Wednesday, September 11, 2024

16:20  If you're in the educational system at all, you know there's an entire industry based on training and methods, and there's a large amount of money that goes into people developing whatever new, Kagan, whatever new disciplinary educational strategies are going to do everything.  And these things are always promised to fix the promise specifically, now, of course, the most important problem they can fix is the gap between minority students and other populations.  That's supposed to be the thing that they're always selling.  Over and over, these methods are failures, that actually the oldest methods, things like direct instruction, are actually the most effective method.

41:00  Richard de Juvenel's Sovereignty: An Inquiry into the Political Good, 1998.  

Leaders had to invoke a divine right because people had a problem understanding the authority without a connection to the metaphysical.  It just didn't make sense, and it still doesn't.  People still operate in our background, like we're still deeply religious and spiritual creatures.  No matter how you feel about that particular software program, it continues to run.  And so we end up in a scenario where people who go in and try to make highly rational decisions on a regular basis in politics lose, and they can't figure out why.  Political commentators need to spend more time at WalMart, 

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