Sunday, September 15, 2024

OWEN BENJAMIN: The future is very bright. Everyone has a unique and incredible mission here. And be grateful for everything the entire time

People's dopamine is so empty and so many are completely drained that they have to keep doing these assassination attempts just to keep anyone paying attention to the election.

When you have a drunk lady known for BJs bickering with an Orange guy ranting about people eating dogs there’s not much left in the tank. The ear shot is already a distant memory and no one actually cared so they just did a remake with Ukraine and golf apparently. It’s like being on cocaine for days and days. You just need more and more to keep your eyes open. That’s how the script is getting.
The real answer is at home. Keep your hope and faith in what actually matters and it will grow. The future is very bright. Everyone has a unique and incredible mission here. And be grateful for everything the entire time. This life is a gift. Cherish it and the people around you.

Much love.
Hope is good. Never forget that. Despair is a sin and it’s weak.

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