Sunday, September 15, 2024

COL. DOUGLAS MACGREGOR: At this point the DOD is the DMV (department of military vehicles) They are great at moving hardware and Personnel around but not at much else.

Houthis fired a hypersonic missile into the Centre of Tel Aviv yesterday - evading Saudi and Israeli AD (obviously).

The missile covered 1,300 Miles in less than 12 min. These are ground/air-based hypersonics - approaching Mach 9. There is no defense against this attack - none. Then, the Russians reportedly also have space based MIRV multiple independent reentry rocket payload mounted on hypersonic glide vehicles (HGV) hitting speeds of Mach 25. (Avangard Platform) Meanwhile, President wants to waste more money on the old force structure when we should scrap much of it and begin fielding a new force. At this point the DOD is the DMV (department of military vehicles) They are great at moving hardware and Personnel around but not at much else. They remain stuck in the WW2/Cold War paradigm. It’s time to retrench and build for the future. Ending the conflicts in Ukraine and the ME is vital for the US and our friends.

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