Friday, September 6, 2024

IMPERSONATING AN OFFICER AT THE NYPD? Jason Goodman at Wolcott Migrant Hotel in New York City

The "detective" that Jason spoke to gave a false name.  Like most clowns, the "Hugh Johnson" is a reference to "huge Johnson," a big dick.  What a surprise.  Jason missed that because he was expecting a professional response to his real concerns and honorable efforts.  If you've ever worked in government with local boys, then you'll have no problem grasping what just took place.  The absolute vacancy of accountability by any government agency is not what he'd expected, which leads him to grow a little paranoid by the conspiratorial absence of professional civic conduct by anybody.  No one is honoring their role.  This is your good ol' boy network, and you ain't in it.  So the NYPD played him.  Your selfied stick is not enough to document events, and you'll need a real live witness with you in that hostile territory.  Jason, don't expect to be talking to any responsive, or responsible, agents in government.  Going forward, know that you are in their territory and that you're playing with bureaucratic gangs, i.e., thugs.  

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