Showing posts with label NCBI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NCBI. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Pomegranate peel is a chelator of heavy metals and nanoparticles. And a natural antidote to the fusion cleavage site.

PoP [Pomegranate peel] has higher cancer prevention agent movement than heart and juice (Mphahlele, et al).  --NCBI

NCBI covers it,

PoP [Pomegranate peel] is a rich source of polyphenols including phenolic acids, tannins, and flavonoids, especially anthocyanin. These peels offer several functional and nutraceutical qualities owing to their bioactive ingredients, including lowering blood pressure, reducing oxidative stress, lowering cholesterol levels, and restoring heart health. PoPs have a variety of biological effects, including the ability to resist pathogenic microbes effectively, and used as an additive in various food applications.  


NCBI explains,

PoP has higher cancer prevention agent movement than heart and juice (Mphahlele et al., ). Pomegranate skin accounts for 40% of the whole fruits, and its antioxidant activity is higher than that of the edible (Abid et al., ). 

Talk about your portable pharmacy.  Check this out.


Thursday, April 13, 2023

"Vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality that we saw in the first half of the 20th century"

Quote #1 

Vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality that we saw in the first half of the 20th century.  Nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among U.S. children occurred before 1940 when few antibiotics or vaccines were available.  from Pediatrics 

Quote #2 

This study shows smallpox mortality declined before the vaccine was introduced.  from NCBI.

Quote #3

Vaccine injury lawsuits.  Oral polio vaccine which was responsible for causing every domestic case of paralytic polio in the U.S. after 1979.  Even though the risk of getting polio from the vaccine had become greater than the risk from the wild virus.  And even though an alternative, inactivated polio vaccine was available, the FDA in 1984 declared that "any possible doubts, whether or not well-founded about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation's public health objectives." 

That reminds me of the censorship and suppression that's been going on these days.  

OMG.  Adam Schiff, pre-COVID, had written a letter to the CEOs of Facebook, Google, and Amazon, demanding that they do more to stop information that might lead parents to conclude that trickily following the CDC's schedule wasn't in the children's best interest.  So the criteria wasn't if the information isn't truthful or not, but will it help us in our policy goals or not?

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Evidence for Biological Age Acceleration and Telomere Shortening in COVID-19 Survivors

Here is the article in full from The International Journal of Molecular Sciences, published June 7, 2021.  This was cause for concern, but too, I wondered how accurate this was, for I'd read last year that length of telomeres is not necessarily an important marker for aging.  Published on May 2, 2018, Bill Sardi, writing for Resveratrol News, points out that telomeres may not be so predictive of aging.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

COVID Causing Balding in Men and Women?

So it looks like there are a handful of causes for hair loss.  Registered Dietician, Jennifer Depew, called out a few: low iodine, excess halides, lack of B vitamins, and other trace minerals."  

This shouldn't have surprised me, but it did

Oceans are the world's main repositories of iodine and very little of earths iodine is actually found in the soil. The deposition of iodine in the soil occurs due to volatilization from ocean water, a process aided by ultraviolet radiation. The coastal regions of the world are much richer in iodine content than the soils further inland; here the problem gets more compounded by continuous leeching of iodine from the soil(). Therefore, the crops grown in such soil remain iodine deficient; even ground water in these areas is deficient in iodine(). This explains the endemic distribution of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) in the world. 

As for iodine loss due to COVID-19 or the COVID-19 vaccine, it is cause for concern

The thyroid seems to be one of the most common end-organ targets of COVID-19 morbidity.

So the thyroid is vulnerable.  How best to protect it?  

Hmm, like which ones?  It looks like shellfish, fish, and seaweed are your champion foods for iodine.

Marine products, including fish, kelp, seaweeds, and shellfish are rich natural food sources. However, people living far away from the coast tend to take low amounts of seafood and develop insufficiency of the mineral in their system. 

The insufficiency of this trace mineral is taken care of in several countries by compulsory iodization of the common table salt. The amount added to common salt is just to stave off hypothyroidism. Apart from thyroid glands, iodine is present in high concentrations in breast tissue, stomach lining cells, ovaries, prostate glands, and oral mucosa. Any insufficiency will adversely affect the health of these tissues.

She highlights halides, and those are salts

Halides are chemical compounds that contain halogens. Halides are present in nature with some—namely salts and acids—being essential to human life. Halides can be found in minerals, animals, and plants. The best-known halide is NaCl: table salt.

While some halogen-containing substances or halides are safe, there are some that have raised suspicions as being toxic and carcinogenic. In the electronics industry, this can be a concern as some of these materials are used in manufacturing.

For example, we know that chlorine is used to keep drinking water safe by killing off unwanted bacteria. It is not harmful to humans in such a low concentration. However, concerns arise when chlorine gas is released into the air.

Here is a list of some iodine-rich foods:

Seaweed, 232 mcg

Bread made with iodate dough, 185 mcg

Cod, 158 mcg

Greek yogurt, 116 mcg

Oysters, 93 mcg

Non-fat milk, 85 mcg

Eggs, 26 mcg

Beef liver, 14 mcg 

Lots of benefits to taking iodine supplements.  The top three benefits are, one, improved cognitive performance, two, improved neuromotor function, and three, increased TH [or thyroid] levels.  How does iodine help with COVID symptoms or symptoms from a COVID vaccine?  

Friday, December 10, 2021

Sunday, June 2, 2019


I thought I'd send along the latest findings from Bill Sardi with his "34 Ways to Stay Healthy that Costs Next to Nothing."  I figure that with 34 different ways to stay healthy, there ought to be something in here for everybody.  In section #5 on Teeth, I found an article that Sardi links to on the connection between magnesium and dental health.  On the link to the NCBI summary, it states that
increased serum Mg/Ca was significantly associated with reduced probing depth . . . , less attachment loss . . . , and a higher number of remaining teeth . . . .  Subjects taking Mg drugs showed less attachment loss . . . and more remaining teeth than did their matched counterparts.  These results suggest that nutritional magnesium supplements may improve periodontal health.

That means that the greater the amount of magnesium in your blood, the longer your teeth will last in your mouth AND the harder your teeth will be.  Without magnesium, your teeth will produce only soft enamel.  Further, increased magnesium means fewer craters or fewer "probing depth[s]" in your teeth, fewer lost teeth or "less attachment loss," meaning that a greater number of teeth remain in your head.  All this thanks to magnesium.  Will your dentist ever tell you this?  He can't.  Or she can't.  Or it can't.  Magnesium supplements are a much better option than having to deal with that idiot in a white coat who asks you to lie prostrate in a chair and, after shooting you up with novocaine, commands you to say "Aaah." 

So more magnesium in your blood keeps your teeth.  

Big deal, right?  Big whoop!  You already knew that, right?  Well, you might also want to know that applying magnesium onto your toothbrush is also an effective way to remineralize your teeth.  

Yep.  First time I ever heard of remineralizing your teeth was in 2013 and I thought it was a hoax.  But it sounded like something was possible.  But the dentist was promoting Xylitol, a sugar-free, sweetener found in gum, mouthwash, toothpaste, and other products for its anti-bacterial capabilities.  But it was still sugar.  So the recommendation to use Xylitol gum from a dentist meant most likely that this was another dentist trying to sell me something to pay down his beach-front condo and boat docked in Mazatlan instead of directing me to the nutritional compounds that would nourish my teeth.  [Mike, you're so cynical.]  

With nutrition, we're never going to achieve corrective or therapeutic levels of nutrients by eating the right foods unless you're eating all day.  Who has the time or the energy for that?  To get daily amounts of vitamin C, you need to eat like 3 oranges.  Good luck with that.

What really remineralizes teeth and corrects periodontal disease is magnesium--magnesium that you ingest in the form of a supplement and magnesium that you apply topically to your teeth.  

But what about calcium, you ask?  (You were thinking that, weren't you?)  You don't need to supplement with calcium since the dairy industry fills up one to two aisles in your supermarket where folks get plenty of cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, butter, and the list goes on . . . or does it?  So you're getting plenty of calcium already.  

If you want hardened teeth, you'll want to use fluoride toothpaste.  The fluoride-free toothpastes were a craze that I bought into because of reports of toxicity with fluoride.  There is fluoride in municipal water supplies (in your tap water) and that fluoride is probably there to lower IQ more than it is to protect your teeth as the authorities, ahem, claim.  The amount of dental protection from fluoridated water is next to nothing.  So if it doesn't really protect people's teeth, then what the heck is it doing in your tap water?  Even worse perhaps than fluoride in the city water supply, if that weren't bad enough, is the chlorine in the water.  Over a lifetime, chlorinated water does raise the risk of colon cancer.  Thank God for the free market that bottles water.  If you use only fluoride-free toothpaste, it might make you feel like you're doing the right thing, but it render weak enamel and weak roots later on.  So fluoride toothpaste, my brothers and sisters, fluoride toothpaste.  

One Dr. Carolyn Dean [whom I've not followed] writes
I think the following report is even more amazing. “I want to tell you a wonderful thing about Magnesium. I had pyorrhea and gingivitis for years. When I started taking magnesium the pyorrhea and gingivitis cleared up. Then I noticed my right front cuspid was thinner than the left but there was also a diagonal chip in the left cuspid. I began a regimen of brushing my teeth with magnesium and within 3 months the tooth had remineralized. Both teeth are fine and the right cuspid that was thinner is now normal. It truly is a miracle mineral. I told my dentist about it but really, he didn’t pay attention. Professionals think it’s some kind of idiocy. When will they wake up?”
The type of magnesium to use on your toothbrush is magnesium oil. This is a supersaturated magnesium chloride (from seawater) in distilled water.

Not all magnesium is created equal, despite what Nancy Pelosi says.  Magnesium Oxide is ubiquitous.  It's in all of the Magnesium Complexes, and it is poorly absorbed, only about 4% of it is absorbed because it is mainly a powerful laxative.  Hello!  The preferred forms of magnesium are malate, magnesium chloride, and taurate.  I've used Citrate but learned just recently that it's not the best.  My favorite magnesium is Magtein, the brand name for Magnesium L-Threonate, which is great for the central nervous system.  Wow.  I've tried the magnesium malate but didn't like the effect for some reason.  o I will try the taurate.

Final word, vitamin D hardens enamel.  
Vitamin A supports tooth pulp.  
Vitamin C feeds blood vessels that protects your gums.  
Add magnesium as a topical and keep your pearly whites shinin' like the brightest stars in the universe.  

ReMag is a product formulated by Dr. Carolyn Dean.  Find her website here.  She's branded herself as "The Doctor of the Future."  Hello!

For more information on this product, please take a minute to watch this.  

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Tomatoes are delicious and refreshing when fresh-picked or chopped and mixed into a salsa.  And we hear how good they are for your health.  And they are.  But sometimes we find ourselves disappointed when we buy them fresh where they seem to lack all the rich taste and nutritional value.  And that is true.  That's not just folklore or rumor.  If you can find a delicious, vine-ripened tomato, those tend to be the most flavorful.  But the truth is that the tomatoes found inside a can of tomato sauce is actually more flavorful with a higher concentration of Lycopene.   

It's the Lycopene that gives tomatoes their health benefits.  Lycopene is one of 600 or more carotenoids.  Carotenoids accumulate in the skin where their protective compounds go to work.  I use the word protective because these carotenoids protect your skin from UV rays, working in this way as an anti-wrinkle food and anti-aging food.  What's not to like?  

But the health benefits of Lycopene don't end there.  According to NCBI, Lycopene is the most potent of all carotenoid free radicals.  
Lycopene, the most potent singlet oxygen quencher of all carotenoids, is a possible treatment option for male infertility because of its antioxidant properties. 
A singlet oxygen quencher is an antioxidant that destroys single oxygen free radicals.  
Dietary carotenoids seem to participate in the prevention of photooxidative stress by accumulating as antioxidants in the skin.  
Lycopene is the most potent of all carotenoids.  In fact, carotenoids have more powerful antioxidant activity than vitamin E.  
Carotenoids are known to be powerful O2 (1Δgquenchers,() and their activities are much higher than that of α-tocopherol and other biological antioxidants.
When the two are combined, Lycopene with vitamin E, they are a powerful compound for reducing erythema.
Stahl, et al () found that combination of a relatively low dose of total carotenoids (25 mg/day) and vitamin E (RRR-α-tocopherol; 335 mg/day) significantly diminished the erythema (redness of the skin) on dorsal skin induced by illumination with UV light after 8 weeks.  
Eat your tomatoes and your watermelon and your red apples.  Not only is Lycopene good for your skin, it has terrific affects on your overall fertility, while enhancing your immunity.  Incorporate this food in your diet. 
other beneficial effects via nonoxidative mechanisms in the testis, such as gap junction communication, modulation of gene expression, regulation of the cell cycle and immunoenhancement. 
To achieve these results, however, one must take 4-8mgs per day for 4 to 12 months.  Fine.  You want these health benefits?  Great.  Take Lycopene on a daily basis for a full year and voila!

Okay, so reports on how much lycopene one should get on a daily basis varies.  The above NCBI article cites 4-8mgs per day.  But this Telegraph article says that one needs closer to 22mgs per day.  
One serving of cooked tomatoes a day, and several servings of fresh tomatoes a week. You should ideally eat 22 mg of lycopene a day; there are 27 mgs in two tablespoons of tomato purée. On a gram-for-gram basis, cherry tomatoes contain more lycopene than large tomatoes.
So far no mention of how many milligrams are found in an average-sized tomato.  

How should I eat them?

Here, canned is better than fresh. Lycopene is better absorbed when it is consumed in processed products, such as baked beans and tinned tomatoes, rather than as whole tomatoes. Choose tomato-based pasta sauces rather than creamy ones. Organic tomato ketchup is particularly good, and tomatoes are a fine excuse for a Bloody Mary.  

That surprised me.  You get more Lycopene in processed products

Tomato-based foods offer the highest concentrations of lycopene, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Because carotenoids are fat-soluble nutrients, cooking tomatoes with oil or eating cooked tomatoes with small amounts of fat increases the amount of lycopene that your body can absorb. Tomato sauces, pastes, soups and juices contain more lycopene than the fresh vegetable. One cup of canned tomato paste provides 75 mg of lycopene, compared to 5 mg[s] in one cup of raw tomatoes, the Linus Pauling Institute notes. Watermelon, pink, grapefruit, guava, apricots and papaya contain lycopene. These nutritious foods also provide vitamin C, potassium, folate and other antioxidant pigments.
That should be the final word on tomatoes and lycopene.  You get more Lycopene in processed foods. The one citation above even pointed to ketchup.  I used to think that Ronald Reagan was crazy when he and his commission cited ketchup as a vegetable, but apparently it has enough nutrients in it to have some protective effect against aging, illness, and a more youthful look.  

This was interesting.  If you consume too much carotenoids, they will deposit in your skin and turn your skin yellow, red, or orange.  I once consumed too much carrot juice one night and woke the next with orange arm pits.  Literally.  I freaked out and went to the Emergency Room the afternoon of the next day where the doctor asked if I had consumed any carrot juice.  Guilty as charged.  The best way to get the right amount is not really through supplementation but through food.  Your body will select the amount of Lycopene it needs and discard the rest.