Showing posts with label Title VII. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Title VII. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2024

00:46. Those are the fixes to the no-fault compensation programs to treat them as we do, and as we should, as veterans in the war against disease.  

The next area that will open up will be using state laws.  And most of the winds that have been happening here, and kudos to everybody here who's doing the employment cases, most of the wins are coming in Title VII, state versions of Title VII, and the other procedures, like writs and mandate.  So I think there was very, very good success in getting people's jobs back and in use of the direct Constitutional theories under Section 1983 and directly under the first amendment for the federal and state employees, and whether State action where the government orders a hospital to have a vaccine mandate that makes the hospital estate actor and you can sue them under Section 1983.  Set since the Constitution generally replies only two actions only the government takes we are now in his closet fastest era of government industry collaborate and what are the things we saw with coded one of the lessons is we really can't do much about private industry employment cases are the exception to fill that gab States are going to have to pass laws basically a mending there existing civil rights laws to include either and narrow protection for vaccine status or abroad protection for banning discrimination again any kind of medical condition.  

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Best Buy’s on a roll to see how many different parts of Title VII it can violate in one series of interactions with James O'Keefe. First race discrimination as company policy, then religious discrimination by one of its supervisors. What’s next, discrimination against men?