Monday, August 28, 2023

Professor Parke said gynecologists had been aware that heavy dieting affected fertility but it had not been known that even a small weight loss could affect fertility.

Professor Parke said that during the 1,000-calorie phase 37 of the women developed hormonal disturbances.

There were two types of disturbances with about the same frequency. 

In one, no egg was developed in the cycle and the levels of one hormone, estradiol, were low.  In the other, there were lower than normal levels of another hormone, progesterone, which protects the embryo during its first weeks of development in the womb.  A deficiency in this hormone would seriously hinder development.

Professor Parke said gynecologists had been aware that heavy dieting affected fertility but it had not been known that even a small weight loss could affect fertility.

Fertility could be affected even when the woman did not fall below her ideal weight she often failed to notice any disturbance because the menstrual flow occurred normally.

The younger the woman, the greater the possibility that the weight loss would lead to such disturbances.  Professor Parke said, "We noted that diet-caused disturbances appeared much more often and those age up to 24 years old than in the 25 to 30 age group," he said.  The reason could be that accessibility of the menstrual cycle increases until the mid-40s.

The probability of a disturbance rose in relation to the amount of weight shed or the further the weight fell below the ideal body weight.  

The composition of the diet was decisive.  With the same loss of weight, a vegetarian diet or one rich in carbohydrates was much more likely to cause a disturbance than a balanced diet that contained meat and milk products.

The team's findings have been published in Fertility and Sterility a medical journal in the U.S.

Tylenol is the #2 reason why people need liver transplants

Thank you to Wejolyn

If you're getting headaches, or pain anywhere in the body, use vitamin C as the first frontal assault.  Then add magnesium.  Or try a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.  Comfrey works too.

[Salaries for] Manufacturing and business are down 10%, while IT and engineering are down closer to 20%. The few sectors that're still going up are -- you guessed it -- government-dominated education and health-care.


To Disobey Means You Survive

This presentation is 28 minutes but it is excellent.  The speaker is Reinette Senum, former mayor of Nevada City, California in northern California.  Here she talks about how to prepare yourself in case of a fire.  She offers fire and exit preparation tips in this presentation and the resources that she links to are indispensable.  

Also, please do not miss the last 5 minutes of this presentation of a Hawaiian woman, an elder and survivor of her tribe where she completely destroys the city council, the front organization doing the bidding of scavenger developers who want to take the land in  Lahaina.

Here is the direct link.  It is a must watch.