Sunday, November 5, 2023

high-tech nanothermite more powerful than what the military uses. How did they get into the Twin Towers before 9/11?


Arizona court declared 15-block, 2000 person Phoenix homeless camp a public nuisance, ordered the area cleared. Majority of #homeless went into city housing or entered treatment programs. Those who try to move back will face criminal charges.

Even in some suburbs of Los Angeles, the county is relocating hundreds of homeless from towns like Duarte down into Baldwin Park.  What's happened?  Has the county or the state built or reappropriated housing for homeless shelters?   

A friend wrote,

Was in Duarte this afternoon at El Encanto Park and overheard a guy explain the absence of all the homeless guys/gals who used to live out at the Riverbed. He said they've been relocated to Baldwin Park, set them up in housing. Not sure what kind but they haven't been back so it must be somewhat. comfortable and accommodating for those folks.  Wild that cities could coordinate something that almost sounds successful where both parties benefit. Must be one reason why the city has installed signs pointing to the Riverbed, El Encanto Park, & SGR bike trail as a recreation destinations. 

Adding that, 

The signs in question appear at the 605 N. exit @ Mt. Olive. Taxpayers must have complained of the homeless using and probably abusing the public restroom at that park. I've used it. It can get untidy. Residents walk along the park as well as at the park.  And the landscape crew of Duarte reconnoiters there on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings. Takes the crew 2-3 days to complete a landscape sweep of the park. 


Looks like LA County has a project called Project Homekey.  As the County selects certain cities' real estate market values to prevail, it assigns other cities the task of accommodating homeless workers and allowing real estate values there to tank.  This endears some residents to Baldwin Park, as a city that restores the faith in brotherhood.  "Hotel at 13921 Francisquito Avenue in Baldwin Park to become homeless housing," Urbanize, Los Angeles, Steven Sharp, Steven Sharp, October 16, 2023.  

From the County.

Los Angeles County is partnering with the Weingart Center Association to repurpose a Baldwin Park hotel into 107 studio apartments for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, thanks to a new round of Homekey 3.0 grants announced by the State of California, plus funding from the County of Los Angeles, City of Baldwin Park, L.A. Care Health Plan and Health Net.

The State awarded a $34.6 million Homekey 3.0 grant to the project, and the Board of Supervisors committed $16 million to meet the “local match” requirement. To pay for supportive services at the site, the County will use Measure H funds, a 10-year quarter-cent sales tax approved by County voters in 2017 to prevent and address homelessness.

The Weingart Center will renovate the Baldwin Park hotel to create 107 studio apartments. It will include on-site wraparound services, various amenities such a community patio and pet area, and landscaping and security improvements. Each unit will be approximately 300 sq. ft. with a bathroom, kitchen, furniture, appliances and cabinet space. The Baldwin Park project brings the County’s total number of Homekey properties to 25, with a combined total of about 1,600 units.

Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza

How Israel Was Created.
Be sure to check out the interesting links at the end.

Thank you to Gary D. Barnett's "A World Where a Genocide of Civilians Is Not Only Accepted But Cheered," November 3, 2023, at Lew Rockwell.  
“In Gaza, some of us cannot completely die.  Every time a bomb falls, every time shrapnel hits our graves, every time the rubble piles up on our heads, we are awakened from our temporary death.” Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza
I wish I could say that this world of genocide, democide, torture, terror, and slaughter of innocents was something new, but of course it is not. The story of mankind is one of horrible brutality, and it is never-ending. The latest atrocity is the ethnic cleansing and slaughter of innocents in Palestine, and the majority are children. This is the purposeful slaughter of Palestinians at the hands of the Zionists; this after 75 years of ruthless savagery levied against them. My comments here are in no way meant to support Hamas, or any State, government, or terrorist organization, but then that is repetitive, as all States, governments, terrorists, and those who control them, are cut from the same cloth, and are pure evil. That is the nature of all States, organized ruling governments, and criminal terrorists.

Because of the history of man, many would think that his natural state would be that of evil, and given what has occurred over thousands of years, one might be justified in accepting this conclusion, but I think it is much more complicated than it appears. On the other hand, one comment I hear consistently, at least by Americans, is that most people are basically good. I think this incorrect as well, so where does that leave us? It seems to me that the natural state of man, at least psychologically, is more sympathetic and peaceful than is evident, but the stoking of hate and division by very nefarious forces, and the purposeful instilling of great fear, has been voluntarily accepted by the majority, and this has caused constant turmoil among nation-states, leading to horrendous nationalism. Because of this intentionally structured antagonism among peoples, constant war has been the result, and this has led to a common behavior that would be best described as dual hatred. What is meant by this statement, is that governments and rulers are certainly evil, but due to the intentional instilling of nationalism, the majority supports State evil due to false ‘patriotism,’ apathy, and fear; this greatly enhanced by the collectivist nature of nationalism.