Thursday, January 2, 2025

NICOLE NONYA: Remember, in 1917, Balfour made a deal with Jewish banker Jacob Rothschild for Palestine in exchange for forcing the USA into WW1.

Wow! from Nicole Nonya,
Churchill was a drunk heavily in debt to the Jewish bankers. He sold the British out to prop up communist Jewish Bolshevik's theft of Palestine. Remember, in 1917, Balfour made a deal with Jewish banker Jacob Rothschild for Palestine in exchange for forcing the USA into WW1. There's a reason Zionists silence everyone with Anti Semitism accusations, if truth were legal, they'd be a footnote in history. The Palestinian people are paying for the sins of ALL Westerners who refuse to get off their asses and have sustained protests by the millions with 1 clear demand, Zionists resign, no more censorship.  
#Gaza is the world's future until people make coalitions to isolate the US and Israel which I do believe is coming. 

In the Name of Zion, a 2020 documentary narrated by James Corbett.  

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