Tuesday, December 26, 2023

MICHAEL RECHTENWALD: "Actually existing socialism," where you have a ruling elite that controls the resources in effect, and you have everyone else on the ground effectively equal, equally miserable, equally repressed . . .

Good assessment of our modern-day socialism here in America.  And they said it couldn't happen here.  Happened here pretty darn quick.  And we can thank the Brits [here and here] for that.

Corporate monopolist on top, and a kind of "actually existing socialism" on the ground.  There is actually existing socialism because this is a socialism that's not according to the textbook, it's not according to the founders of Marxian socialism, it's not according to their plan, but it's the way it turns out a lot of the time.  Where you have a ruling Elite that controls the resources in effect, and you have everyone else on the ground effectively equal, equally miserable, equally repressed, and so on and so forth.  So that's why I used the term "actually existing socialism" when I refer to that.  What I mean by that is there is a two-tiered system.  You have a corporate monopoly class on top with the state; you have a broad population living in economic stasis without many prospects.  After all, according to the World Economic Forum, by 2030, you'll own nothing and be happy.  That's in their words.  This is not a puppeteer pulling strings effectively some evil oligarchy.  We're not seeing that kind of manipulation.  What we're seeing is ideology and propaganda, not like fait accompli that's for sure.  This is not necessarily going to happen.  If I have my way, it won't, and I know many others who agree . . . .

INFLATION'S IMPACT ON CAR OWNERSHIP: Used Vehicles+40%; Maintenance & Repair+30%; Insurance+29%

Government ruined marriage?

IDAHO: The state wants to take property-owners' water

This is the state government being driven by globalism to take property owners property it is essentially Agenda 21 protocol the globalists hate private property owners and hate private property it's like that question what is OUR oil doing underneath YOUR land.  Property comes with a bundle of rights, rights to the natural resources above and below your land at a certain, defined reach.  But this is not a squabble over the reach of your property; this is a land grab starting with H2O.  Don't register your bodies of water, and they'll fall into the hands of the state.  Again, Agenda 21.  

So the definition of a housing bubble pop is 10.2%?