Showing posts with label Republican-run Cities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican-run Cities. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025

OWEN BENJAMIN: mega cities in America are all Democrat. Why? Because they have to be because of population density. When you get to that size, the idea of a human being is bad. That's why they're all pro-abortion

remember when Usher, last Super Bowl, Usher sang "Let It Burn"? you know.  And here's the thing, I don't know if that was intentional, but it happened, and I look for those things . . .  --Owen Benjamin

When you see everything burn to the ground it is very quick that you see what matters.  And I had that happen existentially in Los Angeles when I was on the road.  One of my wife and [mine's] friends was assaulted, and I saw the lack of response from the police.  I saw how absolutely fragile that place is and how no one really cares.  And then I start looking around at how quickly . . . you know, they say 9 meals is the difference between revolution and civilization, nine meals.  If people miss nine meals, it's flames.  And there'd be times where in West Hollywood, and we just had a baby and we were moving out and we were renting this place and it lost power for 6 hours.  And you felt the animals all around you, like you felt like you were in the most dangerous place you could be.  Like it was worse than the Serengeti.  It was worse than the deep wilderness of Idaho.  It was haunting to realize how many strangers were around, like right now there are people setting fires in Los Angeles, and you think "Oh, deep State."  No, just random psychos.  One of the hardest things to admit is how fucked-up people can be.  There is just random dudes on the street that are mad at humanity and now is a time when [they] think, "Oh, let's start fires," and they're just starting fires.  

It's actually a collapse of morality, and that's why I've dedicated my life to building up Beartaria and being an example of how you can leave a place and still have a great life and you're not running away from something, you're running to something.

01:45.  Was Hollywood always bad or did it sneak up slowly?  

It's scale.  Scale is what makes things crazy.  So Hollywood . . . the amount of people in that area and the size of those media companies got so big, that it became completely inverted, where their main market is trying to appeal to China, and this and that, and how they keep consolidating all of the companies into bigger and bigger companies.  That is what really makes it psychotic, and there's no way around it because you look at all the red in the country, where it's like sane.  But I would argue that it's about population density, it has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans.   They're like, "Oh, look at all these Democrat-run cities and how effed up they are."

I'm like, "Do you mean cities?"  Like what's a Republican-run city?  Like oh, Coeur d'Alene. I'm like yeah, it's 80,000 people.  Show me a mega city in America that isn't Democrat.  They're all Democrat.  Why?  Because they have to be because of population density.  When you get to that size, the idea of a human being is bad.  That's why they're all pro-abortion.  Racism is the scariest thing to them because everywhere they look is a thousand tribes staring at each other.  So the idea that there is tribal identity on any level is horrifying.  Guns are horrifying.  It's like putting a shank in a prison.  You know, you're like if someone has a gun there, it feels scary.  If someone has a gun where I live, it feels necessary, you know.  You see a human being where I live, and you think, "Oh, what are they up to?"  You hear gunshots, and you're like nice.  In a city, it's all bad, and it's because of density.  It's because of difference.  Like it's because of non-homogeny. It's not homogeneous.  So it's like you have all of these tribes squished together without a common interest, and that's why they're such a desperate attempt to break down culture and break down masculinity, because what else is terrifying in a city?  Testosterone, right?  People that don't care about money because money is how you control behavior in a city.

04:00.  It's all diffusion of responsibility too, so everyone is ready to blame someone or something else whenever a consequence occurs.  

Yeah, you're always like, "It was them, haha!" you know my, the lube and the chirping is humor.  Obviously, I'm being funny about acceptance of lies, but it's you know I'm being funny about it.  To immediately blame who you voted for, I think, is very lame.  I think it's very, very lame, where it's like, "Oh everyone who pressed the Gavin Newsome button, this is on you."  It's like what are you talking about?  This is so beyond politics.  This is biblical.  Like I'm talking to Kevin, my buddy Kevin, the other Kevin who has a beautiful home in Los Angeles, and he's like, "Bro, it's biblical here right now.  It's biblical.  Just fires," and I'm like, yeah, remember when Usher, last Super Bowl, Usher sang "Let It Burn"? you know.  And here's the thing, I don't know if that was intentional, but it happened, and I look for those things . . .