Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Fauci's Wife Is Head of Ethics for NIH

Thank you, Lew Rockwell.

Conflict of interest much?  

This is incredible.  The man appointed to the highest medical office in government also has his wife as one of his department's employees.  

Lew writes:

Writes Ken McCarthy:


Not only does Fauci’s daughter work for Twitter, his wife is Head of Ethics for NIH, something we reported in May of 2020.

Here’s the film we released in August 2020 about Fauci’s 40+ year career.

12:33  It was a political proclamation of scientific truth.  Robert Gallo successfully lobbied Margaret Heckler, who was the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to proclaim his view of what caused AIDS to be the absolute scientific truth.  And she went on, with him in tow, and announced that.  The conference was held before any of Robert Gallo's papers were published, therefore before any scientists had a chance to review them and look at the evidence to see if he got it right or wrong.  And it was also done right when Gallo had patented the HIV antibody test.  So they made sure that his patent rights were protected first.  Then they did the press conference.  And then, before Gallo's papers appeared in print, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services decided from now on we are only going to fund AIDS research that assumes that Robert Gallo's virus is the cause.  We are not going to fund research into any other possibilities.  Therefore, the scientists who might have wanted to critique Gallo's papers would not be able to do so at least not with anything supported by the federal government which is virtually all science in this country today.  

13:57. When Bib Gallo proved it was the aetiological agent in 1984, we had a diagnostic test approved by the FDA in 1985.  So the test was developed, it was gone through the appropriate validation, and was approved by the FDA.  That was really quick, literally less than a year from the time that it was shown to be the virus that causes this disease.  

Funny, he can't even mention AIDS, nor can he make a specific reference to the HIV virus.  

14:25. Kary Mullis, 1944-2019.  Just because Bob Gallo gets to take his fake sunglasses off and says, "Gentlemen, we've discovered the cause of AIDS . . . ."  That's all we have, the New York Times article, CDC report.  That's all he had.  That's not enough.  That's not enough to, you know, that is not sufficient to like publish even a meager little scientific paper somewhere. That isn't enough for scientists to believe in some inconsequential fact about some star 50 light years away.  That's certainly not enough to treat at the cost of millions, billions of dollars a year and at the cost of a lot of lives and anguish and just destroyed you know lives that have been totally ruined by this thing on the basis of sine flimsy little statement made by a guy who's known to be a crook in lots of other ways.  He lied about a whole lot of other stuff.  Why are we trusting him?  There was a witness in the courtroom, we wouldn't trust his testimony.  We've caught him in too many lies.  They don't trust him anymore.  

15:26.  Peter Duesberg Challenges the HIV Causes AIDS Theory.

There was The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV Causes AIDS Hypothesis.

Impact of COVID Vaccinations on Mortality

Sons of Sputnik: Kary Mullis at TEDx Orange County

Sunday, May 23, 2021

SF: More Deaths from Drug Overdose Than COVID-19

Israel Scraps Vaccine Passport System

Though it sounds good, to me this is mixed news, because Israel is not outright outlawing mask-wearing.  Apparently, the authorities are attributing the low COVID death count to--you guessed it--a great vaccination program.  

Israel owes its success in curtailing the spread of the deadly respiratory virus to a world-beating vaccination campaign, that he seen the vast majority of its adult population fully inoculated. 
Israel makes the right decision, scraps vaccine passport system. All restrictions lifted June 1.