Tuesday, April 30, 2024

DR. THEY: "They don’t care if the truth comes out because the public no longer knows what is meant by the truth." ~2016 X Files Dr. They talking to Mulder

Stuart Margolin, aka, Angel from The Rockford Files, 1974-1980, plays Dr. They.  Wikipedia attempts to explain the segment by saying, "The episode focuses on the Mandela Effect and is a self-parody of the show and recurring events."  Self-parody of the show?  Ha!  Right.  Apparently, it says nothing about public institutions.  It reminded me of how CIA operations in any industry are often set up, have a physical address, even a receptionist, and then when the proverbial sh*t hits the fan the operation is taken down and offices are vacated, like you see in the 2012 movie, Erased, starring Aaron Eckhart.  So many of these movies straight out take plot structures, theme music, and even scenes from the original 2002 Bourne Identity.  

Just glad that America is not subject to any foreign influence

Monday, April 29, 2024

When people agree to lie together...the results can be impressive.

Low-carb "fatty melt" with grilled onions

Getting drones to block surveillance cameras. I sure hope this idea doesn’t spread.