Saturday, January 28, 2023

cause of addiction is social isolation. Solution to addiction is not sobriety but connection

Main cause of addiction is social isolation, and not a character flaw in an individual. Likewise, the solution to addiction is not sobriety but connection.  Connection happens when people's deeper needs for love and meaning, purposeful communal action, are met.  

Bruce Alexander is the Vancouver psychologist who formulated this discovery.

If it starts with an 8, eliminate. If it starts with 9, call it "All mine"

From Eating Well,

Turns out, those little coded stickers on your banana can help you learn more about your fruit: "A 4-digit code means conventionally grown, while a 5-digit one starting with 9 means organic and a 5-digit code starting with 8 means genetically modified," says Dan Vaché, a supply chain consultant and former vice president of the International Fresh Produce Association.

"Cops Kill Because We Gave them the Legal Framework to Do It"

Excellent article by James Bovard, "Cops Kill Because We Gave them the Legal Framework to Do It," published in May 2020 following the George Floyd killing. Even more relevant today after the Tyree Nichols killing.  

Several excellent points.  One, instead of targeting racial justice stoked by race baiters Rev. Al Sharpton and others following a young man's murder, organize against the legal agencies that grant and protect these kinds of crimes with impunity and qualified immunity.

Focusing on racial bias also risks obscuring the fundamental problem: the Supreme Court has effectively given police a license to shoot, pummel, or falsely arrest ill-fated citizens across the nation. 

Let this sink in.  Police brutality is the result of federal, state, and municipal laws that grant cops immunity for aggressive even violent actions and decisions.

James Bovard again,

How does the Supreme Court’s idealism on “good faith” G-men play out in the real world?  Courts have “approved qualified immunity for cops who allegedly shot people without cause, sicced a dog on a man who was surrendering, tased a driver who was stopped for failing to buckle his seat belt, and ordered a 17-year-old boy to disrobe and masturbate so they could take pictures of his erect penis,”  Reason columnist Jacob Sullum reported in 2019. That year, a federal appeals court bizarrely granted qualified immunity to Fresno, California, police officers who stole $225,000 during a search of two businessmen.

Congress writes bills and passes laws, then when unintended, because unforeseen, consequences and evils occur it's "We see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." 

But Congress has, as usual, been asleep on the job. As Dan Alban, an Institute for Justice attorney and  the nation’s most effective litigator against asset forfeiture abuses, observed, Congress could pass legislation “clarifying that there is no qualified immunity” for civil rights lawsuits against state and federal officials.

Politicians make things worse.

But the problem goes far beyond qualified immunity. Politicians criminalize practically everything in daily life and then tell police “be nice”—or maybe mandate that cops attend  sensitivity training. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a blizzard of new mandates and prohibitions that further empower police. A video went viral earlier this month of a New York Police Department officer tackling and pummeling a young black man who was suspected of violating new dictates on social distancing. One wonders if there are a hundred such instances of idiotic brutality for each one that trends on Twitter today.

See how politicians make this crime worse.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Slavery ended with the Civil War but that was only private slavery. The state has replaced that and it outright claims you are its property

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics

Some people have written in and said I am just a Republican and I hate California. Sorry, I consider myself in the middle. I disagree with a lot on the Republican side as well. Simply put, the government should NOT be in the business of trying to manipulate society any more than the Investment Banks have tried to manipulate the markets and when they blow up, they run to the government for bailouts. The fines they get from CFTC ad SEC and just their 10% take of the amount of money they make on such schemes.

California is the absolutely  WORSE state to live in. They are so MARXIST you cannot even imagine. They are proposing to create a WEALTH TAX and apply it to anyone who has ever worked in California. You better know that California has been going after people who worked in that state, but then moved to Florida. They then hunt them down and demand state income taxes arguing that they earned that pension while they were in California.

Plain and simple, California is the state from HELL. It views people as its economic slaves. Yes, you are a slave – the property of the state. It does not matter where you have moved to, they view it that you remain their property.  California is out of control. It will NEVER reduce its size, it looks down upon the people as their endless possession. Slavery ended with the Civil War but that was only private slavery. The state has replaced that and it outright claims you are its property. They never heard of no taxation without representation. If you move out of state, you forfeit your right to vote in California. So we have exactly the very same situation that led to the American Revolution – you are taxed under tyranny and have no right to even be heard.

What California has been doing to those who retire out of state, they will do to absolutely everyone who has ever worked in that God-forsaken land of inequity.

Just for the record, you must report every asset you own everywhere in the world, and then you are taxed on that as if it were a property tax. Every year you will be taxed and if your assets declined, that’s your problem. You will be taxed on what the state says it is worth.


Her name is Charnelle Marie Bjelkengren, and she is

an American lawyer who has served as a judge of the Spokane County Superior Court since 2019. She is a nominee to serve as a United States district judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington.

Article V of the Constitution provides for Congress to make amendments to the Constitution.   

Article II 

Article Two vests the power of the executive branch in the office of the president of the United States lays out the procedures for electing and removing the president and establishes the president's powers and responsibilities.