Saturday, September 18, 2021



AIDS activist, Larry Kramer, [his books listed here] is mentioned in the video at the 

Dr. Judy Mikovits 

At the 8-minute mark, Mikovits called on President Trump to repeal the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act. or, more specifically, the Patent Trademark Law Amendments Act.  Fundamentally changed the way universities conduct technology transfer.  Universities obtain 16x as many patents today as they did in 1980.  Now everybody is getting more patents, but still, universities'  share of patents is more than 5x what it was before Bayh-Dole.  Still, the situation has gotten so bad that one information technology official has publicly referred to universities as "crack addicts" driven by small-minded tech transfer offices addicted to patent royalties.  

That act gave government workers the right to patent their discoveries.  So to claim intellectual property for discoveries that the taxpayer paid for.  Ever since that happened in the early 80s it destroyed science, and this allowed the development of those conflicts of interest.  And this is the crime behind letting someone like Bill Gates with billions of dollars, nobody elected him, he has no medical background, he has no expertise, but we let people like that have a voice in this country while we destroy the lives of millions of people.  

If we activate mandatory vaccines globally, I imagine these people stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars that own the vaccines.

And they'll kill millions as they already have with their vaccines.  There is no vaccine currently on the schedule for any RNA virus that works.  

Vaccine is immune therapy, just like alpha interferon is immune therapy.  My job is to develop immune therapies.  That's what vaccines are.  

Do you believe this virus was created in a laboratory? 

I wouldn't use the word created, but you can't say "naturally occurring" if it was by way of the laboratory.  So it's very clear this virus was manipulated.  This family of viruses was manipulated and studied in a laboratory where the animals were taken into the laboratory and this is what was released whether deliberate or not.  That cannot be naturally occurring.  Somebody didn't go to a market and get a bat; the virus didn't jump directly to humans.  That's not how it works.  That's accelerated viral evolution.  If it was a natural occurrence, it would take up to 800 years to occur.  

Suramin in 2015 in clinical trials was done for autism in San Diego--double-blind, placebo-controlled study--and these kids who couldn't talk, couldn't sense, couldn't behave, couldn't calm, got their lives back.  Suramin was owned by Bayer.  In 2016, Bayer and Monsanto became one.  In that clinical trial when I worked making cancer drugs.  When you see a drug work in a trial, you stop the trial and give the drug to everyone.  Bayer stopped the trial and it's virtually impossible to get.    

AUSTRALIA: No Shot, No Work.

 Could Australia use a crate or two of these, perhaps a boatload?


"Resveratrol blocks all three stages of cancer genesis: initiation, promotion, and progression."

from Greg Hunter at USAWatchDog

Karen Kingston is a top pharmaceutical analyst who has researched and written about many cutting-edge drugs.  She has been ostracized and attacked by Big Pharma because she is speaking out about the great harm being done by the so-called CV19 vaccines.  Everything from heart failure, cancer and even ED are just some of the side effects of the vax injections.  More and more is coming out about how the “vaccines” are hurting and killing people.  Kingston, who has read and studied hundreds of pages of CV19 vaccine patents, says, “They are not vaccines.  They are only intended to poison, mutate, cause genetic mutations, and kill adults and children.   They contain advanced medical technologies called lipid nanoparticles that are made of hydrogel, which contains graphene oxide (poison to humans). . . . There are strong immunosuppressants, different types of chemotherapies that could suppress your immune system while being injected by something that is going to highjack your immune system . . . . and actually produce this disease-causing genetic material that can cause cancers, inflammatory diseases, genetic disorders, infertility and etc.  That’s when I cried, not for myself or my family, but for God’s children basically.”

Nanolipid capsule hydrogel is poison. It contains graphene.  Dr. Ryan Cole who's been doing autopsies is appalled by what he is seeing. He's seen a 20-fold increase in cancers.  

If cancer is indeed the fallout from these vaccines, then people need to be taking supplements that stop the onset, halt any cancer that a person may currently have, and actually reverse cancers so that your body can heal itself.  What product is that?  Resveratrol.  And the preferred brand of Resveratrol is Bill Sardi's Longevinex.  

On pages 9-10, check this out: 

No single molecule, natural or man-made, has been proven to cure cancer. Most cancer chemotherapy consists of multiple drugs. But then again, there is resveratrol.

It was a breathtaking moment in the history of medicine. It is nearly forgotten now, but momentarily relived for readers here. A researcher had been dispatched across the globe to test and examine over 30,000 natural molecules for their ability to quell cancer. Unexpectedly, one molecule stood out from the rest.

John Pezzuto PhD, the researcher who traveled thousands of miles for the National Cancer Institute to put these natural molecules to the test, said: “Of all the plants we’ve tested for cancer chemo-preventive activity and all the compounds we’ve seen, this one has the greatest promise.”

Resveratrol blocks all three stages of cancer genesis:  initiation, promotion and progression.  No anti-cancer drug comes even close to doing this.  Resveratrol may be as close as biologists will ever come to a singular cure for cancer. Oddly, even though resveratrol has been demonstrated in numerous studies to help overcome cancer drug resistance and to quell cancer itself, it is not even used as a secondary medication in cancer therapy today.

According to Dr. Pezzuto, a recent research study involving resveratrol showed that it switched hundreds of genes at one time. Commenting on that study, Dr. Pezutto likened resveratrol to a “whiff that induces a biologically specific tsunami.” Those are strong words from a usually reserved investigator  

The passage that got my attention was the one that read "Resveratrol blocks all three stages of cancer genesis:  initiation, promotion, and progression."  Seems like that would help. 

Medicare Pays Doctors a 20% Bonus If They Give Hospitalized Patients Remdesivir

from Rumble

Ivermectin has been a human medicine for 34 years. 

It's been used to treat Yellow Fever, Dengue, Coronaviruses, and more.

The real Delta is the antibody-dependent Enhancement or the reactions to these vaccines, but they don't want people to say that.  

Fauci knew that Remdesivir was a killer.  It was tested for Ebola in Africa.  It led to death.  It shuts down the kidneys.  It floods the lungs with fluids. The patients, their advocates, as well as their loved ones are losing total control.  

Remdesivir kills the kidneys and a quarter of animals in trials.  It was such a deadly medicine in the Ebola trials.  They give it at the wrong time.  It may have efficacy in the first couple of days when the virus is replicating, but when people come to the hospital they're past the viral replication stage and you have to treat inflammation.  At that point, you should be focused on giving them anti-inflammatories.  Giving them Remdesivir actually gives them a higher chance of them going into organ failure.  Physicians aren't reading the data on Remdesivir and are still willy-nilly giving something that is highly, highly toxic is mindboggling to me from a medical point of view and a scientific point of view.  It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.  

Doctors do know.  There's a 20% bonus if a doctor sticks a needle in an arm and gives them Remdesivir.  Welcome to hospitalized care via CDC protocols.  It's in the Medicare documents.  Hmm.  This article corroborates almost verbatim Dr. Cole's point exactly

Hospitals will receive an additional payment when treatment includes Veklury (remdesivir) or COVID-19 convalescent plasma to treat patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Like a new technology add-on payment, the cost of the drug won’t be entirely folded into the MS-DRG.

The only hitch is hospitals must ensure they make a connection to the Medicare bonus for COVID-19 inpatients, said attorney Daniel Hettich, with King & Spalding in Washington, D.C. “You have to be eligible for the 20% add-on to get the new therapeutic add-on,” he said. “If you don’t have a positive test, you don’t qualify for the new treatment add-on payment.”

It's incredible.  Check out this documentary on Ivermectin to learn how Remdesivir was privileged over Ivermectin.  

These murder-for-money schemes are essentially bailouts for hospitals, who turn around and bribe their employees--nurses, aides, orderlies, etc.--with high-dollar salaries.  I know for a fact from one nurse recruiter that Massachusetts was paying over $7,000 clear per week in one city there.  

That same article also explains the coercive push behind the vaccines.  The government is paying the hospitals to give the vaccines for free. 

The interim final rule, which implements section 3713 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, also said Medicare, Medicare Advantage (MA) and commercial payers must offer FDA-approved vaccines free to patients. Medicare and MA will pay hospitals, physicians, pharmacists and others a fee for the administration of the vaccine and a fee for the vaccine itself. A provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires coverage of preventive care without cost sharing provided a “pathway” to sweep in private payers, said Valerie Rinkle, president of Valorize Consulting. CMS also revised the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement model because of the public health emergency (PHE). 

These details of the CARES Act were lost on the American people who were dazzled by the incredulity of $1,400 government checks.  So while Americans were all so giddy about where they'd planned to spend their newly created dollars, big pharma was designing how to whip up a propaganda campaign to get more Americans filled with toxic spiked proteins.  Note the date when Trump signed the CARES Act and how it corresponded with the nationwide lockdown.  

On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the bill into law. With most forecasters at the time predicting that the U.S. economy was either already in a recession or heading into one, policymakers crafted legislation that dedicated historic government funding to support large and small businesses, industries, individuals, families, gig workers, independent contractors, and hospitals. 

California's Stay-at-Home orders were announced on March 19, 2020.  Here's a timeline that, if for nothing else, helps keep track of the events that you've already come to forget.  This table also gives you the start and end dates of the lockdowns in different states and counties.   

Toward the end of the interview, Stew Peters kind of throws up his hands and asks, What do we do to get our medical freedom back?  "Where is the neutrality in medicine?"  Ha!!!  First, if he is asking how we force the hospitals to rewrite their ethics so that they serve the health of people in their care, ah, good luck with that.  Like any other business, hospitals work for a profit.  They have protocols, and those protocols are set by the CDC.  So already when you go into a hospital, you're walking into a dead zone that operated remotely.  The staff simply follows the protocols because if they didn't, or if they don't, they'd get fired.  So there's that tether.  Don't expect to have your health restored in a hospital.  A friend insists that America has the best emergency medicine.  I say prove it.  Compared to what? 

Dr. Cole says that monoclonal antibodies save lives.  



Friday, September 17, 2021

Vancouver clinic to offer take-home medical-grade heroin