Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Local governments in Texas are charging people for property taxes.  

Mitch, how did you come across this conspiracy to defraud homeowners in Texas.  

1:33. I am a 35-year builder developer with a background and statistical probability and quantitative Finance I'm originally from Windsor Ontario Canada and I left my home country because of the socialism and now here I am investigating what has come our way since 2016 when I realized that Denton Central and Appraisal District was committing fraud on the public and I didn't realize the depth until 2016 but I knew something was wrong.  And then in 2017, that's when we really started digging in because they tried to jump the value of one of my retail buildings from what had been settled in 2016 at roughly a million dollars to $1.7 million.  Well, coincidentally my income went down; if my income goes down on an income producing property, please explain how the value goes to $1.7 million.  In other words, even at $1.7 million the income off the property could not support the taxes.  The property could never generate the revenue to support the taxes.  So we filed in 2017 all the way through . . . you know we've been filing year after year after year lawsuits; we have one every single one of them, but this is not inexpensive.  So finally what happened in 2023 I told Matt in 2016 there was a wizard behind the screen doing this because there is no computer system on this planet that could be monkeying with these numbers to the point that what we had discovered.  In August, 2023, Don Spencer, the chief appraiser, stood in front of the board and told the board that they took 60,000 properties outside of the database, manipulated them in Excel, and put them back.  The person who did it, her name is Rebecca Townsend; she works directly for Don Spencer.  Here is the problem: she is the wizard behind the screen.  Admittedly, okay?  A week after that, Charles Stafford, the Board of Directors member, stands in front of the board and tells the public, "Mr. Spencer, you and your team are the masters at guessing."  Those two issues alone prove the entirety of the case.  They have admitted to manipulating the data, but it gets even better.  The day Mr Spencer said that statement I have something called an infection rate spreadsheet which is actually used for studying how fast a disease rolls through a county or country so I applied that man to Mr Spencer's statement of 60,000 and that turned out to be 76% abase corrupt database and that proves right on the spot that they are committing fraud on a massive scale but it got worse let's just say that Don Spencer lied which is a very high probability let's turn it from $60,000 to 880,000 that became 92% corrupt data and what they've been doing year after year is not using true comparisons so if you go all the way back to 2016 and just on one property that one property has six comparisons for the sake of argument that's typically what they use well if two out of the six are erroneous such as what they just did with my house by way of example they gave me a comp that's 35 miles away in Carolton, Texas.  And they gave me another comparison in North Lake Texas, which is about 22 miles away.  Yet I built the subdivision that I am literally standing in right now, okay.  The law says you have to use like kind comparisons.  How better can you get that the comparisons from your own subdivision?  So the point of the matter is they have cumulatively compounded fraud at least since 2016 that we can prove, and by the overall scheme of things therein lies the whole problem.  And that's why their databases are irretrievably corrupted and that's why you have a whole host of co-conspirators.  And the people we are calling co-conspirators are those who have signed an oath, as oath of office, to protect and defend the constitution of the state of Texas and the United States of America.  They violated that oath, and under Texas Penal Code that's a third degree felony.  So as I keep saying, they do not have a defense.  They're caught.  

6:00. To put this in layman terms, what's happening is according to your research the local governments in Texas are saying well we need x amount of money this year well let's just say it's a billion dollars and for us to get the billion dollars in property taxes we have to increase the appraisal value of the overall housing stock by let's say 30%, and whereas obviously they're kind of reverse engineering the number they need instead of a biting by the law which gives the appraiser a formula to use and based on this formula that's what the housing price or the appraisal should be and then you're paying a percentage of that but unfortunately if they were being honest about it the county or the city wouldn't get enough of these property taxes to fund the local school districts nor would anyone buy their bonds because let's remember that the cash flow from these property taxes is the underlying asset from a lot of these municipal bonds that are being sold so you have this daisy chain you have this Domino effect where they've got themselves painted into a corner where they said look we've just got to literally commit fraud on homeowners property values based on how much tax we need them to pay.  

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