Sunday, September 29, 2019


The vitamins marked with ***** are the most important B vitamins.  You can get all the important and superior forms of B vitamins in Bill Sardi's Molecular Multi.  I only wished I'd had an investment in his company.  Alas, my only investment is in the vibrant health of my great siblings, nephews, and nieces.  The B vitamins I've highlighted are the SUPERIOR FORMS.  And these superior forms can be found in Sardi's Molecular Multi.  But if you're looking to treat a specific condition, then you'll probably need more than the amounts shown in Sardi's Molecular Multi.   

Vitamin A
Both the water-soluble form, Beta carotene (found in colorful fruits & vegetables) and the fat-soluble form, Retinyl Palmitate, are beneficial.  The key with vitamin A is to make sure you’re taking it since it has so many benefits.

Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine*****
 The B vitamins in a B-Complex contain only water-soluble B vitamins, which secret readily from your body.  Fat-soluble forms of B vitamins are superior. 
If you drink alcohol, coffee, and or tea, as I do, then you’ll need to take these fat-soluble forms of B vitamins . . . because these beverages deplete B vitamins which are so very essential to the health of the communication networks (OUR NERVES) that wound and wrap around our vital organs.  HELLO!!!
Allithiamine restores your autonomic nervous system.  What that means is that it reinforces the communication between your organs.
Sulbutiamine does the same thing.  Taken together, the two are powerful nerve restoratives.
Benfotiamine  reactivates inactive areas of the brain caused by Alzheimer’s Disease.  It effectively reverses Alzheimer’s.  not overnight but over the course of a year or so.
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B-3 (Niacin*****
 Niacin is also an anti-aging compound.  The theory behind this theory is that if all the different components of your appearance are healthy, then you will look younger.  And this is true.  Resveratrol and Hyaluronic Acid actually make your skin younger and tauter.  So there's that.  B3 is probably not the primary anti-aging compound, but as one of the B   vitamins, you definitely want this in your nutritional arsenal. 
Niacin is good for flushing out the capillaries.  Ever heard of a Niacin flush?  It turns your skin red, like a sunburn without the burning; though there is tingling. 
Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Vitamin B-6 *****(Pyridoxine)
P-5-P is THE SUPERIOR FORM OF B6.  The first link here reviews the importance of this compound.
The second link here shows you the cost.

Vitamin B-7 (Biotin)

Vitamin B-8 (Inositol)
 IP-6 is an excellent heavy mineral chelator.

Vitamin B-9 (Folic Acid, aka Folate
Folate is the natural form of Folic Acid found in spinach, broccoli, & green leafy vegetables.  *****
Methyl Folate.  The reason methyl folate is the superior & preferred form of B-9 is that a percentage of synthetic folic acid [25%] consumed in pills does not get digested: it remains un-metabolized.  That’s not good, meaning it ain't healthy.  So if you’re taking folic acid either through food fortification or through supplements, you’re doing more harm than good.  The active form of B-9 is Methyl Folate.  If you’re going to take a folic acid supplement, take Methyl Folate.

 B-12 (Methylcobalamin)
Methylcobalamin is the superior form of B12.  It is vital for the brain.  BTW, if you want to increase brain volume, then consume D3 and clean fish oil.

ON P5P form of B6.
P5P-B6 protects against blinding sugar-induced cataracts in the eyes. [Ophthalmic Research 1996].
Therefore, it should be no surprise to learn that the greater the consumption of sugar, the higher the risk for pancreatic cancer. [American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Dec 2016]  Higher concentration of P5P-B6 cuts the risk of pancreatic cancer in half! [Cancer Causes & Control Dec 2016]
A magnesium/vitamin B6 deficiency promotes blood clots and failure of mitochondria, the cellular energy compartments.  Magnesium + P5P-B6 supports cardiac health. [Kardiologiia Oct 2016]
ON FOLIC ACID or B-9. []
Then in 2007, The Lancet journal reported that folic acid (vitamin B9) supplementation reduces stroke risk by 18%.
Fast forward to today…. News reports claim a massive 73% decline in strokes and stroke-related death among the highest risk patients and a 21% decline in stroke overall with folic acid supplementation.
FOR FOLKS WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, Strokes occur among individuals who have high blood pressure.  Their risk for stroke is 5.6% and folic acid drastically reduces this risk to 1.8% in high-risk groups.
B1: Derrick Lonsdale, the reigning expert on vitamin B1, says thiamin deficiency has a low mortality and a long morbidity.
Because B1 deficiency is associated with so many maladies (autism, diabetic complications, disruptive autonomic nervous system disorders, heart failure, neuropathy, sudden infant death, alcoholism, it defies detection as a collective disease.  An announcement the highly absorbable fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 (Benfotiamine) cures and prevents Alzheimer’s disease is expected soon.  There is a doctor in Italy who is astonishingly curing Parkinson’s disease with B1 shots (mostly among alcoholics).
Because of poor absorption, it is unlikely the best diet or fortified foods can overcome a state of B1 deficiency.  Once classified as a prison camp malnutrition disease, beriberi is now prevalent as a disease of overconsumption.  A sub-disease population is beri beri induced by water pills (diuretics).   Modern medicine can’t imagine how a B vitamin deficiency prevails in a well-fed population.  Vitamin B1 is well provided but just not absorbed or is rapidly excreted (diuretics).

ON B-9.
Methyl folate (methylated folate) is the predominant form of active vitamin B9 in the body.  It is produced enzymatically via another enzyme (methyl enetrahydro folate reductase or MTHFR).  Added problem: about 30%-50% of humans are unable to properly metabolize folic acid due to an inherited gene mutation.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


What used to be offensively called the "Third World" (Africa/Asia/Latin America) now produces more total GDP than the "First World" (Western Europe/ US/ Canada/ Australia/NZ/Japan)
What is Brix 3000?
It was named as Brix 3000 (Brix SRL Argentina), which was a dental product for non-traumatic caries treatment involving an enzymatic activity 3000 U/mg (U/mg: can be defined as the International units to measure a specific enzymatic activity or the concentration of enzymatic activity) in which papain was a bio- ...

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Wednesday, September 11, 2019



Bob Wenzel penned a post at Economic Policy Journal that should not shock any astute observer of government machinations.  The murderous machination to which I refer is . . . Obamacare or Pelosicare, however, you like your government sauce.  The title of Wenzel's post is "Crashing Life Expectancy in the United States."  By citing Gabriel Zucman, Wenzel reminds us immediately what life expectancy was like in the United States before Obamacare.  
Wenzel asks, "Who would have expected it?"  Actually, he did.  In 2012, he wrote:
Why Life Expectancy Will Crash in the United States
It's coming. It will take some time before it shows up in the stats, but the socialization of medicine is going to have a dramatic impact on medical care---for the worse.
It doesn't matter what the Supremes rule on Obamacare. If they rule against it, it will just slow things down, but socialist thinking surrounds the medical industry, especially among the "big thinkers", the interventionist minded, central planning focused bioethicists.
And the sad news is that it is now only happening at the margins. It will get worse.  -RW 
What this means is what this has always meant--stay away from government-run gigs and people.  Government lies.  They do this by individual and institutionally.  Good people have become government administrators and they are taught to lie, cheat, distort, distract, deflect, and otherwise dupe the tax-payer.  In fact, one of the reasons that so many inside government have so much contempt for the tax-payer is that the gov't agent looks down on the tax-payer as some uncritical, helpless rube in a rigged tax game.  

The instruction then becomes clear.  You need to take care of yourself.  Start with a powerful multivitamin, Molecular Multi.  See other essential vitamins for vigor.

Take vitamin C daily.  You'll live longer.  

UPDATE to Wenzel's post on socialized medicine Some pushback. This just got interesting. 
Bob –  When you write below that this is a result of the socialization of medicine you leave yourself open to the counterpoint that Europe has socialized medicine and is not experiencing this drop off in life expectancy.  In my view, the largest reason for this is due to the American diet and resulting in obesity levels.  The US has an obesity problem that far outstrips other first-world nations.  The carb-rich and erroneously dangerous USDA food pyramid is the primary culprit.  Worse, our medical community resorts to drugs to treat this epidemic (largely in the form of diabetes, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular drugs).
The ”socialization of medicine”, while a big problem in and of itself and the primary cause in rising healthcare costs, it is difficult to make that argument when other socialized medicine countries are not seeing the same reduction in life expectancy. 
Read Wenzel's reply here.