Thursday, August 31, 2023

Germany begins dismantling wind farm for coal

The article is behind a paywall as is the audio, which requires a EU membership.   

"We currently are earning less and spending more (adjusted for inflation) than at the worst point of the Great Depression"

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Remote Work: Major Blow to Commercial Real Estate?

Parents have a constitutional right to be in charge and direct their child's education and healthcare, and mental healthcare, and the Supreme Court has been very clear on this issue

During the pandemic, by shutting down Main Street, you shifted enormous amounts of market share into the publicly traded companies, and their stock goes up . . .

the bigger game.  Then things they cut off your income or savings.  The WHO, the media, you got the banks.  Riots of 2020 and fires of Ferguson were land grabs. 

capital gains on real estate is one of the biggest source of political contributions.  

The times are different now. We are at the end of the financial musical chairs game. All that “leverage” is about to un-lever very rapidly, the fake money will turn out to be, well - fake! The cabal are desperate to grab the real stuff. Attractive land is some of the most “real” of the real stuff. They are quite willing to burn and murder for it, as we have seen in Lahaina, HI, Paradise, CA, and elsewhere.

Below is a note from Catherine on the tactics the government typically uses to drive people off the land they want and into the “enclosures” they prepare for them. This approach has been used consistently, starting with the Native Americans, continuing with the poor black and immigrant neighborhoods, and now into the middle-class areas that billionaires desire:
Moving people to quarantine is good if you want to install things - but if you are stealing real estate it gets pretty obvious pretty quick. Better to scare them out so they pay their own expenses of going elsewhere.  As much as possible, you want "free range" solutions. 
Based on what I saw at HUD and during the pandemic, tactics depend on local jurisdictions (local laws, local resources) as well as the covert operations they choose to use locally at the same time. The success of the operations depend on several lines acting in concert: intelligence/surveillance, government in health area, banks and insurance companies, media, real estate developers and investors. This coordination already exists in the management of places, but it is hard for most people to see or fathom.  The sweet spot is the amount of real estate that can be picked up and the capital gains this translated into for investors, public traded company etc and the political donations that flow to politicians from capital gains.  
Tactics revolve around various options of getting fee title to land and real estate: 
1. Force a sale: Do things that shut down private business and personal income  and or lower the value of the real estate (including by radically increasing costs, like cost of remediation or requiring installation in new sewer systems or equipment etc) and/or permit the cancellation of insurance. A lot of helpful tactics can be applied through lenders, banks and insurance providers who are playing ball. 
2. Condemnation to deal with "pathogens" [this is what WHO Pandemic Treaty aims to do among other enslavement things]
3. Eminent domain - prices will be much lower presumably after the "pathogens" are found 
4. Emergency money to help - except all the money goes to "insiders" who are moving in or are playing local person helping the insiders move in and take over
5. Supporting media- very gaslighting - see video here for example
6. Poisoning - poisoning of individuals or failures of water systems will cause disability and death which are likely to force sales 
In all cases you want to keep things as complex as possible under the guise of "helping" - you will have heavy surveillance of all parties and your covert operations and media in combination can take care of isolating or compromising individual parties who are slowing you down or stopping you. Covert operations will by and large be done by or through corporate contractors and mob (drug cartels) 
I suspect they have perfected a lot of the tactics using response to weather warfare "natural disasters".
In closing, quoting Catherine, you have to be a wealth builder in your mind. You cannot succumb to the mentality of doom and victimhood, no matter what. I hope we have conveyed this in our discussion.