Sunday, June 23, 2024

Elastic fibers give the skin a youthful appearance, the heart structures to pump blood, and the lungs to expand. To recoup lost elastic fibers, take collagen with vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid

Well, actually the elastic fibers are very late in development in the evolution of life.  These are structures like a rubber band, that have elasticity.  These fibers are formed in the first years of life, and around puberty there are no more or very few elastic fibers anymore.  So it's a permanent structure.  It's very important for the arteries, especially the main and largest artery in the body, the aorta, because it gives you elasticity to a pumping heart.  It's important for the lung that it gets elasticity in the breathing.  And it's also important for the skin because it gives the baby-face appearance of the skin.  And as we get older, these elastic fibers of the skin are destroyed by ultraviolet rays or variations of that.  Maybe that's why we look older when we get old.  There have been very convincing reports that people after the vaccination suddenly appear to look much older.  Now this may be due to a psychological factor, too, but we definitely have proof that these elastic fibers in some cases are profoundly destroyed in the skin. I have one example here, and you see on the left side there's a very delicate network of very fine elastic fibers.  They are black on the top is the epithelial of the gums.  Here you can see this man is 38 years old and he has vasculitis of the skin.  Here you can see these very delicate black lines here.  These are the remnants of the elastic fibers, and there's no network below the basement membrane.

Interview starts @ 3:55.  It's a 2 1/2-hour interview.  

Though organic is the preferable option for anything you put inside your body, grass-fed may be the second best.  Organic collagen is available but from specialized vendors.  

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