Deadly 2014 California Flu Season: Vaccines & Sugar the Culprit?
Then there is this article on sugar. It has been known for a very long time that sugar is bad for one's health. Sugary foods were rarely given in families. Sugar's history is also very interesting. Its demand soared after WWII when the low-fat craze started by Ancel Keys from Minnesota. It is fat that gives food its flavor; and we've learned since how important fat is for signaling between organs in the body. "This was not what the food industry wanted to hear. When devising their low-fat products, manufacturers had needed a fat substitute to stop the food tasting like cardboard, and they had plumped for sugar. They knew "healthy" foods were low-fat but had sugar by the spoonful and Yudkin's findings threatened to disrupt a very profitable business." A friend of mine who grew up in another country asked me several months ago "Why do Americans appear so unhealthy?" I answered that sugar seems to be one reason. Because of the nutritional findings published by Ansel Keys, sugar became a standard of WWII military rations. Think of all those men who came home from the war craving sugar? And what do you think their children craved? Candy. Look at all of the holidays. Each one involves candy. My parents loved candy bars and sodas. In addition to the excesses of sugar in sodas, the acids in the sodas wreak havoc on your over all health as well as your teeth. Anyway, both parents enjoyed candy bars and sodas. Symbols of innocence I suppose. Part of re-living their youth. My sisters to this day pride themselves on their ability to create fantastic desserts. And fantastic they are!!! But they have lots of sugar. So I think sugar when consumed in such large and daily amounts is unhealthy. Not only does sugar destroy teeth, but no one knew or understood how sugar destroyed metabolism, leading in some cases to diabetes. Though my dad or mom did not have diabetes, they certainly did suffer from metabolic complications, I believe, by a regularly ingesting sugary or sweetened foods. Sugar was not treated as a toxin or as something bad people. It was considered a treat, something special. The article on sugar at the top of this paragraph explains that fructose, which is one of the two main carbohydrates belonging to refined sugar, is primarily metabolized by the liver; while glucose, found in starchy foods like bread and potatoes, is metabolized by ALL cells. This means that consuming excessive amounts of fructose puts extra strain on the liver which then converts fructose to fat. Few people make the connection from sugar to being fat. Instead, they believe that fatty foods, like butter and cream and ice cream make us fat. It's not the fat; it's the sugar.
I was talking with a nurse friend of mine about vaccines after he'd read my comments on vaccines. I asked him what drug manufacturers and retailers, who market flu shots each winter, mean by "there's a particular virulent strain of virus going around this season." He helped to clear things up a little. First, the whole concept of viruses being more prevalent during one season over another is a marketing spin. Viruses are with us all year round and are not seasonal. What is seasonal are flu shots and our immunity. As to flu shots, retailers and manufacturers sell more flu shots during the winter. And they've got people believing that viruses go on vacation to Palm Springs from March to October. They don't of course. But during the winter months it is our immunity that seems to retreat. What makes people vulnerable to getting sick during the winter months is not new strains of viruses but our lack of sunlight and Vitamin D3 and activity. Since most people are indoors and the fact that there are fewer warm days during the winter, fewer days of glorious sunlight, our Vitamin D3 stores get depleted and our immunity is lessened. Though I take Vitamin D3 throughout the year, it makes particularly good sense to be taking it during the winter months. Vitamin D3 is found in foods like fish and eggs and milk, but it doesn't hurt to supplement during the months when we're indoors for so many days of the month and so many hours of the day.
When drug manufacturers, retailers, and health organizations talk about flu season, it is false advertising. It's a lie. The flu does not come around ONLY or during the winter months as a sinister bandit and then fly south to Mexico from March to October. Viruses are in circulation all year round. But because we're outdoors and active during the other parts of the year our immunity is stronger and vital. If we get a flu, it means that in years past our bodies were not exposed to that particular virus. And if we are exposed to specific viruses we've had in the past, we won't get sick from it because our immunity has already dealt with that virus. And after we heal and recover from the flu, it's not like the virus finally leaves our system like an unwanted household guest. The virus stays with us for life. It's our immunity that keeps it in check, hopefully never to raise its ugly head again.
Here are a few comments from my nurse friend:
"The fact is that viruses do not have a "season." They do not take a vacation after March and return in October. They are around all year. There are no new strains, just people who have no immunity to the strains that are around all the time. To isolate the predominant and infectious viral strains that are going around at any one time of the year scientists figure what vaccine strain was used 10-20 years ago under the assumption that there are many (people) alive now, not alive then, that have never had that strain and therefore no immunity response developed. That is the best guess that can be made. Those of us who were alive 20 years ago had the strain being pimped now so therefore, will probably not get it with or without a flu shot. I defy the true believers to take a flu shot a day for 30 days and still tell me that they are "safe" and indeed good for you. I think their tone will change or some other sophisticated "spin" will be offered as to the alleged safety."