Thursday, March 31, 2022

32,179 COVID patients x $184k/patient = $5.9 billion in MethodistHosp revenue

People are collateral damage in an economic war. 


Well, this was the most lucid assessment of Will Smith's slap of 57-year-old Chris Rock. People's first impression was that it was fake. I didn't think it was fake as much as it was staged. Staged, but to what effect?
Thank you to Carl Vernon.

First, Smith didn't punch Rock but slapped him.  It's easier to conceal a fake slap than it is to conceal a fake punch.  And in the above video, you can see Smith's open hand in preparation for a slap. It's easier to pull it.  But how do you account for the sound of open hand on face slap? I can't.

What's interesting is all the dancing around the incident as a way to cover or diminish the premise.  Purportedly, Smith slapped Rock because of a joke.  Smith took the joke as an affront against his wife, and perhaps herself as a victim to a condition that renders her unusually vulnerable, and therefore off limits to degrading or to joking or to insults.  Uh, hardly. The law is clear, speech is protected.  Property gives you the right to limit that protection  Chris Rock sold his protection by announcing that he wouldn't bring charges. Supposedly.  That's a lie.  Smith's battery of Rock seemed to me one more assault on free speech.  If Smith's handling of a joke at the Oscar's, which is traditionally a gathering to roast Hollywood, is to go unchecked, the message is that it's okay to hit someone if they offend you.  There goes the 1st Amendment. 

Pay attention to the lengths at which Hollywood and the media twist the story so as to bury the free speech issue.  Next, regardless of the roles he's played or the movies he's starred in, Will Smith gives to the Democratic Party like a nun gives to the Catholic church: regularly.  Here's proof:

From Open Secrets.  So, what?  Can't a guy give a few bucks, share his fortunes with those he deems share his values?  Of course, but we also know by now how the Democratic Party has been the vanguard at destroying American civic and cultural values in the summer of 2020 and beyond.  

There are plenty of vultures who  hear only their masters to the drowning of their soul or conscience, like this Loyala Marymount [Jesuit communist] professor, Maia Hoskin.
A professor at Loyola Marymount University believes Will Smith slapping comedian Chris Rock at Monday’s Academy Awards was an example of white supremacy in action

AMERICAN BIOLABS AROUND THE GLOBE: Show how truly much the government values life

Writes Jean Carbonneau:

Good afternoon Mr. Rockwell.  I hope you are doing well, as well as all the great folks at the Mises Institute.

Came across this interview with Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, who’s a investigative journalist form Bulgaria.  She’s been reporting on Bio Labs, as well as arms shipments that have, let’s just say, gone under the radar.  She provides so much documentation on what these creeps are doing with bio labs.

But, what I found to be the most disgusting part of the interview (scroll to around 54:25 mark in the video) she reports on how truly much the government values life.  Here’s the video.


Gas prices around the world as of today.

US sanctions against Russia really put the hurt to Putin, eh?  Hayyyyy . . .