Sunday, May 3, 2015


Symptoms of Kidney Stones

No symptoms will appear if the stones are extremely small, but the kidneys will not function optimally.
Sudden, severe pain that gets worse in waves. Stones may cause intense pain in the back, side, abdomen, groin, or genitals.
Nausea and vomiting.
Blood in the urine, or strange urine colors.
Inability to find a comfortable position.
Frequent and painful urination, which usually occurs when a stone lodges in a ureter, but it may also indicate a bladder infection that was caused by the stones.

Eliminating Kidney Stones by Sarah C. Corriher @
Some people have managed to pass kidney stones by eating large amounts of watermelon. However, our research has concluded that the popular lemon juice and oil combination is the most effective method. Lemon juice breaks down the stones, while oil provides lubrication to allow the stones to pass.

To perform a lemon and olive oil cleanse, blend 5 ounces of lemon juice with 5 ounces of olive oil. Extra-virgin olive oil is best because it is the healthiest, and it has a thicker consistency than most other food oils. People may wish to add a small amount of honey to improve the taste. Drink the solution as quickly as possible. Do this once in the morning, and once in the late afternoon. Continue this for several days, or until the stone passes. Drink plenty of water throughout this process, including extra lemon juice if possible.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Adrenal Glands

"The adrenal gland is the master organ of the endocrine system."

Then it seems to me then that this is the organ to care for if you want to maintain hormonal health.  The article continues:

"Through their adaptation to stress mechanisms, the adrenal glands direct the synthesis and flow of virtually all the other hormones. The adrenals also have the ability to produce hormones that are normally made by other glands. A particularly striking example of this is the hormone estrogen. After menopause, when the ovaries reduce the production of estrogen and progesterone, healthy adrenal glands can make up the difference and set the basis for a long healthy life with little or no repercussions from the loss of ovarian function.

Impotency is not primarily a problem of testicular dysfunction or testosterone deficiency. Rather, it involves an imbalance of the entire hormonal axis–pituitary gland, adrenal glands, testicles and even the thyroid gland. All of these glands are governed by the same feedback loops between the brain and the body. They function as a group and have much to do with determining our overall health. Impotency is not simply due to deficiency of testosterone–or Viagra; the treatment of impotency must involve the restoration of health. Science actually corroborates the practices of ancient physicians, who treated impotency by restoring male vigor. This is best accomplished by relieving emotional blocks, often old lingering impediments that still stand in our way, and by taking steps to restore the health of the adrenal gland."
Super Miraforte from

For men, one health practioner recommended Super Miraforte by Life Extension Foundation.

"In addition to the diet and the work on soul connections and our relationships, I recommend several interventions that have proven useful in treating impotency. The first is the herbal extract of Tribulus terrestris, from Mediherb. 
Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus is adaptogenic, meaning that it helps our bodies adapt to stress by improving adrenal hormonal production. A number of studies involving both animals and people indicate that the herb improves erectile function, decreases the latency period (that is the time between ejaculations), and increases the length of time that an erection can be sustained. It does not provide any testosterone, nor is it clear that it improves the ability of the testicles to produce testosterone. Rather, the herb seems to directly stimulate the adrenal glands to produce their hormonal products and therefore adapt to stress, even the stress of aging. Studies also indicate that tribulus improves cardiovascular endurance and slightly dilates the coronary arteries, thereby allowing improved oxygenation of the heart. The recommended dose is 1 tablet 3 times per day, for at least 6 months. Many men report an improvement in their potency during the third to fourth month of treatment.

In more severe cases, or with men who have lost overall vitality in addition to sexual potency, I recommend Bacopa complex, a Mediherb preparation that combines schisandra (a liver herb) and Siberian ginseng (a well-known adaptogenic herb) with bacopa (an adaptogenic herb that has a specific effect on improving memory). Together these herbs help strengthen the nervous system, liver and adrenal glands. The dose is 1 tablet 3-4 times per day for at least 6 months.

Finally, to help restore the glandular health of the entire pituitary-adrenal-testicular-thyroid axis, I use the Standard Process preparation Symplex M, which contains the proto-morphogen extracts from each of these glands. In fact, it was the genius of Royal Lee who recognized, well before it was appreciated by normal science, that effective treatment of any of these glands requires treatment of the whole group or axis, rather than treatment of each in its own fiefdom. The dose is 1-2 tablets 3 times per day for 6 months."

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

We Need Intelligent, Cautious Parents

Clearly, as a parent you need to fight for your kids.  For some, it comes naturally.  For others, it requires a learning curve.  One thing that is needed is situational awareness.  When you talk to an Eskimo about buying a refrigerator, know who you are talking to and what their interests are.  So that when you fight for your children, as much as their well-being is at stake, so is the public knowledge of your ability as a parent fighting for your kids' well-being.  Not to mention your ego.  You don't know everything. Community asks that you be a good father or a good mother, that you attend school functions, that you take your kid out to a park or to Disneyland, or celebrate their young lives with birthdays.  The social demands can be taxing.  You are living the life of a role function where everyone else defines it for you and assigns it the proper value . . . that is until you get smarter and learn what is best for your kid.
Perhaps the most important of all protections that a parent provides is that against illness or injury to a child.  We can't guard against every injury, of course.  We can't stifle our children's movements or adventures.  We have to let them live.  But live with some intelligent cautions. Find a way to strengthen their coordination as they develop.  Find a way to increase their love for ethical conduct, beauty, artistry, history, and science in a world that is handed down to us.
As you fight you will learn.  Your new knowledge will help address past grievances I believe. What I am thinking of are those discussions that people have with their doctors' diagnoses.  Their opinion is not infallible, as you know, but instead, it is biased.  When an orthopedic recommends surgery, stop and think "Is that recommendation biased?" or is it to generate more business so that he can pay off his medical school debt?  I don't mean to sound cynical; just practical.  Count the costs.  Can't rely on the universities to be bastions of truth and accuracy.  Not in today's world.  Not saying that there aren't intelligent people working on campuses around the country or the world.  Just saying that the information is often times agenda driven.

Here is a young family with an adorable daughter and the parents surrender their authority over their child weeping in regret and fear.  They opted to have their daughter undergo brain surgery.  They signed off on the idea that it is okay to have a portion of their child's brain removed. This is the outrage. And who led them to this conclusion before seeking alternative treatments like foods, herbs, exercises, whatnot?  Their university-trained doctors, who post every kind of certification on the wall behind their desk to coerce you into accepting their narrative and legitimacy?  

Turns out that cannabidol or CBD, one of the 85 active cannbinoids in marijuana, is an anti-seizure remedy.  Here is what Wikipedia says:

Cannabidiol (CBDis one of at least 85 active cannabinoids identified in cannabis.[4] It is a major phytocannabinoid, accounting for up to 40% of the plant's extract.[5] CBD is considered to have a wider scope of medical applications than tetrahydrocannabinol  (THC).[5] An orally-administered liquid containing CBD has received orphan drug status in the US, for use as a treatment for Dravet syndrome, under the brand name Epidiolex.[6]

Neurological effects [edit]
A 2010 study found that strains of cannabis containing higher concentrations of cannabidiol did not produce short-term memory impairment vs. strains with similar concentrations of THC, but lower concentrations of CBD. The researchers attributed this attenuation of memory effects to CBD's role as a CB1 antagonist.[8] Transdermal CBD is neuroprotective in animals.[9]
Cannabidiol's strong antioxidant properties have been shown to play a role in the compound'sneuroprotective and anti-ischemic effects.[10]

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Recycling: Feeling Good for No Good Reason

H/T Bob Wenzel

And how about a little support material?

Bone Broth

Bone broth is stock. It's not quite soup; it's just the liquid part of the soup. Soup is more of a meal that contains meat, carrots, celery, onions, potatoes, and what not.  Stock is a hearty and nutritious and hot beverage that is a terrific replacement to coffee.  Coffee amplifies.  Bone broth fortifies. In addition to the vitamins and minerals mentioned in the video, bone broth will also contain Retinol, a fat soluble Vitamin A. This is excellent for repair, which is why bone broth is presented to folks when they are sick. Try it. Cook cut-up pieces of beef bone in a pot of hot water. One large pot makes enough for a couple of days.  You'll love it and you'll feel the positive difference from tea or coffee.