Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Acerola cherries contain 30x the amount of Vitamin C that occurs in your average orange.
You've heard of it.  It's ubiquitous.  It's in our foods.  And you've seen and heard testimonials on its miraculous effects.  So you know it's good for you.   Well, you know it's even better for you in higher doses.  Hey, if you're a high-octane performer, then you'll really want to supplement with Vitamin C.

But what does Vitamin C do to our bodies?  I can't speak for everyone and their bodies, but when Dr. Klenner treated polio myelitis with Vitamin C he found that C's function on the body went something like this. He summarizes:
1. Virus destruction. 2. Dehydrates the brain and the spinal cord safely. 3. Supports and normalized the stressed adrenal glands. 4. It preserves the lining of the central canal and maintains more regular spacing and less crowding of ependymal cells (surface cells of the spinal cord).  
I spoke with a neurofeedback expert in Beverly Hills back around 1998 what the best medicine for injuries is?  Without hesitation or pause, she answered directly, "Vitamin C."  I didn't ask her how much or what kind, should it come in form of fruit or supplement. I guess I was stunned by its simplicity, since as I've stated above that Vitamin C is ubiquitous, we know about its miraculous effects. Yet, we experience no miracles.  Why?  It might be precisely because Vitamin C is so well-known; in other words, it's not the latest newfangled opioid or drug.  
Hippocrates said "Of several remedies, the physician should choose the least sensational.'  Vitamin C fills that criterion.
Is it a volume issue?  
Is it a kind issue?  Are we using the wrong kind of Vitamin C?  Yes, and no. In other words, it is a volume issue.  

There are maintenance doses, then there are therapeutic doses.  

A discussion on vitamins is often strange.  Healthier people or folks in control or grappling with control will often say that they don't like to take vitamin supplements.  And from that, you hear a sense of "I've got this," meaning I prefer healthier alternatives.  It depends.  And in part, this answer comes from the ubiquitous nature of recreational drugs that are made with all sorts of toxic substances.  Healthier folks believe, and for good reason, that the same is true for the nutritional supplement industry.  It is after an unregulated, of sorts, billion dollar market.  "Who is overseeing the quality?!?!" might come the demand.  The supplement industry has been lucrative for the entire 20th century.  Study of its products has been unrelenting.  Prior to these studies we had legend and folklore. All that means is that the insights are phrased lyrically or poetically to make remembering the insights and instructions easier.  Give this a gander:
In 1948, he published his first paper on the use of large doses of Vitamin C in the treatment of virus diseases. In 1960, he realized, “Every head cold must be considered as a probable source of brain pathology.” Hold on to this thought; it is significant for the understanding of diseases like multiple sclerosis. He also felt-as do Archie Kalikarinos and Glen Dettman of Australia-that the dreaded Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was basically a Vitamin C deficiency. His maxim: the patient should “get large doses of Vitamin C in all pathological conditions while the physician ponders the diagnosis.” 
I like that concept.  This should be the main protocol practiced by all doctors when confronted with every ailment.   
We have misled ourselves with the mistaken notion that all C was supposed to do was keep us from scurvy. If, however, we base our needs on the amounts other mammals manufacture with their intact enzyme it comes to 2-4 grams daily in the unstressed condition. Under stress 70 kg of rats make 15 grams of C. [Burns; Salomon; Conney].
True, true.  People have been trained to think of Vitamin C as over-the-counter anti-scurvy medication without really knowing what the symptoms of scurvy are.  As long as they don't get sea-sick, they must be just fine.  This is just one way that modern medicine and its industrialized complex choke valuable, life-saving, health-fortifying information.  Recommending that someone take Vitamin C they get all defensive because the recommendation alone makes them think that they are sick.  And because they don't have full-blown symptoms of a particular condition, they feel they are just fine and therefore don't bother them with sickly or anemic information.  Stress alone requires Vitamin C supplementation. That figure of 2 to 4 grams of Vitamin C in an unstressed environment just blows me away.  With FDA guidelines set at 60 mgs for Vitamin C is it no wonder that people have been fooled into ailing health?  And where does the medical-industrial-scientific complex want you to put your faith?  Ahem, in your doctor, doctors whose training only involves pharmaceuticals as healing agents. With this option, is it no wonder most people are in trouble and the solutions that keep being offered is more medicine, like "HEALTHCARE for EVERYONE" slogan that gave us the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or PPACA, or Obamacare.  Just as more and more people get healthcare, the quality of the care is the first casualty.  Doctors rushing to grab an ever-increasing number of patients.  
We are willing to accept the premise that some of us are born with genetic defects that lead to problems that can be somewhat controlled with diet and supplements (i.e. phenylketonuria, galactosemia, and alkaptonuria and pernicious anemia). Can’t we accept the fact that we all have a genetic deficiency of the enzyme, l-gulonolactone oxidase and have to take Vitamin C for health, even for life? [Burns, 1959] 
Irwin Stone calls this human genetic lack, this inability, hypoascorbemia. The point that Dr. Klenner is making: “The physiological requirements in man are no different from other mammals capable of carrying out this syntheses.” If one is anemic due to poor iron intake, is it cheating to swallow iron tablets for a while? If you are hypoascorbemic because you cannot manufacture Vitamin C from sugar, extra glucose in your diet will not help, you need to take Vitamin C. 
Loved the way the author set that up, "If you are hypoascorbemic because you cannot manufacture Vitamin C from sugar, extra glucose in your diet will not help, you need to take Vitamin C." And in some cases--what am I talking about, in many cases--Vitamin C is associated with candy or sugary foods that get labeled as "Vitamins added." 
He reports that one of the Pilgrim Fathers wrote to a friend in England in 1621: “Bring juice of lemon, and take it fasting. It is of good use.” 
One guy at a forum I frequent takes this every day.  If you've got kidney problems or a kidney stone, nothing better for it than a half cup of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, and maybe a squirt of honey. 
Folklore has revealed to us what natural remedies have been helpful and even curative. We have been lured into the trap of modern medicine which prescribed a drug for every condition. But consider acerola: Puerto Rican legend has it that if the tree bearing this fruit is in one’s backyard, colds will not enter the front door. This fruit bears 30 times the amount of C than oranges. Dr. Klenner credits Boneset with the health of the Klenner family during the great influenza pandemic of 1918. This plant was made into a tea, bitter but curative. He assayed the tea for Vitamin C; they were getting 10-30 grams at a time! 
Ah, there it is!  "We have been lured into the trap of modern medicine which prescribed a drug for every condition."  That's what I am referring to above.  Employers offer health insurance as part of the benefits package and the husband feels accomplished.  His work and thinking about health and remedies is done.  Only task now is to find a doctor "we like."  O, Fortune!  But check out that Puerto Rican folklore on acerola, ". . . this fruit is in one’s backyard, colds will not enter the front door."  The first time that I'd ever heard of acerolas was when I sold Amway vitamins in 1979 when I learned that acerola cherries contained an exponential amount of Vitamin C.  But as a young man the claims had no pull, no real meaning for me.  For oldsters, yes, and I remembered that point in my presentation.  Also, check out these concerns about acerola cherries, 
It’s rare to experience side effects from getting too much vitamin C, although common problems such as diarrhea, nausea and cramps may arise, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Taking large amounts in supplements may increase your risk of developing kidney stones. To avoid potential health problems, adults should not consume more than 2,000 milligrams daily, the Office of Dietary supplements cautions.
Contrast the worries and concerns of Vitamin C stated in that paragraph with the recommendations and healing influence of higher doses, of the virtues of Vitamin C going in the other direction, namely toward vibrant health. First, the author, Sandi Busch, says that it's "rare to experience side effects from . . . too much Vitamin C," but then recognizes common problems as though the side effects are more grave or outweigh the benefits of Vitamin C, ". . . such as diarrhea, nausea and cramps."  And where does Ms. Busch obtain her authoritative insights?  The Office of Dietary Supplements, ODS.  Had no idea such an office even existed but it does. It's a branch of National Institutes of Health, NIH.

But Pauling continues . . . 

The small amount of Vitamin C, recommended by the RDA (75 mg then and 60 mg now) is enough to protect the person from gross disease, but not the amount to maintain good health. Dr. Klenner quotes Kline and Eheart, who in 1944 realized there are wide variations in the need for Vitamin C, in otherwise “normal” individuals. In 1945 Jolliffe suggested that the optimum requirements might be more than 10 times the small doses recommended. 
For good health, individuals, according to Klenner, need about 1 gram of Vitamin C per day.  For therapeutic uses to correct or improve conditions, you'll need more . . . a lot more.   
Scurvy develops slowly. Crandon (in 1940) found that the Vitamin C level of the blood plasma fell to zero for 90 days before there was obvious clinical evidence and that this was as long as 132 days before the first signs appeared. 
Incredible, no?  So if we wait for scurvy symptoms to manifest themselves, it takes anywhere from 90 to 132 days to show up!!! Incredible.  Just incredible.  So we can go for 4 months without any Vitamin C supplements and can claim during that asymptomatic sequence that supplements are a waste of time and only produce expensive urine because we don't have the clinical signs of scurvy. I wonder what the repair time for scurvy is once on a regime of Vitamin C as well as what the prognosis is. 

Sunday, October 2, 2016


I was looking for treatments for circulation, particularly poor circulation in the lower extremities.  My dad suffered terribly from poor circulation in his legs.  I wish I'd known then, what I know now.  

So what is it that I know now?  Just what I read this morning at DoctorYourself.com:  
According to Wilfrid Shute, M.D. and Evan Shute, M.D., Vitamin E in quantity has many benefits. One is an oxygen-sparing effect on heart muscle.  Another benefit is that Vitamin E helps to gradually break down blood clots in the circulatory system, and helps prevent more from forming. Vitamin E encourages collateral circulation in the smaller blood vessels of the body. It seems to promote healing with the formation of much less scar tissue. Vitamin E helps strengthen and regulate the heartbeat. 
Did you get that?  Vitamin E helps gradually break down blood clots . . . and helps prevent more from forming."  Wow!  Just wow. But that's not all.
Vitamin E encourages collateral circulation in the smaller blood vessels of the body. It seems to promote healing with the formation of much less scar tissue.
It is one thing to hear from a friend or from a commercial or from your own reading what the benefits of a particular vitamin are. How often do we hear that Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant and that people should be taking it for colds?  We hear that a lot.  But there are so many more benefits to Vitamin C that are overlooked. Deliberately overlooked?  Hmm.  I don't know.  Maybe.  Yes, Vitamin C does fight scurvy and is an anti-oxidant.  Yes, but it also builds collagen, which may prove more important than its use as an anti-oxidant.  In fact, turmeric is a more powerful antioxidant than Vitamin C or E.  
Studies have shown that turmeric is effective in halting cancer in all 3 stages, reducing the number of tumors and protecting the throat, stomach, and colon against cancer.  In animal studies, turmeric was toxic to cancer cells within thirty minutes.  
But back to Vitamin E and circulation.  
The above benefits, say the Shutes, mean that vitamin E is important in the treatment of many diseases of the circulatory system. These cardiologists treated heart attacks, angina, atherosclerosis, rheumatic fever, acute and chronic rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart diseases, intermittent claudication, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and high blood pressure. That's quite a list, to which they soon added diabetes and burns as well. Many medical authorities were skeptical, to say the least. Vitamin E seemed to be too good for too many illnesses. 
Well, that is quite a list.  And how credible are the authors of these findings?  I mean, how do they know?  What proof do they have? 

Before the Shutes' viewpoint on vitamin E can be disregarded we must consider that they treated more than 30,000 cardiac patients over a period of more than 30 years. Their success cannot be easily dismissed. Today, the Shute Institute in London, Ontario, Canada, continues to see cardiac patients from all over the world, providing what is arguably the most thorough and successful vitamin E treatment for heart disease anywhere. 
So there's that.   

Guidelines on taking Vitamin E.  Dr. Saul summarizes the Shutes' opinion on that question. 
A person in good health may wish to begin with a supplemental amount of 200 I.U. of vitamin E per day and try it for a couple of weeks. Then, 400 IU  might be taken daily for another two weeks. For the next two weeks, 600 I.U. daily, and for the next two weeks, 800 I.U. per day and so on. One ultimately takes the least amount that gives the best results. This approach is essentially that of Richard A. Passwater and is provided in more detail in his book Supernutrition (1975, Pocket Books).  
There were reports about ten years that said taking 400IU is the maximum amount one should take per day.  But a friend of mine takes 3 to 4 to 5 times that and he looks healthy.  Nor do I ever hear of any physical ailments from him.  So there's that.  But Sau's summary above says that the best way is to take a graduated amount, starting at 200I.U. and working up to as high as 800I.U. a day.   

After recognizing Vitamin E's versatility in everything from heart disease to hemorrhoids, Saul explains why a single vitamin or its deficiency can account for so many functions our bodies: 
First, the reason one vitamin can cure so many ailments is that a deficiency of one vitamin can cause many ailments. Each vitamin has many different uses in the human body. There are, after all, just over a dozen vitamins and your body undergoes countless millions of different biochemical reactions daily. Therefore, each vitamin has to have a large variety of applications. 
My own experience with Vitamin E is that is a terrific topical wound healer.  I said healer. Absolutely.  And this has been corroborated by friends who've experienced similar miraculous responses from topical Vitamin E.  I had an open sore on my wrist that would just not go away.  I was suffering some serious stress at work and the open wound that started as a cut just did not heal itself.  It would start to scab and then the scabbing would recede. Frustrated by the lack of progress, I got a Vitamin E capsule.  I knew that Vitamin E was good for skin, I just didn't know how good.  Within 3 days after applying the Vitamin E to the wound, it had almost entirely healed.  The wound had closed and the scab was hardening to its later stages.  I could not believe my eyes.  I shared the information with a friend. He told me "That's why I take it internally.  For healing."  

Now tracking the internal improvements derived from Vitamin E is a lot harder.  I mean if you've got internal ulcers, it's kind of hard to know if they've been treated or healed by swallowing Vitamin E gelatinous capsules. 

For foods rich in Vitamin E, check out this list

1.  Spinach
2.  Vegetable oils [but be careful here: I recommend only olive oil, coconut oil, sesame seed oil, and macadamia nut oil.  All others, forget about it, especially forget about Canola and Soybean oils. Ugh!]
3.  Hazelnuts
4.  Sunflower seeds
5.  Avocados
6.  Shrimp
7.  Rainbow Trout
8.  Broccoli
9.  Butternut Squash
10.  Kiwi

1.  Cayenne Pepper
2.  Gingko Biloba
3.  Ginger
4.  Onions.
5.  Garlic. 
6.  Parsley is really good for you; it's got Vitamin C too.
7.  Horse Chestnut (I've tried this in supplement form only once.)
8.  Willow Bark is Nature's aspirin.
9.  Green tea is "known to improve the function of the cells that line the capillaries."  Hmm.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Brown, Spotted Bananas Are Rich In TNF

I've always avoided bananas because they rank so high on the glycemic index.  This video presents benefits to bananas that were once unbeknownst to me.  Not anymore.  Still, the bananas can put weight on me, which I don't like.  Brown bananas are rotten and unappetizing.  The more brown patches a banana has, the more ripe  it is, and the more TNF, or tumor necrosis factor, it contains.  

There's more.  It goes on.  Incredible.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Few interventions can initiate pain relief and healing like chiropractic adjustments!

I'd had chiropractic care from three different therapist.  The first two were atrocious. I did not feel relief from any pain, nor did I experience an increase in physical ability. But it was the third chiropractor that I found that opened the heavens so to speak.  I felt immediate pain relief, which I found stunning. Second, while on the basketball court, I found a range of movement I hadn't experienced since I was 22.  My legs came up higher.  I was switching gears mid-air between strides.  Shocking and exhilarating.  I had written my "old man" status off and here I was running and darting, leaping and bounding like a 22 year old.  The guys on the court asked, "Where did you get all this energy?"  I told them, "My chiropractor."  I had no idea that youthful flexibility could ever be retrieved.  Well, it could apparently.  And it took only one or two chiropractic adjustments that allowed me to return vigorously to a sport I'd loved since I was boy.  
Admittedly, I haven't read too many articles on chiropractic care and its benefits, so I Googled them.  The first hit showed this:
The goal of chiropractic adjustment, also known as spinal manipulation, is to correct structural alignment and improve your body's physical function.
But the comments and insights on this non-invasive therapy that redresses a wide range of conditions and symptoms impressed me.  This is from Dr. Axe, a very reliable source.  
Here is his article.
If you haven’t visited a chiropractor before, you might be missing out. Millions of people around the world have experienced the incredible benefits of chiropractic care.
One of the best things about chiropractic care is it’s a drug-free and surgery-free path to healing naturally.
That is absolutely true.  And this has always been my preference, "drug-free and surgery-free path to healing."  The list of ailments, symptoms, and conditions it can treat will amaze you.
People have reported chiropractic benefits help to improve:
  • Neck pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Organ function
  • Surgery prevention
There are a lot of misconceptions about chiropractic practices and how chiropractors are trained. In fact, did you know many chiropractic programs also incorporate an entire year of PhD-level advanced nutrition training?
I did not know that they had that kind of training in nutrition.  Good to know. But come to think of it, my chiropractor has not uttered a word about nutrition in relation to my condition.  He mentions exercise, but nothing about which foods would be best suited for my condition.  

Anyway, Dr. Axe continues.

However, most of the benefits of seeing a chiropractor come from getting a chiropractic adjustment. Let’s talk about the philosophy, history and evidence-based research of chiropractic care.

What Chiropractors Believe

Chiropractors pride themselves on taking a natural, drugless approach to helping their patients reach their health goals. Essentially, the basic principle upon which the entire profession is built is that the body has the amazing, innate ability to heal itself (under the right conditions), and it is the chiropractor’s job to help create an environment to facilitate this.
Because the nervous system controls every cell and organ in your body, chiropractors focus their attention on the health of your spine being properly aligned and, if there are shifts, helping the spine come back into alignment.

History of Chiropractic Benefits Deafness 

The natural healing art of chiropractic was first developed by a magnetic healer named D.D. Palmer in 1895. According to history, it all started when Harvey Lillard — a man who was deaf in one ear — went in to see Palmer for his condition hoping that he had something up his sleeve to cure the deafness.
When Palmer learned that Lillard suffered a head injury that preceded his condition, he evaluated his spine and noticed that a vertebra in the upper back seemed wildly out of alignment. According to Palmer:
“I had a case of heart trouble which was not improving. I examined the spine and found a displaced vertebra pressing against the nerves, which innervate the heart. I adjusted the vertebra and gave immediate relief — nothing ‘accidental’ or ‘crude’ about this. Then I began to reason if two diseases, so dissimilar as deafness and heart trouble, came from impingement, a pressure on nerves, were not other disease due to a similar cause? Thus the science (knowledge) and art (adjusting) of Chiropractic were formed at that time.”
Palmer coined his manual therapy technique chiropractic, which comes from the two Greek words cheiros and praktikos (meaning “with hands”). Since then, countless millions of people across the globe have benefited from this manual therapy that some sources date back to Hippocrates!

Vertebral Subluxation

At the core of the numerous chiropractic miracle stories is a concept known as “vertebral subluxation.” When chiropractors use this phrase, they refer to mechanical compression and irritation to spinal joints and nerves. In Harvey Lillard’s case, the nerves affecting his sense of hearing were compromised, and once D.D. Palmer freed his body of this “neurological insult,” his hearing was restored.
  • For someone else, it could be sciatica
  • Or gastrointestinal complaints
  • Or (fill in the blank)
When you consider how most cells and organs in your body are controlled by nerves traveling through your spinal canal, it’s mind-blowing to consider how vast the side effects can be!

Why Get Chiropractic Adjustments?

Many things can lead to a vertebral subluxation. Some of the more common causes I’ve found are:
  • A vertebra going out of place (“misalignment”) because of a slip or fall (i.e., “macrotrauma”).
  • The entire spine misaligning globally due to poor posture.
  • Joint swelling caused by damage done to the intervertebral joint.
  • An inflammatory response caused by a poor diet, lack of pure water or psychological stress.
  • Osteoporosis or degenerative changes of the spine or intervertebral discs.
  • Trigger points and tight back muscles that pull the vertebrae out of place.

Importance of Posture

The problem that we see in Western cultures is that our unnatural habit of sitting down all day does a number on our spines — not to mention our posture! We’re glued to our cell phones, iPads and laptops!
Far too many live their lives hunched over and with their necks stuck out like turtles. Doctors call this “forward head posture,” and studies prove that for every inch your head sticks out from a true center of gravity, your neck bears an extra 10 pounds of stress. Just think about how common and dangerous this can be for your health!
During posture evaluations, chiropractors regularly observe many of their patients carrying their head two to three inches forward, which is an extra 20-30 pounds of pressure on their neck!

Top 10 Chiropractic Studies and Research

Finding a good chiropractor isn’t only key to correcting the damage caused by years of poor posture or trauma — it’s also important for everyone wanting to take a proactive approach to his or her health care.
I don’t know of any other profession on the planet that can prevent neuromuscular-based disease like chiropractic can. That is why I’ve been personally getting adjusted for over 10 years and recommend my patients, friends and family members to do the same.
But don’t just take my word for it. Here is some of the medical research and studies proving the therapeutic benefits of chiropractic.

1. Sciatica 

The European Spine Journal published the findings from a clinical trial last year uncovering how chiropractic adjustments resulted in a 72 percent success rate in treating sciatica and related symptoms compared to the 20 percent success from physical therapy and 50 percent from corticosteroid injections.
Compared to most medical treatments, few interventions can initiate back pain relief and healing like chiropractic adjustments can!

2. Low Back Pain and Neck Pain

In a study published in the British Medical Journal 2003, 183 patients with neck pain were randomly allocated to manual therapy (spinal mobilization), physiotherapy (mainly exercise) or general practitioner care (counseling, education and drugs) in a 52-week study.
The clinical outcome measures showed that chiropractic adjustments resulted in faster recovery than physiotherapy and general practitioner care. Moreover, total costs of the chiropractic-treated patients were about one-third of the costs of physiotherapy or general practitioner care.
Another study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found patients with chronic low-back pain treated by chiropractors showed greater improvement and satisfaction at one month than patients treated by family physicians. Satisfaction scores were higher for chiropractic patients.
A higher proportion of chiropractic patients (56 percent vs. 13 percent) reported that their low-back pain was better or much better, whereas nearly one-third of medical patients reported their low-back pain was worse or much worse.x
In a study funded by NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine to test the effectiveness of different approaches for treating neck pain, 272 participants were divided into three groups that received either spinal manipulative therapy from a doctor of chiropractic (DC), pain medication (over-the-counter pain relievers, narcotics and muscle relaxants) or exercise recommendations.
After 12 weeks, about 57 percent of those who met with DCs and 48 percent who exercised reported at least a 75 percent reduction in pain, compared to 33 percent of the people in the medication group. After one year, approximately 53 percent of the drug-free groups continued to report at least a 75 percent reduction in pain, compared to just 38 percent pain reduction among those who took medication.

3. Headaches (Tension and Migraine)

Second only to back pain, headaches are one of the most common conditions regularly managed by chiropractors. At the time I conducted this research, over 230 peer-reviewed articles referenced chiropractic’s ability to help cure, prevent and ease the burden of headaches and migraines in people all across the globe!
A group trial found that 22 percent of people who had chiropractic treatment saw the number of attacks drop by 90 percent. In that same study, 49 percent said they had a significant reduction in pain intensity.
Compared to most medical treatments, few interventions can initiate headache relieflike chiropractic adjustments can.

4. Colic and Ear Infections

A 2012 study published in Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics found that chiropractic adjustments greatly reduced colic symptoms.
Although very few randomized control trials have been conducted describing the clinical effects of chiropractic care on children, literally scores of case studies have been documented that describe how children suffering from otitis media (ear infections), acid reflux and colic have experienced complete to near complete resolution after just a few visits.
The reasons for this vary, but one common theme is that nerves controlling the gut and brain are intricately connected to each other and are quite sensitive to neurological insult caused by vertebral subluxations.

5. Neurological Conditions 

Exciting research is currently being conducted via upright MRI showing how upper cervical adjustments affect various brain-based conditions. What we have seen so far is quite remarkable.
Not only are MRI scans revealing that cerebral spinal fluid and blood flow are markedly increased after a chiropractic adjustment, researchers are observing that cerebellar invagination (when the cerebellum drops down below the skull line) is being reversed and brain plaquing (common in multiple sclerosis patients) is disappearing!
Montel Williams, the famous TV host, was interviewed about his experience as a MS patient under chiropractic care. Check it out here to see how it changed his life!

6. Blood Pressure

In 2007, George Bakris, the world expert on hypertension, published a study with a team of researchers in the Human Journal of Hypertension proving that one upper cervical chiropractic adjustment had the same effect as two blood pressure-lowering drugs. Even more fascinating, the effects of just one adjustment lasted more than six months!
Compared to the placebo-treated patients, those who got the real procedure saw an average 14 mm Hg greater drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure count) and an average 8 mm Hg greater drop in diastolic blood pressure (the bottom blood pressure number).
Other studies have shown similar findings with hypotensive patients, and their low blood pressure was raised to normal levels after chiropractic care. This is exciting because it highlights the body’s ability to create a homeostatic balanced environment once vertebral subluxations are removed.

7. Surgery Prevention

Chiropractic has long been heralded by natural health care providers as a natural method to prevent back surgery.
In fact, the Journal of the American Medical Association just recently published its low back pain guidelines and suggested that people suffering from back pain first try chiropractic before resorting to surgery.

8. Frozen Shoulder

Last year a clinical trial was published describing how patients suffering from the debilitating condition frozen shoulder responded to chiropractic care.
Of the 50 patients: 16 resolved completely; 25 showed 75 percent to 90 percent improvement; eight showed 50 percent to 75 percent improvement; and one showed 0 percent to 50 percent improvement.

9. Scoliosis

Chiropractic adjustments for scoliosis coupled with muscular rehabilitation techniques may help prevent the progression of scoliosis. Organizations like the nonprofit Clear Institute founded by Dr. Dennis Woggon have set out to empower health care professionals with an effective chiropractic system to treat people with scoliosis.
They’ve perfected a model and discovered that it is possible to effectively treat the condition without the use of restrictive braces or dangerous surgeries. In many case studies, participants have seen a 10 percent to 30 percent decrease in their scoliosis curvatures. You can read about some of the cases here.
If you or a family member suffer from scoliosis, I strongly recommend reaching out to a certified Clear Scoliosis Center to see if they can help you!

10. Athletic Performance 

There is a reason why athletes both today and in the past, like Michael Phelps, Jerry Rice and Joe Montana, are under regular chiropractic care. In fact, over 50 percent of NFL teams have a chiropractor on staff.
Because it is so effective at pain-based and pathological conditions, one of the most overlooked aspects of chiropractic care is that it enhances personal and athletic performance. Studies have sown that it:
  • Reduces inflammatory cytokines
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Enhances pulmonary function
  • Decreases mental and oxidative stress
  • Relieves muscle tension
  • And can naturally increase your energy level
Studies have even proved, objectively and subjectively, that chiropractic patients experience “overall increased bodily function,” which includes bowl regularity and mental clarity.
Basically, because it helps place your body in the position where it can heal itself, chiropractic adjustments can free your immune system up to focus on keeping you healthy, which enhances your ability to think, move and perform.

Read Next: 7 Natural Solutions for Healing a Heel Spur