeks old. Be forewarned that, especially early on, tummy time is a workout (and therefore not always well liked by some children) - but with time and experience will help to develop the muscle strength your newborn lacks. This little guy (shared to IG by xmarieannabelle) has got tummy time down pat. Check out his strong neck muscles and head control and that roll at the end.

Toxins are the virus. When the body is exposed to toxins it releases exosomes and antibodies (originally defined as anti-toxins).

As the state seeks amnesty, goofy staged segments will be shown in fake "Gotcha" moments. It's the only reason that Cuomo sits down with Smith

Grand Princess passengers grapple with COVID nightmare one year after ill-fated cruise.  

The reason why we don't have any testimony from anyone is that the people were killed in these air force bases, 10 people, the CDC and the U.S. government paid their families . . . .  As you remember, they were offering people huge amounts of money to people to shut up and put COVID as the cause of death on death certificates.  This was something like $10,000, it may have been more, and sign a CDA, and that would be so they can't disclose anything.  And also they were at the military Air Force, and probably also threatened them, "You can't talk about this," and that's why we don't have anyone discussing this.  But the paperwork exists.  The CDC or HHS gave us these documents, saying, "Yeah, we took these people over here . . . it would be interesting to try and solicit whistleblowers from this experience and see what has transpired of the family members who were killed this way. 

The CDC cites U.S. Law, Executive orders, W.H.O. pandemic announcement, their authority, and finally the CDC reasonably believed if released from quarantine, the subject will travel.  

What I advise people is: 

1)  Do not give any information.  

2)  Do not participate in tracing and tracking.  

3)  They will offer you a bunch of questions: REFUSE to answer them.  

4)  Same way when somebody is trying to arrest you without cause, do not talk to them. 

Don't answer any questions.  Don't give any information.  Most of this is tying people to a location of travel or a contact that they had.  So as long as you do not provide them with this information, they may still try and take you to a quarantine . . . and when they issued these orders, they also cited penalties. 

"Penalties for violating this order You must cooperate with the requirements of this order to protect the public health as authorized by 42USC, 18USC, otherwise provided by federal law.  Violations of this order may subject you to a criminal fine and or up to 1 year in jail." 

Now, I don't give anyone legal advice, but when you're formally arrested and charged with violating some sort of law, we're generally speaking here, you have rights.  Even if they put you in prison, you have rights.  Your appeal, by the way, is supposed to be reviewed by a different judge, not the judge who put you there.  So make up your own mind.