Thursday, August 28, 2014


Dr. Gary North reports on the CDC cover-up:

For 13 years, the U.S. government’s Centers for Disease Control covered up the fact of the increased risk for boys receiving the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination on schedule.

It turns out that the risk is far worse for blacks.

One man inside the CDC blew the whistle. He is ashamed that he covered up.

I wonder if this will lead to Congressional hearings. I wonder if any heads will roll for the sake of appearances.

I do not wonder if the CDC’s budget will be cut. Not a chance.

This video is very good. It is well produced. It is horrifying.

Names mentioned in the video are Peter Buxtun, Dr. Coleen Boyle, Dr. Scott Montgomery, EPA Microbiologist Dr. David Lewis, Dr. Frank DeStefano, Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsop, and Detroit Attorney Allison Folmar who defended Maryanne Godboldo to protect her own child from state psychiatric harm.

Monday, September 8, 2014:  Congressman’s Office In Possession of 100,000 CDC Whistleblower Documents?
Here's the Ben Swann story:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


A friend writes:
. . . Crisco, Monsanto, Cargill, Proctor and Gamble and many other have been telling me that oils and real food are bad for me but what they manufacture is Manna from heaven.
The Romans did well, as did much of Europe for centuries, Yes, there is something to say about modern health practices, we live longer on average than ever before, but the life span of man has not changed.  People died at birth and younger with diseases that now are almost non existent. But the lifespan of Man has not changed, just the "average" has changed. 

The old wisdom was that if you put a jaundiced newborn baby by a window in the sunlight it would clear up. Doctors, the paragons of knowledge about health, said that was impossible, just an old wives tale. Turns out, it is the truth, it was done for centuries. Now, there are "bili lights" in every L and D floor in American hospitals and most of the world for that reason. You would have to ask yourself, "how did we survive all those centuries before the experts showed up to tell us how we were doing it wrong?"
Sausage and cheese were the first preserved foods that the Roman legions carried. Ever wonder where the term "K" rations came from. The "K" stands for Keyes, as in Ansell Keyes, the father of the Lipid hypothesis. We have been held over a barrel ever since but there was lots of money to be made and was made. "Low fat this and that" Eggs are bad so "Egg beaters" were developed. Low fat milk. Low fat FAT, Olestra.

Since the inception of the Lipid hypothesis, diseases have been running wild. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a one in five chance you would get Cancer in your lifetime. This went on like this, despite the fact that we smoked like chimneys, until mid century, "K" rations and artificial foods the resulted from them in the food supply started an increase of disease. MI's, Parkinson's, Diabetes, Strokes, Liver issues, Kidney issues. The more grains and the less fats and those diseases increased right along with those introductions and proclamations better health. Like communism, all the advice hasn't worked because we haven't done it enough or done it right. Laws need to be made to "encourage" the population to eat right. Obamacare was step in that direction. Do as you want, but it will cost you if you don't do as you should. And let me tell you, the insurance companies couldn't be happier. Neither can Cargill, Archer, Monsanto, Proctor and Gamble. Yes my friend, the experts will see to it that we have a bright and happy future, or at least they will anyway.