Monday, June 6, 2016

I like this. 

What this does is allow you to see a dentist over the web.  For a diagnosis of pain or tooth structure and so on, you don't have to schedule an appointment to see a dentist.  It can be done during any of your waking hours.  Or later if you prefer to have someone in another country speaking the same language to assess your teeth.  Pay $15 or less to have a dentist look at your teeth.  This will give you insight on how well your own dentist does at diagnosing your problems.  

The site is Oh Gizmo.  The product is ProPhix, a toothbrush that comes with a live-streaming capable camera in the handle of the brush that follows wherever it is that you put your toothbrush in your mouth.  Expect more of this as the diagnostic technology gets more and more expensive and as treatments and the professional guilds become more and more futile.  Here come the black markets!  Are you prepared?

Imagine sending a video or a handful of pictures to your dentist. Perhaps you want to add comment(s) to the pictures with a dedicated screencapture, explaining your concerns to your dentist. Your dentist may not like having to forego charging you $100 or more for a visit, but this will certainly put the fire of competition in his practice.  Other dentists will incorporate this service into their practice.  He will save customers money.  Word will get out. Markets in diagnosing dental health will expand to other countries. You might think "Well, those other countries just don't have the education and training that can serve the patient/client."  Maybe. Maybe the American Dental Association has been fraudulently controlling information and options to dental hygiene in this country and has not been serving the customer/client for over a hundred years.  Maybe dental amalgam fillings using all kinds of toxic metals are so good for your overall health, particularly brain health.  Maybe. 

To see what options exists for caring for your teeth, see this list:

1.  On Tooth Cavitation.
2.  On Root Canals, Nutritional Support, and Holistic Resources.
3.  Remineralize Your Teeth.  Remineralization basically consists of getting sound nutrition: protein, fat, and plant enzymes found in leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, and others. 
4.  Vitamin C and Your Teeth.
5.  Pineapple to build Alkalinity before, during, and after dental work.  

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

No Coffee, No Restaurants, Fats, and Vicks Vapor Rub

No coffee or caffeinated drinks of any kind--just water.

No Chinese restaurants or Mexican or Indian restaurants.  Food chain is too toxic.

Oranges help with opening up lungs. Valencia oranges seem sweeter and a bit more healthy than Navel oranges. Citrus fruits with their bioflaanoids are really good for blood vessel repair.

Vicks vapor rub is good for eliminating hard skin on your caused by fungus.

Get olive oil, coconut oil, and fish in your diet.  In fact, 85% of what you consume should be fat.
  • 75 to 85 percent of your total calories as healthy fat
  • 8 to 15 percent as carbs, with twice as many fiber carbs as non-fiber (net) carbs
  • 7 to 10 percent of your calories as protein (high-quality grass-fed or pastured meats and animal products)
Sources of healthy fats include: 

olives and olive oil
Coconuts and coconut oil
Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk, and cacao butter
Raw nuts, such as, macadamia and pecans, and seeds like black sesame, cumin, pumpkin, and hemp seeds
Organic pastured egg yolks
Grass-fed meats
Lard, tallow and ghee
Animal-based omega-3 fat such as krill oil

Saturday, May 28, 2016

"If you force the world's hungry to forego GMO foods because you think they're Frankenfoods, then you are the monster."

h/t Robert Wenzel @ TargetLiberty

GMOs are Frankenfood? 

The most tested products in agricultural history.  They're no riskier than any conventional plant technique.  GMOs could save the world.  End Vitamin A deficiency.  Much bigger yields.  Save biological diversity.  But if you force the world's hunger to do the same, you are the monster.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

“If for humanitarian reasons we wish to help people fleeing persecution, there is still no need to release them into the general population of susceptible individuals."

Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, is criticizing the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for allowing refugees to enter the United States without screening and treatment for latent tuberculosis.

Seven of the agency’s own public health experts said such screening and treatment “would potentially save millions of dollars and contribute to United States TB elimination goals” in a research article published in December.

“Admitting people who might cause an epidemic makes no sense whatsoever from a public health standpoint,” Orient tells Breitbart News.

“It suggests that those who favor it do not care about the cost in suffering, death, and expense to Americans,” Orient says, adding she agrees with the public health experts currently or formerly employed at the CDC who concluded that screening of refugees for latent tuberculosis and successful treatment of those who test positive for the disease prior to their entry into the country is the proper public health policy for the United States.

"In Science it's not a sin to change your mind when the evidence demands it." 

Fluoridation toxicity has already been established.  What's required now is to fight, to lead a letter-writing campaign against each municipal that allows it in its water.

Fluoride is an endocrine disrupter.  Has an adnormal affect on endocrine functions.  Fluoride disrupts thyroid function.

Fluoride in your water violates our rights to abstain from any treatment.  You know this already.  This documentary does a good job of presenting the argument that you're already familiar with.  Enjoy.

h/t Lew Rockwell