Showing posts with label Dr. Joseph Mercola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Joseph Mercola. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2021

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Vaccine passports are part of a financial transaction control grid that will absolutely end human liberty in the west.

western democracies where we have a balance of power between the bankers and the people.  The central bankers control monetary policy, and the people vote for an electorate that controls fiscal policy.   Now what we’re watching with COVID laws all around the world is that central bankers moving in and exercising essentially a coup de grace, where they take control of fiscal policy as well. 

This is not the first time in history that plague laws have been used to centralize control: control of transportation, control of labor, control of banking, and bank account.  Control of all the different kinds of capital that make up civilization. But the COVID laws are particularly draconian in the history of plague laws, because not only do they control labor, transportation, banking, but now with the advances in digital technology, we’re looking at complete control through the banking system through 100% of all assets ultimately.

So, what happens here?  So, for many, many years, most of us have grown up in a world in the western democracies where we have a balance of power between the bankers and the people.  The central bankers control monetary policy, and the people vote for an electorate that controls fiscal policy.   Now what we’re watching with COVID laws all around the world is that central bankers moving in and exercising essentially a coup de grace, where they take control of fiscal policy as well.  And again with the advances in digital technology, vaccine passports will not be about health.  Vaccine passports are part of a financial transaction control grid that will absolutely end human liberty in the west.  For many years, I have fought and written against central control of the financial system.  We’ve centralized more and more capital, more and more control.  And we’ve done it with tactics called “Divide and Conquer,” and we’ve all experienced many “Divide and Conquer” tactics: men against women, black against white, but now we have a new one: the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.  Because if you’re going to centralize every aspect of people’s lives, and literally strip them of their assets and property rights, you need a new, more venal “Divide and Conquer” and we can’t let that happen. 


Monday, November 8, 2021

Once a drug is fully licensed, it is subject to liability. One thing that was necessary in order to push mandates forward was for the government to say it had a licensed product.

"Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID shot was approved (licensed) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on August 23, 2021, but only for adults, and only when carrying the Comirnaty label. No other COVID shot has been FDA approved. . ."

"you're the guinea pigs, and they're not collecting the data."

"You can attempt to sue the [vaccine] company that made the product if you're convinced that it was improperly made, but the Secretary of HHS has to give you the permission to sue."

Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D. begins her presentation at the 2:30 mark.  Find more on her here.  

All of the COVID vaccines and most of the COVID treatment products have not been approved.  Approved means licensed.  All except one, which the Pfizer vaccine for adults 16 and up got approved, i.e., licensed on August 23, 2021, but every other vaccine, and for every other age-group, and the boosters have only been authorized under emergency use authorizations.  There's a critical difference.  Once a drug is fully licensed, it is subject to liability.  One thing that was necessary in order to push mandates forward was for the government to say it had a licensed product.  So before the EUA, you had licensed drugs and you had experimental drugs and nothing else.  You had no gray areas.  These are still experimental drugs.  Under Emergency Use, EUA, you can't force people.  You have to offer them options, tell them what their options are, and they have the right to refuse.  So since that is part of the statute, the federal government can't get around it, so they wanted a licensed product to avoid the provisions of the statute and enable them to impose mandates.  So they must have put pressure on the FDA, and the FDA gave them what they wanted, which was a license for the Pfizer vaccine only, called Corminaty on August 23, 2021.  FDA has become clown world.  What they do now is to perform a charade of all of the normal regulatory processes that they are expected to do, and I just want to tell you [that] you're the guinea pigs, and they're not collecting the data.  Nobody should be getting these shots. 

Pregnant women are now the new gold rush for vaccines.  Because once a company is absent of any liability, the profitability of the product increases dramatically.  But products under EUA, and this is based on the 2005 piece of legislation, have their own special government program for liability, called the Counter-Measures Injury Compensation Program.  And this is a terrible program.  Is this the PREP Act?  No.  It's a subset of the PREP Act.  the Prep Act enabled the Counter-Measures Injury Compensation Program to be created by Congress.  Congress has to allocate money for it.  So if you're injured by an Emergency Use Authorization vaccine, you don't get any legal process.  The companies have had all of their liability waved.  There is a single process that is administrative, administrated through HHS where some employees there decide whether you deserve to be compensated or not, and the maximum money you can obtain is about $370,000 if you're totally disabled or die.  And the money is only to compensate you for lost wages or possibly medical bills that haven't been paid.  And in the 15 to 16 years that this program has existed, they've only paid out 29 claims, two for each year of its existence.  And so far, though they've had hundreds and hundreds of claims from COVID vaccines, they haven't paid out a single one.  And that is very important because the statute of limitations is just 1 year.  So it's getting close to running out for people who were vaccinated early, and if you don't apply, you'll lose your opportunity to get anything from this program.  In fact, it's really an opportunity to apply and get nothing, because almost nobody gets paid, and then you have nowhere to go.  There's no further appeals process.  You can ask them to compensate you just twice, and if they say no, that's it.  You can attempt to sue the company that made the product if you're convinced that it was improperly made, but the Secretary of HHS has to give you permission to sue.  You have to prove that there was willful misconduct, and no one has ever achieved that bar so there has never been a lawsuit under this. 

11:07  So anyway if you get a vaccine under EUA, you've got nothing, you're going nowhere.  If you're injured, you're on your own.  So what happened is President Biden and his administration decided it was going to be very important to institute mandates for these vaccines.  Now we don't know why that is; it doesn't make sense.  Large numbers of Americans are recovered and have durable, long-lasting immunity, much stronger than what you would achieve from the vaccine, which is limited only to immunity against spike.  Wears off over the next few months that would permanently limit the kind of immune response you would make were you to be infected with COVID again.  So there's absolutely no good reason to vaccinate some who has recovered.  And several bad reasons that you can harm them.  There's a higher rate of injury in the recovered if you vaccinate them.  And you may damage their immune response later.  

12:15  But for reasons best known to itself, the Biden administration was so certain it needed to vaccinate everybody but it has used illegal means to tell federal employers that they will lose federal contracts if they don't force their employees to be vaccinated immediately and must fire them if they're healthcare workers, for example, or government employees, or the military if they have not been vaccinated.  Now, obviously, that is creating a great deal of chaos, particularly in the healthcare industry, particularly in my state, where these draconian rules went into effect on Friday, and many fire departments, police, EMTs, nurses, and doctors can no longer work in Maine.  

13:06  One thing that was necessary to push mandates forward was for the government to say that it had a licensed product.  Because the statute that enables the Emergency Use Authorization, EUA, to be issued . . . so before the Emergency Use you had "licensed drugs" and "experimental drugs" and nothing else.  There were no gray areas.  So when they brought these in, they were still experimental drugs under emergency use.  You can't force people.  You have to offer them options.  Tell them what their options are and they have the right to refuse.  So since that is part of the statute, the federal government can't get around it.  So they wanted a licensed product to avoid the provisions of the statute.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

MODERN-DAY BOOK BURNING: Elizabeth Warren & Adam Schiff Try to Discredit Mercola Book, "The Truth About COVID-19"

Apparently, it's not just Elizabeth Warren who is cajoling Amazon to ban Mercola's book, but also California's Mr. Ubiquitous, Adam Schiff.  

Mercola is co-author, along with Ronnie Cummins, of The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal, Joseph Mercola, and Ronnie Cummins, 2021.  These politicians truly hate anyone who, one, thinks and forms conclusions, not in line with the official narrative, and two, someone who does their own research.  Oh my, God.  She is calling Mercola and Cummins' findings "conspiracy theory."  These politicians are ever more desperate, aren't they? 

Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 abound; some insist that the virus is a hoax, others promote false cures to COVID-19, and many have led to untold illnesses and deaths. Despite the fact that vaccination remains our greatest tool to protect Americans from the virus, myths about COVID-19 vaccines continue to spread, often facilitated by technology companies that refuse to curb misinformation. 

The book perpetuates dangerous conspiracies about COVID-19 and false and misleading information about vaccines. It asserts that vitamin C, vitamin D and quercetin … can prevent COVID-19 infection … And the book contends that vaccines cannot be trusted, when study after study has demonstrated the overwhelming effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

Newsconcerns reports that

Two days later, September 9, 2021, U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., followed in Warren’s footsteps, sending letters6 to Facebook and Amazon, calling for more prolific censorship of vaccine information.7 

All that she is doing is trying to suppress free speech.  At least co-author, Ronnie Cummins, replied to Warren here.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Coffee Is Rich in Polyphenols But Spikes Insulin

Coffee is a stimulant whose breakdown products spike insulin. But coffee has a dark color and that means it is rich in polyphenols or anti-oxidants. Remember, any color in any that occurs naturally is rich in polyphenols. Blueberries, cherries, raspberries, all rich in polyphenols.  Unsweetened chocolate--rich in polyphenols.  Coffee is rich in polyphenols but its breakdown products do spike insulin.  So you need to make the call whether it is worth it.  I like it, so, yes, to me, it is worth it.
Decaffeinated coffee is soaked in methelyne chloride.  The same stuff is used to soak your laundry at the laundromat when they dry clean it.  This pulls out the caffeine.  Then they try to drive off all of the methelyne chloride and then add the flavors back.  What!  That doesn't make sense. This method may be the cheapest method to extract the caffeine.  There are more expensive, time-consuming methods that uses hot water to extract caffeine.  Caffeine is more water-soluble than the polyphenols are. 
He says that most people don't do well with coffee--caffeinated or de-caffeinated.  Hmm. 
He recommends teas, particularly green tea.  He cites the green color in green tea as possessing a lot of polyphenols.  But all teas have color. I haven't come across a single tea in my life that doesn't have color.  Unless you're talking about plain hot water; if so, that's not tea.  He explains that black tea (there's your colors) are fermented green teas. Didn't know that. He says that black teas, like Lipton teas and others, have only 1/10 the amount of polyphenols that green has.  Again, not heard that before. It's why green tea tastes more bitter than black tea.  Interesting.  So the bitterness of a food also indicates a higher concentration of polyphenols? Apparently so if you're comparing chocolates.
To knock out the bitter taste of green tea, he recommneds adding lemon or sugar.  He points out that tea has about half the caffeine as coffee. One cup of green tea will contain about 600 ORAC units. The higher the units, the greater concentration of polyphenols.  Dr. Mercola explains what polyphenols are and why they're important:  
Polyphenols are phytochemicals, meaning compounds found abundantly in natural plant food sources that have antioxidant properties. There are over 8,000 identified polyphenols found in foods such as tea, wine, chocolates, fruits, vegetables, and extra virgin olive oil, just to name a few.
Polyphenols play an important role in maintaining your health and wellness.  Antioxidants as a group help protect the cells in your body from free radical damage, thereby controlling the rate at which you age.
If your body does not get adequate protection, free radicals can become rampant, causing your cells to perform poorly. This can lead to tissue degradation and put you at risk of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease, for example.
Healthwise, seems that coffee is best when fully caffeinated and enjoyed with a meal to minimize the spike in inuslin.  So enjoy a cup today.