Sunday, September 10, 2017

"deficiency of vitamin D results in poor muscular tone which may predict the need for C-Section"

It is hard to deny any longer the remarkable protective benefits of Vitamin D3.  There is even a website dedicated to its information and application, called the VitaminDCouncil.  The very first remedy that I'd heard improved by Vitamin D3 was the seasonal affective light disorder or SAD for short.  Always with the acronyms.  The prescription for this condition ranges between 1,000 to 4,000 IUs.  I don't know what is enough, but I do know that taking a lot more during the day is more beneficial.  Now you don't take 10,000 IUs all at once.  But taking 3,000 to 5,000 IUs three times a day will put your skin, your bones, and your brain in excellent condition.  
Why do we take vitamins to begin with?  To improve conditions without using pharmaceutical drugs, right; that, and to see if supplements can help us circumvent surgery.  Bill Sardi has an 2010 article on just this topic, "How to Avoid Ten Common Surgical Procedures With Dietary Supplements."  In this article he explains the cause why some women require a C-Section and why their 
On C-Sections, he writes
Of great interest is a recent report showing a deficiency of vitamin D results in poor muscular tone which may predict the need for C-Section.  Women with low Vitamin D levels were nearly three-times more likely toundergo C-Sections.  Vitamin D supplementation is suggested throughout pregnancy.  The 400-IU recommendation is insufficient to raise blood levels.  Daily doses of 2000IU of supplemental Vitamin D, and possibly 5,000 IU, are now suggested.  
Tonsillectomy has long been considered a “cash cow” for throat surgeons.  For more than seven decades physicians have debated whether surgical removal of tonsils in young children is beneficial.  Clearly, many needless tonsillectomies continue to be performed.  A recent hypothesis links tonsillectomy with low levels of Vitamin D.  With the realization that modern medicine offers nothing in regards to prevention, Vitamin D therapy and prevention should be explored and practiced.  

Thursday, August 31, 2017


If you've got circulation problems, you may want to consider using Hesperidin. 

What is it?   Dr. Ray Sahelian says that
Hesperidin is an abundant flavonoid found in citrus fruits. It is the predominant flavonoid in lemons and oranges. The peel and membranous parts of these fruits have the highest hesperidin concentrations. Therefore, orange juice containing pulp is richer in the flavonoids and hesperidin than that without pulp. Sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis) and tangelos are the richest dietary sources of hesperidin. Hesperidin is classified as a Citrus bioflavonoid.
Hesperidin, in combination with a flavone glycoside called diosmin, is used in Europe for the treatment of venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids. Hesperidin, Rutin and other flavonoids thought to reduce capillary permeability and to have anti-inflammatory action were collectively known as vitamin P. These substances, however, are not vitamins and are no longer referred to, except in older literature, as vitamin P.
Hesperidin is an abundant and inexpensive by-product of citrus cultivation. A deficiency of hesperidin in the diet has been linked with abnormal capillary leakiness as well as pain in the extremities causing aches, weakness and night leg cramps. No signs of toxicity have been observed with normal intake or related compounds. Both hesperidin and its aglycone Hesperitin have been reported to possess a wide range of pharmacological properties.

Good.  So Hesperidin is a citrus bioflavonoid.  But instead of drinking the juice from all of these fruits along with the sugars and calories, one should try the supplement and watch their blood vessels become healthy again.  Truly.  I think most people don't consume citrus fruits until they see one because of the citric acid in them.  They're tart.  And the result might be that your blood vessels don't get nourished.  

So what conditions are a sure sign of poor circulation?  NativeRemedies lists them:
The Effects of Poor Blood Circulation
Poor blood circulation can impact the entire body, including:
Effects upon the brain – poor blood circulation can impact the brain causing fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, and frequent and unexplained headaches.
Effects upon the heart – poor blood circulation can have an impact on the heart, causing inability to perform simple aerobic activities like climbing stairs without breathlessness; high blood pressure and cholesterol, and chest pain can be other symptoms.
Heart attack and stroke are major risks of poor circulation that remains untreated.
Effects upon the liver – symptoms of poor blood circulation in the liver can include lack of appetite or unexplained weight loss, and changes in skin tone.
Effects upon the kidneys – poor circulation to the kidneys are typically the result when there is swelling of the hands, feet and ankles. Other symptoms can include fatigue, altered heart rate and rise in blood pressure.
Effects upon the limbs – with poor circulation, cramps in the limbs, numbness and varicose veins can appear as symptoms.
The most significant indications that you may need hesperidin supplements are signs of unhealthy circulation, including an abnormal leaking of blood from the capillaries or visible bruising. This condition typically causes discomfort, weakness, and cramps at night, especially in the legs. Additional signs that Hesperidin could help you include heaviness, itching, and swelling in the extremities, especially in the upper arms. Hemorrhoids and venous ulcers may also indicate that hesperidin supplements may benefit you.

To manage the swelling, Extnd-Life explains that 
a combination of Hesperidin, Butcher's Broom, Vitamin C and methyl chalcone may reduce swelling of the upper arm.  
I have never heard of Methyl Chalcone, and didn't realize that people have problems with swollen upper arms.  Most of the swelling that I've heard complained about is in the lower extremities, lower arms and hands.  Methyl Chalcone is a derivative of Hesperidin.  Interesting.  So as an isolate, it seems to benefit dark circles under the eyes, that raccoon effect I've seen on some stressed out diabetics.  TruthinAging explains that 
Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone is a derivative of the flavonoid hesperidin and is found in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit and is often used to reduce dark circles under the eyes. According to, one study documented that it lowers the filtration rate of capillaries, and less blood flowing though capillaries close to the surface of the skin potentially means less dark bluish discoloration under the eyes. It's also thought to prevent leaking from the veins below the eyes, also preventing the dark blue look from blood leaking below the surface of the skin.
Extend-Life continues
An oral supplement of Hesperidin and Diosmin may help support the immune system's ability to heal ulcers, especially venous ulcers.  This application typically lasts for two months.  
Now that sounds incredible.  If you've got capillaritis, you should give Hesperidin a try.  

Bill Sardi makes a very interesting comment about how bioflavonoids [or Hesperidin] works with Vitamin C:
Tighten the capillaries. Weak capillaries can exacerbate many eye problems. Vitamin C tightens capillaries and is essential for our retinas (also for our lungs and kidneys). To enhance the action of vitamin C we need bioflavonoids. They are tart and dry. He mentioned pomegranate and lemon rind.
I've tried the Hesperidin myself and have seen and felt its benefits after only a week.  Most protocols call for two months.  I am looking forward to seeing the results.  


Exclusive: FDA confession about smallpox vaccine
August 30, 2017
The FDA has just released a statement (8/28) about its crackdown on a California company pushing an unapproved treatment for cancer patients: stem cells mixed with a smallpox vaccine.
But that’s not the big story. The big story is buried in the FDA press release. Here is the Agency’s statement:
“Serious health problems, including those that are life-threatening, can also occur in…people who…have problems with their heart or immune system if they become infected with the [smallpox] vaccine virus, either by being vaccinated or by being in close contact with a person who was vaccinated.”
The FDA states that those with certain prior health conditions who pick up the smallpox virus, as a result of vaccination, are at exceptionally high risk. AMONG THOSE PRIOR HEALTH CONDITIONS IS: “IMMUNE SYSTEM PROBLEMS.”
That simply means weak and compromised immune systems.
And yet…during the years 1966-1980, a massive smallpox eradication campaign was carried out in Africa, under the auspices of the World Health Organization. Roughly 100 million doses of the smallpox vaccine were given to Africans, MANY OF WHOM ALREADY HAD COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEMS.
How much devastation was wrought by this vaccination campaign?
The World Health Organization, in 1980, celebrated the eradication of smallpox on the African continent—but was that what really happened?
Or was it this? The visible signs of smallpox receded, but people with already-compromised immune systems began dying in large numbers.
The FDA has just unwittingly implied what researchers have known for decades; the so-called smallpox eradication campaign in Africa was one of the most dangerous medical interventions in history.
In the late 1980s, a respected biologist with close knowledge of the Africa eradication campaign, told me, off the record, that after the World Health Organization celebrated their “victory,” they held a very secret meeting in Geneva.
At this meeting, it was decided that the smallpox vaccine they deployed in Africa would never be used again.
I asked him why.
Because it caused cases of smallpox, he said.
So the African eradication campaign had a double effect. In some people, the vaccine caused smallpox, which it was supposed to prevent. In others, who already had very weak immune systems, it wrought extreme devastation and death without giving the appearance of smallpox.
More lies, more widespread destruction from the vaccine establishment.
(For more on this topic, see Enormous basic lies about vaccination…).  As of Saturday, November 27, 2021, that link is dead.  Follow this DuckDuckGo search for articles related to "Lies about vaccination" and "Jon Rappoport."  
Reprinted here with expressed written permission from Jon Rappoport.

Monday, August 14, 2017


h/t Charles Burris @ from his August 12, 2017 post at the LewRockwell Blog.  

Oh, this was good.  The term "Quack" is a dismissive term to describe the financial enemies of Big Pharma's chemicals and surgery based model. Cornelius P Rhodes, head of chemical warfare service.

Friday, August 4, 2017

"Iron rushes to the site of inflammation and . . . causes such tissue destruction that the 'iron response' . . . is worse than the initial problem itself."

There are some products that can work wonders that we've never given a single thought to despite the fact that we've read and read and read over and over multiple articles on the benefits of this or that vitamin.  And still we remain in the dark for decades, suffering needless pain, anxiety, agonizing over the deterioration and loss of function and appearance. Some folks see a condition develop.  They show it to their doctor.  Their doctor doesn't know what the thing is, misdiagnoses it, prescribes the wrong medication, and nothing results, thank God.  And so the doctor doesn't know what to do.  

One such condition is capillaritis.  
One such remedy is Vitamin A & D ointment.  When I first saw this product online at Amazon, I thought, "Wait a minute.  This is a baby product.  That's not going to be strong enough for my years-old condition."  Boy, was I wrong.  It is strong enough, particularly after you add the IP6 to it.  

You don't have to purchase this one-pound jar.  Amazon does have options.  But this product will work if you stay with it.  Your skin needs the emoluments to soften so that your capillaries can heal and reset.  Healing is a complicated verb. But this product will work wonders.  I guess that statement relies on what you do with it.  If your condition has been a chronic one, then the remedy will require a long-standing commitment. How long?  Only you can know that.  Serial basketball injuries have produced within me a collection of injuries from broken wrists to twisted ankles to banged up knees that have fluctuated and grown worse in the last decade.  But when I added the A + D ointment, plus the IP6, I began not only to see results in a day or two but to feel results as well.  What do I mean by see and feel results?  As to "seeing the results," it is true.  My skin, where I've applied the ointment, looks healthier.  I take a multi-vitamin everyday with garlic resveratrol and hyaluronic acid and the occasional IP6 internally.  So I do have an internal strategy, and certainly these vitamins have worked small miracles of their own. But the skin didn't seem to really improve, least not the skin on my lower leg.  It wasn't until I added this A+D original ointment and the IP6 topically that I saw real improvements.  I mixed the granules of a single, 400mgs capsule of IP6/Inositol with the A + D ointment.  And it appears to be healing the skin.  I'd never heard of this.  I had heard that in order for A to be effective and for D to be effective that the two, in other words these fat soluble vitamins, need to be combined, but not heard about any optimal ratios until I heard from Chris Masterjohn.  He cites a Dr. Linday, who, with colleagues, made a suggestion based on poultry studies.  The optimal A-to-D ratio?  4:8.  I need to read more on this.   

It gave me hope that I've chosen the right remedy.  The brown and red spots on my lower legs appear lighter.  The veins on my legs are healthier looking.  My legs look younger.  Still discolored but lighter and moving in the right direction.  

As to feeling better, what I mean is that my circulation in my lower extremities had improved and that improved circulation found its way up to my head.  No more tension headaches.  A surprising but delightful side benefit.   

Why IP6?  IP6 is a heavy metal chelator.  And I've had basketball injuries over the years.  Iron, following where ever blood goes, congregates where ever an injury occurs.  The result is that iron concentrates at the site of injuries.  Iron overload ain't good, regardless if it is distributed evenly throughout your body or if it concentrates in one area of your body, say, your foot or leg for example, that iron overload is not good for you.  IP6 manages your iron overload.  You'll need a multivitamin because you'll need to replenish some important minerals, like zinc, magnesium, and others.   

Bill Sardi writes in his The Iron Time Bomb, that

For years now this author has listened to people explain how they were so healthy until they were involved in an auto wreck, a sport injury, or some sort of problem that brought about inflammation.  Iron rushes to the site of inflammation and, in an attempt to kill off any surrounding bacteria or viruses, causes such tissue destruction that the “iron response” in most cases is worse than the initial problem itself.  Iron is in a dangerous partnership with inflammation. [International Journal Biochemistry Cell Biology27: 109m 1995].

The IP6 is an iron chelator.