Sunday, October 6, 2024


Owen Benjamin makes excellent points about people and government, and how people like to leverage government to tackle their enemies.  I've seen that first and myself.

During covert we were watching how everything was getting locked down.  There was one day where they said that you couldn't have gatherings of more than 250 people, and so I was going to do a show called "251" as a protest against that.  I felt like that was the beginning of something really bad when you can have these nonsense rules that don't make any logical sense to limit people from being together, forming groups.  To me, that felt like one of those horrible dystopian novels.  It's one thing if the rule makes sense but how is 251 different from 249 that to me was like the beginning of what I thought could be communism so we did this thing where I said a 5000 people donated $400 I could buy a $2 million, 350 acre place with all these facilities and we could have our own events on private property.  We didn't hit that number at all, but we did get enough money to get 10 acres of land, so we got the land.  And we'd have camping and we would do all these cool events, and people were crying because they got to see someone else's face.  A lot of people forget how nuts COVID-19 was, where you couldn't see another human being's face, like micro expressions, smiling, their eyes.  It was really a beautiful thing.

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