Monday, September 9, 2024

AUSTIN FITTS: November 1995, is when the FDA approved OxyContin and when HUD . . . radically upped the predatory lending and the mortgage guys . . . that's when the beat down on the poor neighborhoods really accelerated [with] the pill mills . . . and you had the private prison move with rounding up, and, Wow. Of course, the illegal drugs were pouring in.

"You have to depopulate the G7 can't keep the rackets going and have this many people. [And now you have] Larry Fink bragging about how [they've] created an economic model where with AI and automation, we can grow the economy with a shrinking population."

Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report () Catherine Austin Fitts describes for Ryan Cristián () how there was a "financial coup" of U.S. federal tax money that began in the fiscal quarter of 1998. This coup, which has now seen more than $20 trillion of taxpayer money go missing (between 1998 and 2015 alone), has come alongside a drop in life expectancy in the U.S. Fitts says that there was an attempt to balance the U.S. federal budget in 1995, but when that failed, that's when the FDA approved OxyContin and when HUD "radically upped the predatory lending and the mortgage guys." "If you look at life expectancy charts, that's exactly when life expectancy starts to turn down, first in the poor income groups, but then it accelerates dramatically during the pandemic," Fitts adds. "And if you look at our fertility...the only [country] who drops more [than we did] is China...And they had a one-child policy." Partial transcription of clip: "If you look at a building wealth reset versus direct going direct reset, essentially, here's the fundamental issue. If you look at how much the rackets are skimming from the economy, it is mind boggling. It's amazing that the wealth is as great as it is given the racket skim. So we have to dramatically reduce the racket skim Right. Or make it official and make it properly managed. Because right now, the racket skim is destroying productivity across the across the spectrum. So you have to reduce the racket skim or you have to somehow make it, you know, official and manage it properly, or you have to depopulate in the in the G7 nations. You have to do one or the other. You can't, you can't keep the rackets going and have this many people. "You know, it's interesting. The the financial coup started at the beginning of fiscal 1998. And but in the spring of 1997, the largest pension fund owner, president in the country, president of CalPERS, I was making a presentation on what I would now describe as the building wealth reset and how we could use new technology to make communities fantastically productive. Get government money out, dramatically reduce the deficit. And he looked at me and he said, 'You don't understand. It's too late. They've given up on the country.' I said, 'What do you mean it's too late?' He said 'They're moving all the money out starting in the fall.' "He said this to me in the spring of 1997. The fall of '97 is the beginning of the fiscal 1998 year, and that's when the money started to go missing. But it was clear to me that he was referring to they had given up. During 1995, there was a big effort to get the federal budget finally on a fiscally responsible basis. It ended up with a three-week budget war. You know, the government shut down, and, Rubin, as secretary of treasury went in and raided the exchange stabilization fund, which I think scared the guys who run the financial system to death because that's their sort of, you know, stash. And and I think that's when they gave up. And what was interesting is in the next month, November 1995, is when the FDA approved OxyContin and when HUD, you know, radically upped the predatory lending and the mortgage guys. And that's when the beat down on the poor neighborhoods really accelerated because they got the pill mills Right. The predatory lending, and you had the private prison move with rounding up and, wow. Of course, the illegal drugs were pouring in. "If you look at life expectancy charts, that's exactly when life expectancy starts to turn down, first in the poor income groups, but then it accelerates dramatically during the pandemic. And if you look at a chart of life expectancy in the 20 most industrialized countries, literally 19 look like this, and the United States looks like this. Wow. Now it's frightening. And if you look at our fertility, it also looks like this. The only one who drops more is China. Yeah. You know, and they had a one-child policy. Then so I have a new article called "Musings on Department of Defense," where I have those 2 charts, but I have a third video. And that's Larry Fink bragging about how we've now created an economic model where with AI and automation, we can grow the economy with the shrinking population."

Complete interview with Austin Fitts is here.

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