Showing posts with label Thomas Levy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Levy. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2021

Cardiac arrest is an electrical problem; a heart attack is a plumbing problem

I liked the distinction between the different kinds of heart problems--cardiac arrest, which is an electrical problem with the heart, and heart attack, which is a plumbing issue.  

Though her accent distracted me at first, she does a good job of the basics, for which I am very grateful.  

To address the plumbing aspect of your heart, or circulation, use niacin, B3.  

For electrical problems with your heart, take vitamin C.  

For a little context, consider this from Bill Sardi

Every day in the U.S. over 1,000 people experience a sudden cardiac arrest.  And another 1,000 occur throughout Europe daily.  As researchers report from the Amsterdam in the Netherlands, only half of these patients arrive at the hospital alive.  And 50% of these survivors will still die or be severely disabled due to what is called posts-cardiac arrest syndrome. 

There is no effective therapy to improve prognosis and death. 

Post-cardiac arrest syndrome involves brain damage, heart failure and death, all induced by massive overwhelming oxygen free radicals generated from unpaired electrons. 

Vitamin C is the great electron donor in the human body.  [Tom Levy, M.D.,, August 19, 2013].  Vitamin C counters oxygen-induced cell and tissue injury.  A video explanation of electron-donor/vitamin C therapy is available online.  [Riordan Clinic IVC and Cancer Symposium, March 4, 2011].  

From his Peak Energy site, Dr. Levy notes that 

magnesium is the natural antidote for the root cause of all pathological damage from every disease and poisoning known to man.

Vitamin C makes all normal cells stronger

Vitamin C kills cancer cells

Generally speaking, the more vitamin C, the better

With all else being equal, those are some stunning facts about two very powerful compounds, facts that should compel you to incorporate in your vitamin regimen these nutritional elements.