Thursday, June 25, 2015

[Bob Wenzel on the Obamacare connected and pending disasters.]
In response to the Supreme Court decision in favor of Obamacare subsidies, which will benefit the crony healthcare system, crony healthcare insurance and provider stocks surged today.

Hospital stocks soared 13.19% and HMOs climbed 6.88%. Large cap pharmaceutical company stocks, and generic drug manufacturer stocks were up fractionally.

Aetna closed up 3.99%, United Health +2.65%, Cigna +2.43%, Humana +7.13%, Universal Health +7.73%, Community Health Systems +12.97% and HCA Holding +8.82%.

In contrast, the market overall was down today:


Younger, healthier workers will have to subsidize older, sicker workers. This should be fun to see how this will play out. I can imagine muggings by young people of the elderly. Just because. Obamacare is a dangerous policy.  Can also imagine older workers a lot more expendable.
Deep Tissue Massage Heals Internal Scar Tissue?
You may benefit from using deep tissue massage to break down internal scar tissue, also called lesions. In order to reach deep lesions, the massage must penetrate the area with scar tissue. Often the massage itself initially causes pain. While deep tissue massage won't relax your body like a Swedish massage, it does release toxins, increase blood circulation and decrease inflammation. Along with breaking down scar tissue, a deep tissue massage works to eliminate crystallization, restore muscle tone and help chemically balance the body.
Livestrong author claims that deep tissue massage can heal internal scar tissue. 


You may benefit from using deep tissue massage to break down internal scar tissue, also called lesions. In order to reach deep lesions, the massage must penetrate the area with scar tissue. Often the massage itself initially causes pain. While deep tissue massage won't relax your body like a Swedish massage, it does release toxins, increase blood circulation and decrease inflammation. Along with breaking down scar tissue, a deep tissue massage works to eliminate crystallization, restore muscle tone and help chemically balance the body.

Scar Tissue Connects Organs
Internal scar tissue affects every part of your body including your organs, muscles and connective tissue. Scar tissue forms when the body undergoes trauma or inflammation of your cells and tissue. In some cases, scar tissues link to form an adhesion, which is a band of scar tissue. The adhesion connects two internal parts, which may restrict movement or hinder things like organs from performing their intended functions. Often people with adhesions experience no symptoms or complications. For those who do suffer from adhesions, doctors may perform surgery to remedy the situation.
Break Down Scar Tissue
You may benefit from using deep tissue massage to break down internal scar tissue, also called lesions. In order to reach deep lesions, the massage must penetrate the area with scar tissue. Often the massage itself initially causes pain. While deep tissue massage won't relax your body like a Swedish massage, it does release toxins, increase blood circulation and decrease inflammation. Along with breaking down scar tissue, a deep tissue massage works to eliminate crystallization, restore muscle tone and help chemically balance the body.
Heal Old Wounds
The body forms scars as a way of repairing damage, so allow your body 6 to 12 weeks to heal before beginning any type treatment for scar tissue. Some treatment centers won't agree to work on scar tissue younger than 12 weeks without a doctor's release. Studies show that treatments help with scar tissue 20 to 30 years old, which means you don't need to rush the healing process.
Release the Trigger
Myofascial Release (MFR) is a non-invasive collection of techniques designed to treat problems in the fascia, a net-like membrane that surrounds and separates internal systems like nerves, muscles and organs. Scar tissue binds the fascia together preventing it from functioning. In MFR, therapists use cross-hand stretches, skin rolling, deep stretches and trigger point release to increase hydration, separate the fascia, restore elasticity and decrease compression. Trigger points indicate areas in the body where fibers contract irregularly. The trigger point generally radiates pain and may cause secondary trigger points to develop, further restricting fascia.
Fight Scar Tissue Naturally
Using a variety of herbal remedies often helps dissolve or repair scar tissue. 400 to 800 IU of vitamin E twice daily along with 1,000 mg of vitamin C promotes healing of collagen and connective tissue. Bioflavonoids like hesperetin, quercetin and rutin help the body absorb vitamin C. Thiosinaminum, calcium fluoroide, causticum and graphites also repair scar tissue damage. Depending on the cause of scar tissue, you may respond better to different treatments, so you may need to experiment to find the best combination of herbs.  

There are places in Los Angeles to get a deep tissue massage.  Check out the list from Yelp and call places near you, check for prices and hours.  Get some healin'.  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Classical Stretch by Essentrics

I'd never heard of it until just last week.  It's called the "Classical Stretch by Essentrics."  The stretch is designed to straighten your spine.

Maybe I should let the site speak for itself:

Essentrics Workout

1)  A dynamic workout based on the theories of Miranda Esmonde-White that simultaneously lengthens and strengthens every muscle in the body, resulting in greater joint mobility and lean, long muscles.

2)  A full-body technique that works through the muscles chains, liberating and empowering the muscles, relieving them from tension in the process.

3)  A completely original workout that draws on the flowing movements of Tai Chi which create health and balance, the strengthening theories behind ballet create long, lean, and flexible muscles and the healing principle of physiotherapy which create a pain free body.

There are three basic types of muscle contractions and Essentrics is loosely based on the concept of eccentric muscle contractions.

Medical Definition:  Eccentric training is defined as active contraction of a muscle occurring simultaneously with lengthening of the muscle.

You can read more as to what Essentrics Stretching is about, what it is for and who it is for here.  

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cayenne Pepper, Among Many Things, Stops Heart Attacks
Did you know that cayenne pepper can prevent heart attack in a minute? So you better make sure you always have it on hand or at least in your kitchen cabinet, cause you never know when you might need this valuable ingredient.
An American herbalist, Dr. Christopher, has never lost a patient to a heart attack in his 35-year career. What he does is he gives a cup of cayenne pepper tea (a teaspoon to a cup of water) to patients who are still conscious.  These theory is scientifically proven from personal experience and not on studies done in controlled conditions. So it is even more trustworthy.
The reason why Cayenne pepper helps with heart attack is because it has at least 90,000 Scoville units, according to the Scoville Heat Units (SHU). This also includes Habanero, Thai Chi, African Bird, Jalapeño, Jamaican Hot Pepper, and Scotch Bonet. 
A combination of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a glass of water can be given to patients who have had a heart attack, but are still conscious and breathing.
If the person is unconscious, put a few drops of cayenne pepper extract under the patient’s tongue.
This will increase the heart rate and carries blood to all parts of the body, thus balancing circulation. It has hemostatic effect, stops bleeding, and helps in heart recovery.
The remedy below is considered to be the best remedy for emergency cases of heart attacks. Just remember to use cayenne pepper and not hot pepper.
  • Cayenne pepper powder
  • a few fresh cayenne peppers
  • 50% alcohol (you can use vodka)
  • glass bottle (1 litre)
  • Gloves
1.   Put your gloves on because cayenne peppers are pretty hot.
2.   Fill a quarter of the glass bottle with cayenne pepper powder and put enough alcohol to cover the powder. If possible, do this on the first day of a New Moon.
3.   Blend a few fresh cayenne peppers, and add enough alcohol so it gets a sauce-like texture.
4.   Add the mixture to the bottle which should now be 3/4 full.
5.   Fill the bottle to the top with alcohol and close it well. Shake it several times during the day.
6.   Leave the tincture until the next New Moon (after 28 – 29 days), and strain it using a gauze. Keep it in a dark bottle.
7.   If you want to have a very strong tincture, strain it after 3 months.
8.   Close the bottle and store it in a dry and dark place. It doesn’t spoil, so you can use it as long as you want.
Dosage: 5 – 10 drops of the tincture to a conscious patient who has suffered a heart attack or a stroke. Add another 5-10 drops in 5 minutes. Repeat the treatment until the patient’s condition improves.
If the patient is unconscious, put 1-3 drops under the tongue, and start a CPR. Repeat the treatment every 5 minutes until the patient’s condition improves.
Health benefits:
  • Cayenne pepper has antifungal properties which prevent the occurrence of Phomopsis and Colletotrichum
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system – it stimulates the production of gastric juices, and relieves gases.
  • It has anticancer properties, especially for lung cancer and smokers. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper is known to prevent the development of tumors caused by tobacco, and similar results are noticed in patients diagnosed with liver cancer.
  • It helps in the treatment of stomach problems, migraines, flu symptoms, allergies, obesity, redness, toothache and arthritis.
There are 26 different nutrients in cayenne pepper, like calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, vitamins C and A.
Prepare this remedy and always have it handy, because cayenne pepper is one of the strongest natural spices that can do miracles for the heart.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tofu: Not So Good

I don't eat tofu or any forms of soy.  I don't drink soy milk, don't eat soy ice cream, and don't eat soy byproducts.  I don't because of the estrogen producing factors in soy.  I can't speak to how they might produce so many kidney stones in one man.  Charlotte Middlehurst, The Telegraph writer stationed in Shanghai, has the story on one man and his consumption of tofu.

Doctors in China have removed 420 kidney stones from a man's body, blaming an excessive amount of tofu in his daily diet.

Mr He from Zhejiang Province in eastern China, checked into the Dongyang People's Hospital complaining of intense pain in his abdomen last month. A CT scan revealed that his left kidney was packed full of stones, most of them tiny.

Doctors operated on Friday in an agonising procedure that lasted about two hours.

Mr He said he had a history of suffering from kidney stones. Twenty years ago he had 10 stones removed using a procedure called lithotripsy, which sends shock waves to break up stones in the kidney, bladder, or ureter until they are small enough to pass in the urine.

"I have worked as a doctor for 30 years and have never seen so many stones," said Zhou Changchun, the attending surgeon, according to state newspaper Qianjiang Evening Post.

The unusually high number of stones was attributed to the high concentration of gypsum tofu, a popular local food, in Mr He's diet. The tofu contains calcium sulphate, which cannot be expelled from the body without a sufficient intake of water.

Wei Yubin, the chief surgeon, said that the kidney would have stopped working had Mr He delayed seeking medical attention any longer, and the kidney most likely removed.

This time, the doctors used forceps to remove each stone one by one.
"We spent 45 minutes just taking out the tiny stones," said Dr Wei. "After the operation, my hands and legs were both numb."
Following the operation, Mr He took his stones home with him in a plastic bag.

The medical name for kidney stones is nephrolithiasis. If the stones cause severe pain, this is known as renal colic. Most kidney stones are small enough, between 4 to 5mm in diameter, to be passed naturally.

Kidney stones are quite common and usually affect people aged 30 to 60 years. It is estimated that renal colic affects about 10 to 20 per cent of men and three to five per cent of women, according to the NHS.