Monday, September 9, 2024

Trump put $18 billion dollars behind a mass atrocity program and facilitated a process that shut down 35% of American small businesses

if we support them, we're supporting genocide.  They will genocide us.  In fact, they have, or certainly Trump and Harris have.  They both market genocide.  They both support genocide.  Congress is supporting genocide.  --Catherine Austin Fitts

Bobby, Trump, and Harris who support genocide.

I don't know how you get past that.

You can't.  You can't get past genocide because if we support them we're supporting genocide.  They will genocide us.  In fact, they have, or certainly Trump and Harris have.  Harris is still requiring the COVID shots to work on her campaign.  So I can't get past that.

I can make a compelling argument as to why you should vote for Trump I really can.  There are very logical reasons to vote for Trump over Harris.  They both support genocide.  They both market genocide.  They both support genocide.

They both want digital IDs.  They both want the Biometric tracking system, like all these things.

But let's look at Congress. Congress is supporting genocide.

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